General Discussion

General Discussioncan anyone pleaserecommend a pc build to run dota? my old dota box broke

can anyone pleaserecommend a pc build to run dota? my old dota box broke in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    I do not really want to make a topic on a PC board because it always ends up with people recommending way more than I need, saying if you are going to spend x amount you might as well spend y amount and it ends up being a computer that can play everything. I do not really want that. All I care about is playing dota at high frames and high settings. Does not need to be the best looking it can possibly be, but I want it to run fast (I am coming from a very old computer so anything is an upgrade to me). But dota is literally the only game I would need to run, and seeing that Dota 2 is already getting old, I figure I will not need anything too mega. I already have an older monitor it is 1440x900 so unless there is a compatibility issue i have no problem using that

    Was looking at something like this

    or like this

    I assume the AMD build would give me more bang for my buck.


      targert FPS? 60 or 120-144

      Chao Vritra

        i know i am probably going to get flamed to all holy hell for this and not get an answer but to be honest with you I do not know the difference I thought 60 frames per second was the fastest. I really don't know PCs that much at all. I am coming from playing on an old windows XP system so I am used to much less than 60 frames.

        edit: sorry dumb pudge player I need things explained

        Este comentario fue editado
        Lunch 🍔

          You have serveral options. The two builds you posted are looking pretty nice for the price.
          I would exchange the 2TB HDD for a small maybe 250GB SSD. The SSD makes the PC so much faster in generell, but if you need the extra space - just get the HDD.

          You could also get the new i3-8100 - which recently launched - it's basicly an i5-7/6xxx but cheaper. But at the moment there are only a bit more pricy Z370 Boards to run such cpu.

          Also an Ryzen 5 could be an option if you can spend a bit more money. The Ryzen 5 1500X and 1600X are really good for the price and very futureproof.

          But basicly always try to spend more money on the graphicscard because thats where the fps come from. Get atleast a GTX 1050Ti as listed in the builds. If you can afford it, you could go with a GTX 1060 or RX 580. Those two should run Dota perfectly fine. Even far over 60 fps. Anything else above those two cards is kinda overkill.

          Summed up i recommend:
          Ryzen 5 or i3-8100 + GTX 1060 or RX 580 for a very nice gaming experience and also futureproof.
          Pentium or Ryzen 3 + GTX 1060 or RX 580 for nice gaming but maybe cpu can bottleneck you here and there.
          Pentium or Ryzen 3 + GTX 1050Ti or RX 570 for overall okay gaming setup.

          If you can get a cheap RX570 that would also be an option, because its slightly better than a 1050Ti.

          Hope this helps!
          - Lunch

          Chao Vritra

            Thank you very much, appreciate the input. The hard drive is a great idea, as I would not really need storage since dota is all I would be playing on this machine. The speed of a solid state drive is definitely more important than having all of that storage.

            As far as the other stuff goes I will try to go heavier on the processor or graphics card. But by default what I posted is perfectly fine for dota basically right? I appreciate the input.

            Bad Intentions

              Logistics first. Where are you and hows the retail market or online market there.

              Chao Vritra

                in the states, near Chicago in Illinois. Just always assumed building was cheaper than online.


                  i think you should stick to ordering them online with a PC part picker guide if you have 0 knowledge of PC parts, because compatibility is a factor. that's my opinion

                  Chao Vritra

                    ok so I read a bit on FPS. Would I get 120fps off either of those builds or just 60?

                    Bad Intentions

                      If youre really new in this, I suggest getting pre built desktop here let the professionals handle your order.

                      Lunch 🍔

                        With the 1050Ti you will get around 70-110 fps depending on the settings and resolution.
                        With a GTX 1060 you're at 110+.

                        But I don't know if a Pentium/Ryzen3 is bottlenecking you in this scenario. Maybe do some research to find out.
                        I don't think you'll lose that much fps because Dota isnt that cpu heavy.
                        But in games like Battlefield 1 or GTA you'll lose alot of frames.

                        Dire Wolf

                          Guys he has an old monitor that's not even 1080p. So at most it's 60hz. Thus you only need to get 60 fps.

                          If literally all you want to do is run dota2 and anything's an upgrade I would buy a refurb hp or dell off newegg for $200, slap a used video card in in for like $100 and call it a day.

                          Something like this




                          that'll run you around $250, 60 fps easy.

                          1st class tourist

                            Haha ryzen

                            1st class tourist

                              Haha amd

                              Lunch 🍔

                                Yea, you could also get a older GTX 960, which is basicly a 1050Ti. Depends on the prices.
                                To be honest, I would just get a GTX 1050Ti and pair it up with a 100-150€ cpu and you'll be just fine.
                                Especially if you dont have FullHD resolution.


                                  Bla bla x more cheaper than y

                                  Another commend : but with x more worth than y

                                  Another reply : yeah but this x is BLA BLA better than y because BLA bla

                                  Chao Vritra

                                    thank you for the people that gave me a response. Probably ordering something today. And yeah like the guy who recommended a refurbished pc said, I literally just want to play dota 2 and I will be playing it on an old monitor.

                                    Unless spending more money and running the game at 120 frames will make me play better/last hit better? Or is it purely a cosmetic thing? IF things like last hitting and skill shots are easier at 120 frames I do not mind investing the extra money. But if 60 fps is just fine then I will go with that.

                                    I nearly got 4k on a PC that gets me less than 30 fps . SO yeah literally anything is an upgrade.

                                    IF anyone else has a recommendation let me know. otherwise I will probably go with a refurbished PC and a used video card. Unless the first build I posted is much better.

                                    Also I do not know anything about ryzen amd or intel so your sarcasm is actually lost on me. And to the people who are actually helping thank you very much

                                    EDIT: There are some really good deals on newegg for prebuilts. Should I shell out a bit more money for something better? If that 100 dollar one will run dota then that is what I want. But was looking at something like this for a bit more money


                                    or this


                                    or just the 100 dollar one if it will work (with a video card too of course)


                                    any other recommendations welcome.

                                    Este comentario fue editado
                                    Chao Vritra

                                      I doubt anyone cares but just to follow up this did end up working. I went with the 180 dollar refurbished prebuilt and that video card and it does exactly what I want. Thank you to everyone who helped me out, especially Dire Wolf for recognizing that I just needed something basic and recommending I go with a refurb. I feel like I owe you some in game items or something now :D

                                      Bad Intentions

                                        If youre really new in this, I suggest getting pre built desktop here let the professionals handle your order.


                                          Dude i legit just bought a £200 second hand computer with an old i3 and an old gtx 660 1.5gb and it runs dotes like an absolute babe - buy something cheap which was good a few year ago and it'll be sweet

                                          edit: shit im high you already sorted it :D

                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                            This the best prebuilt for $500 USD you can probably get right now. I think you might have to go to Walmart to get it though. Not sure if theres any in stock where you live (if its the USA) but its definitely a good deal (original $650).


                                            8GB Memory (You can always upgrade it probably)
                                            GTX 1060 3GB

                                            The CPU, Mobo, and Video Card alone is worth 500 if you were to build a computer yourself. You can always upgrade the ram later (might have to buy your own unless you can figure out what ram they put in the computer). You can also buy an SSD as well later.

                                            I think you can also ask in the forums of PCPartPicker to suggest a parts list for you. Good luck!

                                            Sorry if that PC is not what you wanted, I'm kind of in a rush so I didn't really read what you wrote lol.

                                            P.S. - One last thing is, I recommend building a PC yourself if you can, its fun, something new to learn, aesthetics will be your choice, and you definitely will feel accomplished putting it together and stuff like that. Plus, you will have a good power supply lol ;D

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