General Discussion

General DiscussionLeague Of Legend is Harder than DOTA2!!!!!

League Of Legend is Harder than DOTA2!!!!! in General Discussion

    One of my LoL fanboy friend sent me some link as his argument why LoL is a more complex game than dota2.

    below is the content copy pasted from that Link

    First of all iam not a fanboy of any game i played Dota 2 since 2013 currently i have 2500 hours and i have around 4300 MMR (which is very high skill league in dota) before i started playing LoL.
    Alot of people are asking if Dota 2 is harder than LoL so i decided to play some LoL after a couple of rounds i need to say clearly NO!.
    LoL is in my opionion much harder than Dota 2. The reasons for my opinion are simple and clearly out of my experience:

    Dota 2 is extremly unbalanced - I noticed after playing LoL that this game is really balanced the Champions arent really op and you are always able to comeback. When i think about some dota 2 heroes for example Wraith King i cant see any kind of a balance there. Wraith King is a hero with 3 passive abilities ( Crit, Lifesteal and for sure after he dies he respawns directly) he is extremly overpowerd after he reaches lvl 6

    Most Dota 2 skills are on target - In LoL you need to land your skills, you need to hit the enemy by using your skills in his direction, if i think about Dota 2 there are almost only targeted skills that means you only need to click on the enemy hero in range to stun him for example Wraith Kings 1. Skill is a stun

    Dota 2 is extremly luck depended - In Dota 2 you have alot of skills and items which are luck depended you have abilities and items with evasion (e.g. Butterfly 35% evasion chance), bash (e.g. Skull Basher 25% stun chance), Roshan spawn timer is also luck depended he spawns around 8-11 mins, alot of skills for example Axe's counter helix has a chance of 18% to spin in a circle and deal alot of physical dmg, and crit items e.g. Daedelus (25% cirt chance). In LoL there are also some items which are luck depended but not like in dota 2 where actually everything (creep gold, dmg of player etc. is luck depended)

    Dota 2 has alot of passive abilities - I mentioned before that there are heroes with alot of passive abilities like Wraith King, Phantom Assasin, Faceless Void etc. etc. compared to LoL there are too much passive abilities, some of them are also luck depended. In LoL every Champion has 1 passive and some of the other passives are active skills too (e.g. Poppy's 2 Skill)

    Dota 2 pro scene - I watched alot of dota 2 pro's scene (Ti3, TI4, TI5, TheSummit and much more) when i compare it to LoL's spring games its totaly easy ! LoL pro players are very very good they play extremly focused and they have a small amout of mistakes in comparision to dota 2 where the carrys misses alot of cs or the supports die without a clear reason. (srsly LoL pro scene is way way harder than dota 2 pro scene you cant compare them)

    Dota 2 doesnt require skills like kiting - if you are farmed as a carry in dota 2 (e.g as Juggernaut, Drow Ranger, Sniper, etc etc.) you can clearly stand your ground and right click everything dont i have never seen a player in my 2500 hours of experience who kited alot and smart. In LoL kiting is permanent visible and you need to kite to get alot of kills btw in dota 2 you can only carry with physical dmg (normal dmg) because there are no skill dmg increasing items e.g a hero makes 300 magical dmg at 4min he will deal 300 magical dmg also at 50 min because you arent able to increase the skill damage that means AP-Carry doesnt exist in Dota 2.

    Dota 2 Jungle is a joke - If you are jungling in dota 2 you can clearly go afk while jungling (e.g with axe) Axe is a hero who can stay in the jungle from 0 min till the game ends you dont really need mechanics and skill to jungle in dota 2 its really really easy and doesnt give you puffs like in LoL (thats the reason that jungler in Dota 2 are hated and unnecessary in LoL a Jungler is necessary and much more useful than in Dota 2)

    Maybe Last hitting is a tiny tiny bit harder in Dota 2 than in LoL, for sure you can deny in Dota 2 but alot of people dont really use this ability focused ( I remember a game where i had 70 deny's and we still got outfarmed by the enemys carry) so sometimes it doesnt really help you much. Dota 2 has only 2 heroes which are really hard they are: Meepo and Invoker but after a time of playing you will master them quite fast.

    Well as a conclusion i would say that LoL is a more skillbased game with a higher skillcap and clearly harder than Dota 2. But if you dont care about skillcap both games are really really enjoyable.

    Sheep stick is very often on the Support
    Shiva is used for Tanks you are right
    Ethernal Blade is made by Tinker, Morphling some other.
    Shadow Blade is in my opinion a Item which shouldnt be build only on Shadow Fiend its allowed
    Mekansm is used by Supports and rarely on Cores like Viper or Shadow Fiend ( the only reason here is their ability to outfarm enemy heroes very quickly)

    Well Dota 2 has more active items thats true but I dont really think that these items are hard to use especially for Dagon, Shadow Blade. Additionaly I think that the Summoner Spells are a really good replacement for them.
    Thanks for reading my opinion and iam now playing LoL actively but for sure i will play some games Dota 2 aswell.

    is this guy high on drug or some shit? Doubt any 4.3k player(even 2k), would cry WK is OP! Hex is usually built on sup hero! Mek is rarely used by core(shadow fiend)! Jungle in dota2 is allowed to afk till end game with 0 skill!

    Probably some random guy calibrated at 430 mmr, definitely not 4.3k rofl

    Este tema ha sido editado

      League is the worst game ever fucking made lmfao, Dota2 is more complex and harder than League Of Lesbians.

      Whoever claims that League is harder has autism and is probably Bronze in League.


        Wk is OP? :laugh:
        Get a pos 1/2 hero with a decent attack speed and diffu n then talk about mr op lol
        And League of Lesbians is the retarded version of dota, in a game where you can't deny your creeps(that shit pisses me off)


          This is mostly nonsense, but that part about the pro scene is very true. Top LoL teams are insanely refined to a degree that DotA teams have never reached


            After reading 40% of the post, I've come in conclusion that your friend belongs to 1k bracket and has 0 knowledge about dota 2(FeelsBadMan)

            Riguma Borusu

              bad troll

              chicken spook,,,,

                Dota 2 doesnt require skills like kiting



                  wk is not op at a hes so trash only very situational or in normal skil games
                  i wont read anymore and i know any ppl told me in caffes LoL is much easier

                  Riguma Borusu

                    comparing lol to dota is like comparing metal slug to chess


                      just sharing this for a good laugh, one of the most hilarious stuff i've read this year lol

                      Riguma Borusu

                        tbh though LoL would probably be harder to me than dota because it values an arcade-like playstyle way more than thinking about the game. I am really bad at arcade games because they require a lot of motor skills which my hands really do not have, and lol thrives on that shit, even in dota I am bad at playing reactionary to initiation and unexpected shit, in lol reflexes are like half the game and predicting shit isn't as worthwhile as it is in dota.

                        Este comentario fue editado

                          Clearly your friend is around 1k mmr and bought a 4k mmr account or abused some calibration a while abck

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            From what I've heard LoL is more fast paced, and less strategy oriented
                            Teamfights are decided by your spellcasts, at least that's what my friends say about it

                            one-man bukakke

                              is this bait?


                                Read the post with an open mind, came to the same conclusion as everyone else; this guy must be sub 1k, doesn't even have a basic understanding of the game.

                                Can think of many ground/point targeted abilities and skillshots off the top of my head, imo all the different skills just define each hero and give them more character. Some heroes depend on RNG, wouldn't say the game as a whole is extremely luck dependent, Valve have taken steps to make sure the RNG evens out over time. In fact, it adds to the skill and judgment required when not everything is 100% predictable.

                                Void with "alot of passives"? Lol.

                                It's true that only physical damage scales, but it's not like nukers have 0 impact in the late game. I don't see it as a problem that we don't have "AP-carries", there's still a very wide pool of carries with different styles.

                                i have never seen a player in my 2500 hours of experience who kited alot and smart

                                Doubt you'll see that at sub 1k mate lol.

                                70 denies and got outfarmed? Guess you failed to take advantage in the early midgame.


                                  I can feel braincells dying while reading this


                                    lmfao was fun trolling uguys


                                      What r u guys saying , obviously dota2 is ezier and a daed gaem lol


                                        hehe, LoL number1!!!! doto ez gaaming

                                        KDA ratio is just a number!!

                                          I agree with your friend, LoL is just so much better than dota


                                            its called S H I T P O S T boys


                                              Yeah guys DOTES is the easiest game that has ever been created on earth, LoL complex AF.


                                                Last time i played lol on i was singed and just Run Solo everywhere i wanted and noone ever killed me.
                                                That was the point when i noticed how fucking pointless this game is.


                                                  i really doubt that guy is 4k :D


                                                    I don't know what LoL pro scene is like, but when it comes to strategy and difficulty of the game I think this guy has very superficial knowledge about Dota, how tf was he even 4.3k.

                                                    I had already heard from a friend of mine who plays LoL that in LoL the champions are more balanced and none of them is too op. He used to play Dota as well but the op sniper and troll from patch 6.8x made him tilt so much that he had to quit lmao. He's always complained about sniper's ridiculous range and thought of him as unkillable.

                                                    I think my friend and this guy's problem is that they don't think outside of the box, which is exactly what Dota pushes you to do and that's why Dota is more complex. Yes, sniper has a long range, WK has passives and that ulti, but there are so many ways to counter these things, so many strategies you can revolve around to exploit these heroes' weaknesses. Also from what I've seen, and this is the n.1 reason why I don't like LoL besides the cartoonish graphics, in LoL games seem more static, they have very defined roles and there's much less flexibility. I've never directly played LoL but I heard a lot about it and watched games of people in the gaming center I used to go to (one of them even plays in a major league in my country) and no, there's no way LoL is harder than Dota.

                                                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                      A 2.5k buddy of mine is plat in league.
                                                      Haff man left his VHS dota advemtures for ez lol games.
                                                      a league player was once watching me play naga, "how tf is having 3 more other units to control be playable?"


                                                        "Wraith King is a hero with 3 passive abilities ( Crit, Lifesteal and for sure after he dies he respawns directly) he is extremly overpowerd after he reaches lvl 6"
                                                        5th pick AM/PL enjoy the fun

                                                        "Most Dota 2 skills are on target - In LoL you need to land your skills, you need to hit the enemy by using your skills in his direction, if i think about Dota 2 there are almost only targeted skills that means you only need to click on the enemy hero in range to stun him for example Wraith Kings 1. Skill is a stun"
                                                        huh WK again lmao

                                                        "Roshan spawn timer is also luck depended he spawns around 8-11 mins"
                                                        Luck? I called perfect timing with goooood vision

                                                        "Dota 2 has alot of passive abilities - I mentioned before that there are heroes with alot of passive abilities like Wraith King, Phantom Assasin, Faceless Void etc. etc. compared to LoL there are too much passive abilities, some of them are also luck depended. In LoL every Champion has 1 passive and some of the other passives are active skills too (e.g. Poppy's 2 Skill)"
                                                        don't call urself gamer bruh

                                                        "Dota 2 pro scene - I watched alot of dota 2 pro's scene (Ti3, TI4, TI5, TheSummit and much more) when i compare it to LoL's spring games its totaly easy ! LoL pro players are very very good they play extremly focused and they have a small amout of mistakes in comparision to dota 2 where the carrys misses alot of cs or the supports die without a clear reason. (srsly LoL pro scene is way way harder than dota 2 pro scene you cant compare them)"
                                                        Tell me why most dota 2 player disappointed when they lost (and better price pool than LOL LOL!

                                                        "Dota 2 doesnt require skills like kiting - if you are farmed as a carry in dota 2 (e.g as Juggernaut, Drow Ranger, Sniper, etc etc.) you can clearly stand your ground and right click everything dont i have never seen a player in my 2500 hours of experience who kited alot and smart. In LoL kiting is permanent visible and you need to kite to get alot of kills btw in dota 2 you can only carry with physical dmg (normal dmg) because there are no skill dmg increasing items e.g a hero makes 300 magical dmg at 4min he will deal 300 magical dmg also at 50 min because you arent able to increase the skill damage that means AP-Carry doesnt exist in Dota 2."
                                                        ALRIGHT THIS IS JOKE , aether lens increase magic damage , try to kite 10 sec bkb kid

                                                        "Dota 2 Jungle is a joke - If you are jungling in dota 2 you can clearly go afk while jungling (e.g with axe) Axe is a hero who can stay in the jungle from 0 min till the game ends you dont really need mechanics and skill to jungle in dota 2 its really really easy and doesnt give you puffs like in LoL (thats the reason that jungler in Dota 2 are hated and unnecessary in LoL a Jungler is necessary and much more useful than in Dota 2)"
                                                        I wish u got LC jungling for 30 mins thanks

                                                        "Maybe Last hitting is a tiny tiny bit harder in Dota 2 than in LoL, for sure you can deny in Dota 2 but alot of people dont really use this ability focused ( I remember a game where i had 70 deny's and we still got outfarmed by the enemys carry) so sometimes it doesnt really help you much. Dota 2 has only 2 heroes which are really hard they are: Meepo and Invoker but after a time of playing you will master them quite fast."
                                                        this statement make me vommit for some reason


                                                          whew make me relieve so much
                                                          Edit: i zink u type wrong sir its 0.3k mmr i zink not 4.3k mmr
                                                          zank u so much

                                                          Este comentario fue editado
                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                            Good fucking lord you guys are taking this seriously


                                                              we take life seriously because dota 2 is life


                                                                This was a troll post on Reddit a couple of years ago. It was never meant to be taken literally.
