General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed advice

Need advice in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    So uh... my girlfriend has expressed a desire to spend more time with me, doing things I like (most of the time we do shit she wants because, well, pu$$y ain't free apparently and I am a beta piece of $hit so I never said anything about it, not to mention I don't have any better ideas and I like spending time with her anyways).

    Anyways she asked me what dota's like and if I can show her how it's played and stuff (lul a 3k player teaching others, golden times). She has seen me playing a few times so she kinda knows what the game looks like and what it's about but I never got her into how it works, or explained anything, and now here's probably the biggest decision of my life:

    Do I engross her in this state of art waste of time anger simulator? She hasn't really played games in her life, period, aside from that farmville shit a long time ago or some other random games on facebook - she REALLY isn't a gamer.

    So do I ruin her life or just try to find a better and healthier activity? The thing is, I am either studying, watching anime or playing dota (and she doesn't like anime), do I try to get her into dota? I am afraid that she might come to like it because I really don't like this game that much anymore and once I finish my studies I am probably gonna commit to work more, I kinda feel weird that I'd feel the best if she doesn't become any sort of a dota player (even though I don't give a shit about being competitive, she's a really competitive person, I feel like she'd really get into the MMR grinding shit if she ends up liking dota).

    Of course, I can (and will) discuss all of this with her, I am just wondering if I even begin to include her in my dota activities.

    TL;DR: Do I get my gf into dota or not?

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    死の恐怖 Haseo

      is she hot?


        Get her into games, just make sure she doesn't become better than u or its eta gg.

        < blank >

          if you really care about her you wouldn't let her get any near dota2, this game is cancur

          Riguma Borusu

            Not that hot in general (no hourglass figure or huge tits or whatever's considered hot), but she's still pretty enough that I wonder why she's with me. Also she's about my height which I'd found really weird for most of our relationship (all my ex girlfriends were shorter than me).

            Anyways, back on topic, does anyone (ever) think that getting their girlfriends into a game that might become boring to you is a good idea?

            Get her into games, just make sure she doesn't become better than u or its eta gg.

            Lulz, no way that's happening, unless she really commits to it, and she's really hard working unlike me. Actually holy shit you're right she might become better than me if she tries because 3.7k is shit.

            if you really care about her you wouldn't let her get any near dota2, this game is cancur

            Well, I don't see it as cancer cause I don't give a shit and I play unranked, but the way I see it, if she'd really get into grinding MMR she might grow devil horns or some shit. I honestly think it might trigger a pretty bad reaction in her.

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              dump her

              < blank >

                the real question is, can you enjoy dota if you have to play non-stop party games, the first hundred games are unranked anyway

                < blank >

                  i had very bad experience getting new people into dota, they just dont get it and then you will also have those leavers because it's unranked

                  Riguma Borusu

                    the real question is, can you enjoy dota if you have to play non-stop party games, the first hundred games are unranked anyway

                    My way of playing dota is basically playing any number of games, all unranked, and not giving a shit about the outcome that much. All things considered, I am the perfect "play exclusively party unranked" candidate due to this. So that's not the problem at all.


                      dump her


                        You're looking way to far into this, to me it sounds like she has realised that most of the things you do are hers hobbies/interests and she wants to do something you're into.

                        Just play together and have fun. Live in the moment.

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          if you really care about her you wouldn't let her get any near dota2

                          Riguma Borusu

                            I feel the problem with dota in particular is that it takes hundreds of hours just to get started at learning it. But the issue is that my other hobbies just aren't things she can really participate in. I also do music, and she likes my music (that's how we met) but she cannot participate in my music because she's almost completely tone deaf, she can just appreciate it.

                            And I don't really play other games that she could get started off on faster, so do you understand my dillema? It's something she'll really need to dedicate time to just to learn how to do, and it's a game. When I got into dota I just played 10 games a day like a maniac but she would neither have time for that (for the most part) nor do I feel like I'd want her to do that.

                            But maybe you're right, all I know is that I couldn't start really enjoying dota until I had sunk hundreds of hours into it to figure at least a bit of how it works, maybe she has a different mentality about it.

                            Potato Marshal

                              Tell her the first thing she needs to learn about Dota is to start posting here on Dotabuff with all us other cool dudes!


                                As long as you keep in fun and not serious she have fun. Its safe to say her "fun" will come form doing something for and with the man she loves not dota.

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  ^while I think that way about her and her hobbies, I always struggle to think that it is reciprocated, because I'm fairly insecure (despite her telling me not to be). But holy shit, that actually makes sense. I just thought about this in the "will she find dota fun" rather than "will she find dota with me fun" way.

                                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                                    Tell her the first thing she needs to learn about Dota is to start posting here on Dotabuff with all us other cool dudes!

                                    us other cool dudes!

                                    we're cool dudes™ now

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      Well, there are some cool dudes on dotabuff.

                                      And then there are lower "hwo 2 git vhs" "lewk @my teem - 1v9 playur" lifeforms who are basically organic waste at this point.


                                        Well there's nothing like someone going out of their way to "show" you not just tell you how much they love you to get rid of your insecuresties.

                                        I say just keep it fun, relaxed, over think less and enjoy more mate.

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                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          Ty man, I feel way less anxious about this now. Guess talking to people helps you find a perspective you can't grasp.


                                            I feel like all this is a bunch of bullshit-fest combined with wet dreams, am I right?


                                              id not do that

                                              2 reasons:

                                              1) dota is a massive time consumer - either she won't like the game (good), or she will, therefore

                                              2) if she likes dota, and u will play with her, you are bound to get into conflict because of dota earlier or later, and will spend either more time (= personal issues) together or less time irl with her (which sucks imo)

                                              idk i'd stay away from gamer girls 10/10 times


                                                3 d w o m e n M E G A L U L



                                                  Get her in bro, you will have higher mmr, and she will respect you, and you will be able to treat her as 1k trash

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    I feel like all this is a bunch of bullshit-fest combined with wet dreams, am I right?

                                                    Since I had started playing dota, my RL friends I have played dota with (and who have introduced me to it) have all stopped playing dota and got jobs or continued studies, so I actually had nobody else to turn to with this question (aside from one of the friends who doesn't play dota, but his answer wasn't very helpful). The only reason I had even mentioned she's my girlfriend and not a random friend is because this can impact our relationship in more ways in this case which is why I am kinda cautious.

                                                    That being said, I could be a 60 year old woman who lives with 9 cats for all you care, as there's hardly ever a way to ascertain things for sure on the internet, but I don't see how writing this post would benefit me if it's not my actual situation. Don't take anything for granted on the internet, since anything can be a lie, but also don't infer malice/lies when there's nothing to be gained from them (that's how I see it).

                                                    id not do that
                                                    2 reasons:
                                                    1) dota is a massive time consumer - either she won't like the game (good), or she will, therefore
                                                    2) if she likes dota, and u will play with her, you are bound to get into conflict because of dota earlier or later, and will spend either more time (= personal issues) together or less time irl with her (which sucks imo)
                                                    idk i'd stay away from gamer girls 10/10 times

                                                    She really isn't a gamer girl, as I said, she only played those facebook games and shit, and I think she has some games on her mobile, but she never really played a high time consuming/tryhard game like dota before. I have never even been with a gamer girl so I don't even know what that'd be like.

                                                    Get her in bro, you will have higher mmr, and she will respect you, and you will be able to treat her as 1k trash

                                                    I really don't have the domination fetish.

                                                    3 d w o m e n M E G A L U L

                                                    One of my weeb friends told me to break up with her because she's kinda tall and we all now that loli = master race.

                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                      staying away from gamer girls implies keeping your girl away from games

                                                      i mean in the end its rly ur personal decision, whether u want to spend a massive amount of time with her playing dota without getting frustrated at all (sure, u might not be frustrated after 1, 10 or 50 games, but how about 200 games/hours?)

                                                      dont u have any irl hobbies u could do w her

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        dont u have any irl hobbies u could do w her

                                                        Well, look at it this way:

                                                        My hobbies/interests/work:
                                                        Music recording/production
                                                        Watching anime
                                                        Playing games

                                                        Basically everything I do is either on the computer or in front of it. I would never even meet her if I didn't post some of my music to a facebook group where people from my country post original music into.

                                                        So things she likes:
                                                        Drawing/painting (not sure what we could do together in this case, I can do some 3D but otherwise my 2D is shit)
                                                        Working out (I've got a bit of chub so I should do this too)
                                                        Walks (guess you can say I like it too, but that's kinda not "doing" something)
                                                        Watching movies in theaters (I kinda enjoy this too, prior to meeting her, didn't give it much thought)
                                                        Watching series like GoT (well, I don't really like GoT but I watched it all through with her so it was fun)
                                                        Listening to music (we have a similar music taste all until it comes to weeb shit)
                                                        Going to live gigs and jumping around like crazy (while I just kind of stand there and listen to music)
                                                        Reading books (another thing I can't really talk to her since I don't read them at all)

                                                        The thing is, aside from watching GoT sometimes, going to gigs, talking about music and doing normal couple-related things, we really kind of don't have too much in common, but at the same time I don't feel like the thing we have in common should be playing dota. Maybe I should actually exercise like a normal person (something I can do with her), but when I suggested that she was like kinda happy about it but also like "sure but isn't there something you'd want to do" because she felt like I felt I was being forced into it or something, when in reality things I like are all kind of not things you do with another person.

                                                        Holy shit I wrote a novel here. Also, a few months ago I was the one who thought about including her in gaming, and I was hoping she'd like minecraft, so I showed it to her but she just didn't like how the game looks at all, even though she kinda likes the concept. I never even thought to suggest dota (for the reasons outlined in this thread) until she pushed that.

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                                                          Yo man sorry I was just shit posting :D but for real, don't include her in this


                                                            I got my sister into league of legends some years ago. I had to quit lol cuz shes far better than me.


                                                              I got my sister into league of legends some years ago. I had to quit lol cuz shes far better than me.


                                                                doing stuff that she likes seems good, maybe u should stick with that, and/or try to find things u do have in common and build on them

                                                                another issue probably is that shes not used to spending lots of time in front of the pc (looking at the stuff u named as her hobbies), so she might not even be interested in gaming as much as u do

                                                                might be me though, since im not very interested in people that game

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  Actually, she's studying/working in graphic design so she does spend a lot of time in front of her PC (and she also has a pretty good one), but she still prefers to draw/paint on... physical things. She has a pretty decent tablet, but she hardly uses it unless she has to, she just prefers the pencil (or brush when she has the time to).

                                                                  While she's definitely not a "not accustomed to PC" type of a person, I know she likes staying away from it a lot more than I do, which is kind of natural I guess.


                                                                    U can do 3D hentai with her dude.

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                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      That falls under couple-related activities, unless you meant that she screams like a hentai voice actress and talks about random blatantly obvious shit during sex at which point I would want to kill myself our of cringe alone.


                                                                        x d d d d d