General Discussion

General DiscussionGrinding a season

Grinding a season in General Discussion
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    I like the new patch and I feel like I want to get that 5-6 division seal.
    I'll get no financial profit for it, as I am no booster/professional player/streamer/etc. Just personal interest and enjoyment value.
    I didn't like ranked Dota for quite a while, but now I have a new incentive.

    The serious question is: is it worth it to tryhard the 1st ranked season?
    I mean, in 2 weeks I expect the biggest shitshow ever: calibration abusers, boosters, etc. are all going to queue up non-stop.
    The system is unknown. No info on how will the new calibration consider the players' skill, how it will assign hidden variables, how many games you'd have to play, etc. literally unknown land voyage. It may be all different to how it was.

    Is it worth it to go in with the crowd right now or should one consider going only after it all gets explored and tested by most of the community? That's the question of this thread.

    Because I am thinking of skipping it straight to season 2.


      it uses current mmr to seed your starting position.

      I'm just really hoping it moves your mmr quickly as opposed to the snails pace it currently is. This will also stop people from boosting/smurfing for 2 reasons

      1) if mmr moves quickly, you will return to your true mmr much faster.

      2) if you are one of those chinese players who boosts and then never queues just to display mmr, you will have to do it every season.

      if valve had any brains at all they would add either an mmr decay or mmr bonus pool (both are same thing really just inverted it doesn't matter) so that inactivity will decay your mmr as well.

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        You are probably over exaggerating the potential shitshow. There will simply be people playing ranked as before, that's it.

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          I'll most definetely start at 4th division 2-4 stars, that's not the question.
          The question is, whether it's worth it to invest time right now, for how chaotic, unstable and untested it's going to be.

          No word is out on how they changed the calibration system, hidden variables, etc.
          It may all be like it was with the old MMR calibration, when after a couple of months people started to spam Zeus with TBD and mindlessly spammed R. Just some kind of a new abuse method revealed after a couple of weeks.

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            firstly, we both answered your question in part.

            secondly, you have no idea what division you will be.

            a decent guess is 1k per division (starting at 0), but you really have no idea how they will divvy it up.

            also, you just answered your own question. nobody knows for sure. My guess is that they are probably using whatever algorithm they have for normal queue, except now for ranked.

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              secondly, you have no idea what division you will be.

              Assuming they've distributed the new ranks as "rank number" = "previous MMR"/1000 + calibration games.
              They've also briefly noted they're going to count in players' unranked performance.


                Like I said, it's an assumption, the same assumption I have. but you really have no idea. They could be doing it on a bell curve, for example.


                  you cant skip a season.

                  in the client it sais that unranked games will also count towards calibration...

                  or does this mean your "hidden mmr" will also be calibrated new?

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                    The uncertainty of it all for the first time ever makes me subconsciously reluctant.
                    Too many assumptions have to be made, while no real official word is out.
                    Not even how they're going to distribute it.

                    Btw, the old rankings already loosely resembled normal distribution, just that the right part of the curve was stretched right-hand side due to inflation.

                    white boy summer

                      i hope they make it like sc2 ladder and not like lul ladder

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                        I also have a bad feeling that it may be the old MMR system + medals, with nothing else changed at all, seems very Gaben-style to me.
                        It may all be just a lazy move by Valve to halt the outflow of players.

                        Also, the division seals look poorly designed and bland to me. They could've put some more lore-elements in them, give them names.
                        The 7-th seal with Rapier looks like it was made in under 1 hour by a poorly paid freelancer. Cheap feeling.

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                          From what I understand: when the first season starts you will have to calibrate ("your medal") seeded by your current MMR, and if you don't have RMM points it will use your "hidden mmr", so my guess would be during the calibration, your MMR will range from your current MMR +/-500 points assuming they are using the MMR system for the new badges as a showcase.

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                            This feels really bad, we dont know how it will really work??


                              how do you know what the divisions are compared to the current mmr system or are you just guessing?
                              Is there some reddit tutorial to the new ranked system or anything where it is precisely described?


                                You can kind of just figure that the medals will go like this:
                                bronze: 1-999
                                silver: 1000-1999
                                gold: 2000-2999
                                green: 3000-3999
                                purple: 4000-4999
                                diamond: 5000-5999
                                rapier: 6k+

                                with each star being gained every 200 mmr as their are 5 stars between divisions.

                                I would imagine this to be the most reasonable approach.

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