General Discussion

General Discussionmine thoughts on 707 meta

mine thoughts on 707 meta in General Discussion

    Meteor Hammer - Good for tower sieging but low range and risky since it's a channeling.
    Solution: Kotl with 350+ cast range talent and a good pair of wave clearing 1st skill

    Aeon Disk - Good for offlaners/tanks but the downside is when the passive activates you can't deal damage so it's probably not a good idea to have it on bb or axe lest you just need the bonus hp/mana and 25% status resistance.

    Spirit Vessel - Good against an IO, Alchemist, healing abilities/items and probably lifesteals (I don't know if it negates the lifesteal or not but you can check it). note: this will be my fave item now

    Nullifier - weird requirements items for its use and cost a lot but it's a good thing we have a mute item. This on WR? 100% slow in it's whole duration.

    Kaya - Great for our wtf heroes like zues or skywrath mage and maybe tinker? perhaps it applies on storm spirit's ultimate since it's counted as draining one's mana.

    New MKB - It stacks so you can get huge boost in dps.

    Our new 2 heroes still looking for a spot in the role and its meta but we already have some few standard build so we'll just wait for a few more days and watch some pro streams how they play it.

    Anti Mage - is hot on topic but I can still say to myself that I can handle him.
    Axe - A buff on talent so he ain't going down.
    Bane - Valve notices its poor popularity so it added a meme build carry capability.
    Beastmaster - Our zookeeper is catching up in the meta with the huge buff on talent.
    Brewmaster - He'd probably be picked more in the pro scene with the current buff.
    Centaur W - With the new mechanic perk he'd be harder to deal with.
    Clinkz - Strafe is good against projectiles so we'd less be needing on a linkin or bkb (situationally).
    Drow R - Our drow is back with the new mechanic perk just like Centaur W.
    IO - Good playing with friends not preferable for solo its new talent aghs is good with sven, medusa or ogre.
    Lion - Bkb's everyone.
    Lone D - Despite a buff nothing appears to be changing in wr or popularity.
    Lycan - zookeeper 2.0.
    Medusa - Let's see more lighting proc.
    Meepo - still winning games.
    Mirana - 15s uptime on ultimate with talent pretty good if your team doesn't want any sod.
    Morphling - Changing in role.
    Oracle - Valve trying to revive this hero.
    Puck - Does Mjolnir proc? If it does then that's great unless you landed a nice coil.
    Pudge - Buff in talent and a slight addition of ultimate + new perk mechanic.
    Riki - Much more harder to deal with when you're a lonely support and with the new diffusal :(
    Sand K - A much better sandstorm ultimate combo.
    Shadow F - Much harder to deal with in lanes with the change of raze and Presence aura talent helps melt tower.
    Slardar - Sprint is good but you might leave your team behind if you're ganking someone so it's good if you have storm, np or io on the team and with the 1000+ vision at night would be helpful.
    Sven - less struggle when you don't have a bkb yet since the perk mechanic will help you with the new talent bonuses for your ultimate.
    Tinker - A more annoying barrage of rockets.
    Tiny - Poor tony can't hit no more maybe it's the same as morphling a change in role?
    Undying - Valve trying to revive this hero, too.

    Not sure if valve trying to buff roshan or not with those shitty spells he has the prowler ancient has more annoying spell than our mini-boss. (suggestion: put knockback on the slam)
    Dispel on Troll ultimate, really? why not put it on Chen instead he needs better ultimate than a kotl aghs wave.
    Our carry getting buffs on their spells so now we can play them as nuker (remember how gyrocopter used to be?)
    Jugg and Lion new talents on their ultimates, really? what's the use of aghs now?
    Arc Warden keeps getting burried in the meta :(

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