General Discussion

General DiscussionCheck this dude out - 19 hours non-stop

Check this dude out - 19 hours non-stop in General Discussion
Brother.Teresa ^aka^ OldS...

    So this dude was on my team yesterday night and screwed up mid

    That aside, I check his profile today and it looks like he's been gaming for 19 hours straight.
    What do you think? Shared account or no life?

    Potato Marshal

      Holy shit, 22 matches in a single day.


        I think he is not even stopping now, probably he quit his job to become pro


          i've had 20+ matches in a single day, but they were all like 20-25 minute stomps.

          but this guy has been playing for 20 hours lmao.

          Este comentario fue editado

            he takes ~1hour brakes every 4 matches

            Brother.Teresa ^aka^ OldS...

              Ok looks like he finally stopped after 20 hours...


                Once I played nonstop for almost 48 hours. No life confirmed.


                  how much mmr did he loose?


                    been there done that


                      NEVER done this and you all need to get a life, what the heck 20hrs straight, thats mental issues.

                      i have 5 reports to use

                        U guys never played 24 hours? Plebs indeed. I lost like 400 mmr that day tho


                          after hour 10 your mmr goes skrrraaah

                          Mode : TOPSON

                            Nothing strange

                            dont be thrilled by this ...

                              why he stopped? is he dead? :O


                                been there done that

                                pretty sure i had streaks like that too, it just doesn't look like it in calendar since i usually tipped over the next day


                                  well yeah, it mostly starts on a friday weekend and ends on saturday or even sunday

                                  I think I once had like 35 games on a weekend with average game duration, dunno if its this acc or some other tho


                                    just check my history, look for the big orange - red dots, can't miss it LUL