General Discussion

General Discussionautoloose heros

autoloose heros in General Discussion

    what are the heros that loose games in your bracket?

    for me, when I see the following heros in a team i know their game will be hard;


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      Heros i see picked and have a good feeling about the outcome of the game;


      Banskiie II

        What is your basis for all of these assumptions? CK is extremely good this patch. Invoker is a late game hero and so is Faceless Void.

        Niko, TI9.ChrisLuck

          Im 4,2k. Invoker firstpick is always a lose for me. Cuz enemy will just pick the counter and win mid and win the game


            Solo offlaners have been particularly weak in my last ranked games as far as I remember. The Invoker pickers are etheir very good or complete dogshit, same goes for Miranas, and Pudges and Earth Spirits are usually trash.


              bounty hunter. sf. natures prophet. . i dont see IOs at all in my games but i imagine that hero is auto lose as well. same with old brood. other heroes that i dont like having on my team but not necessarily an auto lose. but just frustrating to have because ppl suck. AM, jugg, rubick, earth spirit


                No such thing as the thread i think. Its all about team coordination and neccesity of draft heroes accordingly. I hope my opinion is valid thnx.


                  CK is good and one pf my favourite heros, but people in my bracket like to sit in jungle for 30 minutes.

                  if you do that with ck instead of taking teamfights early you just get outfarmed.

                  also people build dumb stuff like deadalus on him insteag od getting STR items.

                  others are basically skill shots that players cant land or also afk farming with huskar instead of fighting early.

                  heros i like to have on my team are heros that are easy go use

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                  死の恐怖 Haseo



                    Riguma Borusu

                      pangodango is autoloss

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        Pango is seriously auto lose I played like ten games and one of them won just because he's against a meme team.



                          - Carry mid Dark Willow
                          - Meepo
                          - LC jungle
                          - PA hitting BB's back while he was using BM

                          Friendly player

                            In 2k pangolier is trash, its a new hero so people like to first pick it and get counter by literally anything (almost).
                            I mean in 2k draft doesn't even matter, you will have a big impact if you play mid or hard carry.

                            Dire Wolf

                              Yeah Pango, Tiny, Morph. That's about it though. Rest depend on team comp.

                              Dire Wolf

                                I don't think pango is as terrible as an auto lose, it's just that people have no idea how to build it or how to play it with the ult. I've had like one guy who knew what he was doing and it was a decent hero, stunning a lot of people with ult and then escaping up hills and shit.


                                  On the opposing team, giving me a "This looks promising" feeling:
                                  - Pangolier (Don't see much promise in the hero yet, tbh)
                                  - Dark Willow (People don't know how to use her yet)
                                  - Techies
                                  - Witch Doctor
                                  - Rubick
                                  - Bane

                                  Giving me a bad feeling when the opposing team picks them:
                                  - PA
                                  - Viper
                                  - Jakiro
                                  - Clinkz
                                  - Invoker
                                  - Silencer
                                  - Spiritbreaker

                                  It should be noted that I prefer support or roaming roles, so I would be pretty targeted for some of these. However, PA is my absolute worst nightmare.

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    even if pangodango was an amazing hero yet nobody can play him he would still be an autolose hero, unlike dark willow, people are exploiting the fuck out of that hero, I expect it to either get nerfed to the ground or have 55% winrate once only people who know how to play and pick it start picking it (instead of everyone picking it)

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      People don't know how to use dark willow yet what? What's there to know all you do is spam the stupid brambles on the ground and then your ult and everyone's locked down for 12 seconds.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        it is a new hero so people still fail when they pick it for the first few times


                                          When team has enemy Invo. I go OD, AM, Razor, or BS mid and make them never pick Invo again. Lol


                                            Retard prophet

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              Whenever I have these heroes, I know it will be a hard game or instaloss:

                                              Anti Mage: They take ages to farm, and pick him knowing full well they'll be laning against a Veno and Axe lane, they're typically the player who thinks they're the best on the team.

                                              Broodmother: She either goes 0-6 from the start, or actually wins her lane, but contributes NOTHING to team fights, and when were fighting, she's off jungling for more spiderlings instead of ratting the enemies tier 2 bottom tower, and only has brown boots, deso, soul ring at 30 minutes.

                                              Lone Druid: They can't micro well, they take ages to farm up radiance, and by the time they do get it after just afk farming and having zero impact, the games over.

                                              Tusk: Was never really the same after he was broken in 6.84 (TI5 patch)


                                              Whenever i'm against these heroes I know it's gonna be a hard game:

                                              Spirit Breaker: My most hated hero in all of Dota, he is guaranteed to have him impact, no matter how bad the player controlling him is. Just like techies, you're basically forced to play Dota 2 in a completely different way, not being able to go ANYWHERE, slowing down the game pace cause you could be getting charged at any moment. He makes even the most uncoordinated trash teams become coordinated, all they have to do is follow the charging space cow. You can't go on ANYONE unless you KNOW you can burst them down within seconds, because bet your ass that Spirit breaker is on his way if you don't kill them in time. It gets even harder late game, cause you wanna push out lanes, but no one has buy back, and you basically can't do anything know he's out there waiting to charge someone, not only that, all the enemies have ghost scepters, shadow blades, Euls, and Glimmers, so even if you do find someone to go on that's alone, those items will just delay the kill, and give SB time to get there. I hate this hero so much, he's banned EVERY FUCKING GAME, cause whenever he's not banned, he's basically fucking picked.

                                              Axe: The hero I hated before all other heroes, but lately he hasn't been a problem in 7.06 or 7.07 so far.

                                              Templar Assassin: She's always the highest level in the match, she's hard to gank mid, and once she gets deso she seems incredibly easy to snow ball with, she almost always becomes a problem, and my mid laners pretty much always lose to her.

                                              Ursa: Mindless hero, gets rosh early, gets blink early, and always becomes a problem, a game is never over till it's over when fighting this hero.

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                                              зачем я начал поиск

                                                >has brown boots, deso, soul ring at 30 minutes.
                                                Doubt that's possible.

                                                Este comentario fue editado
                                                Livin' Real Good

                                                  > under (or should I say over)estimating the dota community in 2017.

                                                  *checks your profile* of course brood is your top hero :p

                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                    I'm not terribly bothered with Spiritbreaker unless I'm playing a support without a stun, i.e. skywrath. Disrupting his charge with ice path as jakiro has become somewhat of a hobby. Same is hooking a charged space cow.


                                                      Firstpick mid/safe pangoloid. Its not ALL the heros fault he has low wr.

                                                      very good csgo player

                                                        Shut the fuck up EtDawesome you lump of shit, you play ranked in normal skill, don't fucking speak. If I give a fucking dead body OD to play against a 2k mid invoker it will win.


                                                          ^you play high skill/normal skill, i'm 3.1K, we're at most 700 MMR apart(because 3.8K is VHS, meaning you're between 3.2 and 3.8). nice MMR elitism btw. lol
                                                          and my point is FIRST PICK Invos in general. They may be good Invo players, they may be bad Invo players, but I simply pick a hero who shuts them down early game, like OD.

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            There aren't any autolose heroes tbh. Maybe high skill cap heroes in low MMR but never an autolose. I do think there are autolose games because of the player though. You could pick a globally 99% winrate hero and still lose because you're just a bad player and a bad person

                                                            Gab Nuwoll

                                                              windranger anywhere, especially mid. trash hero, not a lot of full right click lineups anymore.

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                                                                Lol no one said medusa???

                                                                NO CARE

                                                                  Autoloose, its hard for me to say... but for Autolose heroes, I would say Pangolin.