General Discussion

General Discussion7.07 "Broken Heroes" Prediction

7.07 "Broken Heroes" Prediction in General Discussion

    1. The fucking Pangolin
    2. Elder Titan
    3. Pudge


      Earth spirit


        Pls no


          i don't think elder can be OP man, you need to be good at skillshot with him

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            Buff chen please, i practice him on ranked :(

            ER MEGOR GUGADOR

              They gonna buff him yes or yes he really need it

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                Both new heroes will be op


                  like lol

                  idk what half the champio...

                    1. New hero
                    2. New hero

                    Pale Mannie

                      1. pangolin boye
                      2. tinkerbell
                      3. clinkz

                      Pale Mannie

                        after some subpatches will clinkz be the ultimate cancer

                        ER MEGOR GUGADOR

                          Naaah... Clinkz gonna be nerfed dude


                            1. Pangolin for sure (gotta sell those skins you know)
                            2. Phantom Lancer
                            3. Night Stalker


                              ca va pas te faire monter ton mmr tkt pas


                                nique ta mère fils de pute!

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  void pls i need free mmr


                                    pudge so they can sell as many arcanas as possible


                                      In order for them to make Pudge broken he needs to be buffed so hard it's incredible.

                                      Story Time

                                        btw Luna will be buffed. Also they will throw some aganims (maybe specter or pa). Should be crazy meta after 1 nov

                                        Complicated person

                                          1. Elder Titan
                                          2. Shadow Demon
                                          3. Luna
                                          4. New hero #1
                                          5. New hero #2

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Elder titan only becomes op if agility heroes are op and he becomes their counter by removing all their armor.

                                            New heroes will be massively op at first, they always are, then they get nerfed too hard to compensate.

                                            I still think necro, pugna, lich, viper, veno will all be super strong. They won't nerf that much. Ck might become super op depending on how much earthshaker is nerfed.


                                              I hope they don't make ld broken but balance him to where he can be first picked and I won't have to worry about painful counters (pa/ck)
                                              1) Give the bear like 1 or 2 more starting armor
                                              2) Increase mana cost of rabid from flat 50 to flat 75
                                              3) rescale rabid to (15/30/45/60) from (20/30/40/50)
                                              4) give true form disjoint back pls
                                              5) Swap 20 talents with 25 talents
                                              5a) For new 25 talents, increase bear mr by 75% or +18 armor instead of 50% mr and +12 armor.

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                                                ya Arc Warden will come back


                                                  why would true form
                                                  disjoint that makes no sense


                                                    Zeus is going to be OP big time. Brings too much damage. Last game I did 73,000 hero damage.


                                                      There was a mismatch a long time ago where they accidentally had it so that true form made you invulnerable and disjointed projectiles for a small window during the channeling instead of the bear recall, which actually hurt ld's laning stage a lot since you could not agressively harass the enemy laner under his tower risk free xd, but once you got it down the disjoint on true form was pretty good. It significantly increased your survivability if you knew how to use it right against high burst heroes that rely on projectiles (shotgun morph, lina ult, lion ult, unstable concoction)

                                                      They ended up fixing it and brought back the recall disjoint and removed true form disjoint but it would be great if I could have both tbh.

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                                                      meteor hammer

                                                        It'd also be great if druid root was a bash and roar did 300 magic damage I'd imagine

                                                        meteor hammer

                                                          lol if arc warden gets significant buffs.. the hero is already good and his competition is getting nerfs

                                                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                            i actually want to see a smoke cd decrease, out of pure curiosity how it would affect the meta, obviously ganks would be more dominant, but hero wise. vision is such a dominant aspect of heroes strength nowaday, and i want to see how it would shake the meta of heroes that gives vision

                                                            Live and let Zeniet

                                                              Mirana 30 sec CD on Moonlight Shadow - 50 % uptime. Also the 200 leap attacks speed with 3 charges is ridiculous. Also the manabreak talent stacks with Diffusal, and transfers to illusions, so they have 33 manaburn autos..

                                                              Live and let Zeniet

                                                                Morphling will probably be stuck in support roles/offlane with his new ulti now, which has 100 % uptime with talent in fights. Which makes me sad...

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  true form used to disjoint in warcraft III because it was a side effect of the transformation ability


                                                                    From my experience so far, some really insane heroes this patch:
                                                                    1) Dark Willow (easy to get the hang of, amazing disables/roots, great CC hero with awesome talents)
                                                                    2) Anti Mage (despite it feeling like a crazy fighting every minute patch so far, AM with his talents seem to always make room to farm for that late game)
                                                                    3) Necrophos (the aeon disk just keeps you alive during ghost shroud. It was pretty crazy to see him 5 v 1 literally with radiance)
                                                                    4) beastmaster (his Q amplification is pretty nuts in teamfights and his new revamped beast calls make for crazy vision + tower pushing in the mid to late game)


                                                                      I honestly found Pangolia to be really underwhelming as well. He is an insane farming monster once you can get him to soul ring + diffusal, but in the early game, he's so easy to catch in lane that it feels like his power spikes are always really late comparatively to everyone else. Similarly, since it's so early on, I haven't really seen people pull off crazy ult + shield crush in team fights.


                                                                        Feel like AM will be powerful. Only played 1 game with him so far, but it still feels great.
                                                                        Battlefury is cheaper - though more buildup feels underwhelming for another 2 or 3 minutes of farming it.
                                                                        Illusion on Blink talent is amazing, if you know you can stay and fight, you can blink to yourself, creating a 2nd (or 4th) illusion that does damage and manaburns.
                                                                        Also, you can walk up to a camp and just blink away. Illusion will auto attack closest targets, so it will clear the camp. Even Ancients at 50% HP.

                                                                        At one point in the match, I was stun locked for a good 6 seconds, and getting auto attacked (and spell spam) from Ursa, Tidehunter, Dark Willow and Kunkka. I survived the stun lock (only 1 illusion was present), and 10 autoattacks from Ursa with 50% HP left. That was with the lvl 25 +30%spell shield talent.

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                                                                          Dark Willow, AM, Sven, PA

                                                                          зачем я начал поиск

                                                                            Pangolier is more like a hero you'd like the enemy team to draft, he's garbage and overrated.
                                                                            Fairy is a much scarier hero, on the other hand.

                                                                            I'll just keep picking what I like to pick.

                                                                            Este comentario fue editado
                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                              if the enemy runs pangolier safelane you can be about 100% sure you are winning the game

                                                                              зачем я начал поиск

                                                                                Pangodogshit safelane is like having no safelane at all. He has no real damage output or steroid (heartpiercer isn't that strong of an ability).
                                                                                99% of the time he just rolls in and fucking dies for shits and giggles.
                                                                                I don't know what kinds of mental gymnastics you'd have to perform to assume he's OP.

                                                                                Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  heartpiercer would be an amazing ability if he could deal a fuckton of physical damage, reducing the enemy's armor to 0 is nuts if you're a carry, the problem is that his damage output is basically comparable to treant protector or some similar crap

                                                                                  зачем я начал поиск

                                                                                    Every game I pray for enemies to pick Pangolier so he can feed and roll in our fountain going 0-55 or some shit.


                                                                                      Ma boi arc warden will come back


                                                                                        wit pagoliny I see that many noobs pick him something what happen with zet when he come out, like everybody wanted to pick him but they haven`t got any idea how to play him. Hes first is op as fuck, he don` t even need much items, but little bad on lain. I find meepo op now, but haven`t played him vs ppl only vs bots.

                                                                                        зачем я начал поиск

                                                                                          He deals no damage.
                                                                                          His 1 spell isn't even remotely as strong as you'd like to think it is. His W is the strongest spell he has, but it gives him no damage.
                                                                                          Arc Warden was always conceptually strong, this shit isn't.

                                                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                            Anyone has tried gyro? No cast time and increased speed for missile is insanely good. But now seems like gyro become skill-spam hero rather than right click. His right click is still potent (+30 dmg, +3 flak talent), but his global and -CD talent for ulti is so alluring

                                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                              i did win with pangolin safelane in my team, od carried real hard though, pangolin only did like 11k damage (lower than our pudge).


                                                                                                The thing with AM is that he's more flexible than he ever was, with the UAM removal and lvl 15 illu talent


                                                                                                  Anyone has tried gyro?

                                                                                                  his missile is retardedly strong


                                                                                                    - punk tinkerbell feels strong as a 2-4 pos. they'll nerf her w and d I think. hope they keep her core potential after nerf though, she's really fun to play!

                                                                                                    - pangolin feels underwhelming to me as a core. but I'm in the trench so I'm not sure. I see him 3x more often in pubs than the other new hero which I feel is stronger, not sure why.

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                                                                                                      Lone Druid: the tower demolisher


                                                                                                        well there is a mirana with 3 leaps
                                                                                                        f*** yourself icetoad