General Discussion

General DiscussionStop being Toxic

Stop being Toxic in General Discussion

    Being toxic is bad, it violates the morals of society
    It lowers th self-esteem of players
    It is a bad influence on children who play.
    Even if someone flames you, reply with words full of love from deep within your heart.

    Potato Marshal

      Fuck you

      Riguma Borusu

        stop telling me not to be toxic

        I am not toxic

        go fuck y0urself you piece of fucking shit on a sandwitch


          please dont "dirty" the dotabuff forum, this place is like the church. Respect should be valued

          Riguma Borusu

            press f to fuck y0urself

            in other news, what happened to your blue star, potato? did you sell it for meth?

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              ^he sucked ken's dick, it has been confirmed that sperm cells eat neurons..

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              Riguma Borusu

                sucking dick makes you lose the blue star? shit I gotta stop doing that when I hit 5k

                Potato Marshal

                  Huge loss streak, dropped to 4.4k 2 weeks ago, took a few days off, only just climbed back to 4.7k. Already had multiple 6 win streaks so hopefully I can climb back soon.
                  Spirit vessel and meteor hammer is really good on the heroes I play.

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                    ^there is an mmr reset next week...

                    Riguma Borusu

                      awesome I can finally get 2k I rightfully deserve


                        Those who complain about people being toxic are usually the ones who deserve the toxicity :v

                        Player 153433446

                          Society will never is the same since the beginning of time.
                          We are a bit civilized now cause of the enforced laws and not wanting to be out of the norm (no one wants to be an outcast).
                          So in games where toxicity is present, just mute.
                          Dont tell good people not to be toxic.
                          There will always be toxic assholes in everygame


                            ^^ this learn to mute,you can never change people's mind,if someone is jerk/weaboo/idiot he will be jerk/weaboo/idiot forever.just learn to mute and enjoy your game.

                            Este comentario fue editado

                              see, peoples' mentality are just too negative, people can change the way society works and correct the wrongs that we are currently doing


                                Lmfao at how 1 guy thinks making a thread on a site will make people less toxic.


                                  Seems like Potard Marshtard finally lost his flat 5k XDDD.


                                    ^he was 5.1k before, btw im planning on doing the same thing on reddit :(

                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                      it violates the morals of society

                                      It is a bad influence on children who play

                                      Literally two worst reasons to not be toxic.


                                        He was 5.1k now he's 4.4k XDD


                                          mute, whatever u need to say can be done through chatwheel


                                            I would if I didn't have a fucking third world internet connection.

                                            ^What he said, mute us

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                                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                                              nice a rager and flamer in party game talking about "stop being toxic"


                                                Morals are a social construct.


                                                  nice a rager and flamer in party game talking about "stop being toxic"

                                                  ?, evidence?


                                                    I make it my point to try convince toxic players when I'm playing support (which God knows why I do more and more often). If your carry is being toxic you have very few tools to win the game as support.

                                                    Potato PC

                                                      Sounds good, doesn't work.

                                                      зачем я начал поиск


                                                        Underlord wanted to take the offlane, I took it instead.
                                                        He went jungle. Then I fed the enemies first blood (my retarded mistake in lane, good enemy supports), he bought the courier, kept it in his inventory and proceded to feed down mid.

                                                        I told him something which would translate in English to "I beg the last of a human that's left in you, you may go feed, I don't care, just please activate the courier and let me get my Soul Ring, then you can feed afk mid, I wouldn't mind. Just please let me have the courier."

                                                        Aaand... He stopped feeding after 2 deaths.

                                                        зачем я начал поиск

                                                          By the way, what makes you keep playing, when you go like 3-12 in a day? Lul.
                                                          I wouldn't be able to morally handle something like that. Losing any single percent of my winrates makes me tilted as fuck, I couldn't play. I would stop, at like 1-2.

                                                          Vem Comigo

                                                            kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk u are so fuckign trash u piece of shit redditor


                                                              I sometimes go in to lose 10 games in a row with a bad friend or two, and I find happiness in winning those few times when we ought to have had lost.

                                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                                don't you know that you're toxic
                                                                dun du dunn duu dunn


                                                                  "Even if someone flames you, reply with words full of love from deep within your heart. "
                                                                  Like i would like to see y0u burning in hell?
                                                                  Can you please killy0urself?
                                                                  Sorry bro but can you fuck off?
                                                                  Just pls, pls jump from the window,
                                                                  or my favorite, go smell flowers dota isn`t for you?

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    hey guys~ positive girl gamer here ;)

                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      ps i dont htink ive ever bought a ward either LUL

                                                                      зачем я начал поиск

                                                                        I have near-zero versatility.