General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's your Calibration Story?

What's your Calibration Story? in General Discussion

    test lel


      5300 old mmr. Lost 6 matches won 4 matches during calibration. Ended with Divine 1 at 5250 mmr.


        guys i've got a question. i had 6k party mmr and have low solo mmr. if i play my party games first, will i calibrate with 6k party again but with legend 5 medal? is there any possibility that my medal is divine with party calibration?
        i m asking this cus i know a friend who had 8k solo, 5k party mmr he calibrated his party mmr first and got divine 2 medal then he played 1 more solo mmr game and his medal turned to divine 5. im curious.


          shame on you valve. why this is called calibration when the game wont let you calibrate your MMR. from 1770 to 2016. crusader 2. can someone look my last 10 games. i destroyed every game, got all 10 wins and to crusader 2... strange thing is , I got matched with anchor 4 on my 1st match, and after that only with crusader..

          Este comentario fue editado

            7 losses, 3 wins. Starting mmr 5580, after calib 5480. Now 5680.

            team fuck sucks

              Won 6 lost 4. Divine [4].

              Tomas Morato

                @Zee max cap is herald 1

                Paksit- giti

                  before recalibration: 6k mmr. after racalibration: 1.2k mmr PROUD GUARDIAN 5


                    Destroyed 10 in a row games, got Crusader... Suck a dick Valve.


                      Was 5k calibrated legend and crushing games too ez


                        Finally got 10 calibration matches done. Ended up being 8 solo and 2 party because when I had 4 solo done that patch came in which means you only need 10 party and solo total to get the medal rather than 10 complete solo. It still won't give the mmr until I finish the other 2 but I'm guessing it'll be basically somewhere around 3500 again which is what i left it at before. Legend 1 medal, now the climb begins.

                        Went 6-4.

                        2 games were losses from the pick screen type thing - both centaur games where I first picked.

                        1 loss was partly down to team composition and partly misplay. Might have won if we had executed our pick offs faster but they weren't fast enough which allowed the enemy to bring their superior team fight and right click damage (our only carry was a TB against sniper troll and he was honestly one of the worst fucking TBs I've ever seen) - this was an Axe game.

                        1 loss I did really well as Sniper but couldn't out carry a Luna, our mid Viper went a complete non-damage build (treads, dragon lance, hood, bkb) so did basically no damage and our offlane MK was dogshit (why is it enemy MKs are always going godlike and your MKs are always feeding and useless. Every fucking time).

                        1 game snowballed and carried hard as PA.

                        1 game won as PA because the mid storm's mouse pad stopped working and he got couldn't move and got an abandon and the other team all DC. I wasn't really sure about this one because we had a kunkka mid against a storm and I got trilaned by PL, CM and Bane while our trilane of ogre, PA, wyvern was not as strong. Our offlane Timber went a really retarded build (max reactive armour) against a solo safelane underlord who had arcanes and a rod of atos at 13 minutes, utterly trounced the timbersaw who should have gone max whirling death against a strength hero honestly some people...

                        1 game won as Axe by making heaps of space for our medusa and putting lots of pressure on the enemy carry void. Died the most and didn't pick up so many kills but I still did the most hero damage as well as taking the most so i contributed more than what my kda indicates.

                        1 game won was a party game as skywrath mage, was honestly looking kind of sad because the slark was able to run around and get lots of pick offs (one of my friends got completely tilted and just ended up deliberately feeding shortly before the end). The enemies were actually bad enough to all run up together to try to highground us which allowed my friend on magnus to land 2 really good RPs and then Jug and Medusa were able to clean up once we bursted them with RP and all my spells.

                        2 games won as Lich. One was actually offlane to help a clockwork shut down an enemy medusa rather than safelane support a jug (against pangolier/sb), all 3 of our lanes won so lots of kills and assists, medusa was still heaps of trouble to try and push into and we only ended up winning because I baited the enemy into ganking me in their jungle which then allowed us to take a fight outside the base. Other game was a goddamn 1 hour 24 minute techies game (new 3rd longest game), I actually got completely 7 slotted as a Lich. Got kind of carried by a TB (an actually good one) and Invoker. I was kind of more focused on making sure I had a good KDA and high GPM so I played careful and didn't die too much but also meant I wasn't in as many fights - but I did as much damage as our clock and almost as much as our Mirana and my frost armour with the +30hp regen was really good. Delete techies.


                          Wait what so u get a medal from a combination of solo and party ? Is this why medals are so fucked up now?


                            Not finish yet but I'm 4-3, 3 more games, I'm playing against legend 2-4


                              Why do they call it calibration when it has nothing to do with calibrating ? You can win 10 and still be herald :D ...


                                I wanna drop my mmr to 1. So i throw every game with playing NP. 1-9 win lose and still got 3.8k drop from 4.1k

                                Ɲ乇V乇Ʀ҉ Ĝ҉I√乇 ひP

                                  Archon Smurf -_- ,Past Acc was Legend How it does With Just 490 GPm -_-

                                  Ɲ乇V乇Ʀ҉ Ĝ҉I√乇 ひP

                                    How To post Screenshot here?

                                    Manhattan Cafe

                                      10 match from solo

                                      5 win - 5 loss

                                      Calibrated -> Herald 2/3
                                      Now -> Crusader 4


                                        Played 10 games and i got calibrated.


                                          mine is 3296 but im legend 2 why is that..