General Discussion

General DiscussionHow far can i go?

How far can i go? in General Discussion
Friendly player

    How far can i go with my current knowledge of am? I know im abusing carry abilities against 300gpm 1k's but i still understand how to control this hero at some point.


      i would say to solid 1.2 k or something


        Your name says it all.


          If you adopt similar playstyle for other heroes you play, you can go much higher. Splitpush + force rotations, farm up until you are the most farmed hero in the game, rarely join teamfights etc. That alone is enough to hit 2-2,5k when you main pos 1...

          Friendly player

            The first guy says i can go up to 1.2k, bro did you even check my profile or you just guessed that im <1k player for some reason?
            Second guy thinks that nicknames are ment to describe something more than a joke in a game with such "friendly" community.

            Yeah split pushing is a great idea, i could've think about that before but you know when your team dies and your not there, few reports kinda annoys me.

            Potato Marshal

              Honest opinion, I'd say around 3k before your winrate with AM starts to stagnate, mid 2k at the very least. You buy treads before bf at least, and aghs on AM is very good in lower brackets where players aren't coordinated enough to deal with it most of the times.


                Mid 2k.


                  When people start to actually have brains and get ready to xounter pick as soon as they see your name

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    The first guy says i can go up to 1.2k, bro did you even check my profile or you just guessed that im <1k player for some reason?
                    Second guy thinks that nicknames are ment to describe something more than a joke in a game with such "friendly" community.

                    stop being such a salty dickhead
                    Anyway, low 2k
                    Die less


                      probably until you run into solid offlaners and roamers who take your tower at 10min and go push other lanes after
                      youll win 90% of games with a jungler on enemy team because you dont get challenged alot. changes at about 2.2-2.4k :)


                        3k i think , will need some other hero’s to rotate in after that tho

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          changes at about 2.2-2.4k :)

                          not really