General Discussion

General DiscussionThe return of the safe lane

The return of the safe lane in General Discussion

    Last patch everyone talked about how mid was the new position 1 with the extra melee creep, resulting in a trilane vs trilane fuckfest where apparently two players were meant to face off solo against each other.

    What we didn't talk about is how (atleast in the professional scene) teams opted to solo a good laning carry in the safe lane and go aggro trilane with their offlaner or dual roaming support or a combination of the two. Through my observation, I often saw less emphasis being put on the safe laners who would almost always be left behind by their offlane hero in terms of farm or game impact.

    This, of course, remained flexible with the versatile cores like Necro, Pugna, Veno etc being put in either of these lanes.

    Now that the extra creep has been removed, we see mid being more of a position 2 than a 1. But that's not all. The movement of shrines and bounty runes is huge. Safe lane actually feels safe now. Couple that with the jungle changes and line of sight within tree gaps, the carry is now back to position 1 and offlane back to position 3.

    However, I think midlaners will suffer most from this because of the inability to grab the first rune and having to walk further to the shrines (offlane shrines seem closer now).

    chicken spook,,,,





          Yea I think this patch will be all about safelane carries too, since solo offlaners have basically been destroyed (no talon to make jungling easier when lane is too hard, shrines further away, creeps meeting closer to enemies t1 towers in their safelane, no pms either for heroes like Timber) and 'cause of the nerfs they applied to mid lane that you already explained. I think we'll see more 1v1 mid and strong dual offlanes to contest the carries' farm, 'cause now leeching exp is not enough anymore for the solo offlaners due to the importance of denies. We'll see strong carries who received major buffs but also strong lane dominators and cancer early game heroes. If it was for me I'd go for things like Undying-Batrider offlane every game.

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          зачем я начал поиск

            ^I agree with this analyst's deep analysis.
            Timber was one of the heroes, who needed PMS the most, hence he's really weak against physical damage in lane. This sure is a great loss.
            You can't solo offlane anymore, it is literally impossible now.


              u can solo offlane, its just hard like it used to be
              u guys are all spoiled by how easy the offlane was before, but guess what, solo offlane did exist before all this shit happened and it still exists now, its just not a walk in the park like it was before


                In pro games is mid still camped hard?


                  I've played pos 3 for like 2 years in a row, I know how it used to be. Last game I picked Rubick to support AM, the most exploitable and weak lane ever, and we were vs a solo offlane Doom. Guess what, he was lvl 3 at min 6 and died twice in lane in the first 5 minutes without being ganked or having people rotating 'cause we also had an amazing afk jungle LC. With the introduction of talon and close shrines it had become indeed easier, but now it's not just a bit harder, it's a nightmare. You can't hide in the trees to leech exp, you have to actually contest the carry's farm and dominate the lane. You can't? Then go jungle near your lane, but you'll have no talon, now that the bounty rune spot has been moved there's a high chance their support will steal it without you even realizing it 'cause it's not between the camps anymore but on a higher spot you don't even have vision of from the camps, creeps grant far more gold than neutrals and most importantly, if you give the carry a free lane he'll end up having like 3 lvls more than you if he both last hits and denies. You just can't afford to give up on the lane anymore, that's why it's so hard now. And getting zoned out as solo offlaner is not even that hard unless you pick stuff like Axe into Pangolin and Rubick or idk, you got my point.

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                    solo offlane unplayable now


                      So, from the looks of it, the position 3 is being forced out of the jungle and into the offlane without having the tools to sustain in either place unless inherent tankiness that makes them dominate the lane. As I understand it, a full first creepwave still does not give you level 2. So only strong level 1 heroes can survive. Even Doom will have to wait 1 minute before being able to eat a creep like a Satyr to get that extra regen and CSing capability.

                      The next question though, is it preferable to go aggro trilane every game, like it was last patch? Is it worth giving the safe lane to your solo offlane? Is it still easy to contest the enemy safe lane, in general? I think not...

                      Riguma Borusu

                        full first creepwave gives you a lot over level 2

                        the issue is that if you're against a trilane or even a strong dual lane, they are going to deny a shitload of experience


                          doom is a shitty laner, am literally just buys an oov and can solo zone him
                          am cant do that to smth like legion or axe or sandking u wud rekt that lane

                          Riguma Borusu

                            I can finally right click people as lich in the laning phase and it actually does something.



                              If you have nice enough supports, ask them to block wave for you while you pick up rune, I guess.