General Discussion

General DiscussionCalibration and +/- 25

Calibration and +/- 25 in General Discussion
kunst 2

    7 wins / 3 loses on calibration, went from 3926 to 4025. Coincidence? Maybe anyone got other results (excluding very high/low mmr players)?

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      Same for me 8\2. Ez games + 150mr

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        i got 2 win - 8 lose
        and i lost about 100 mmr :))


          MMR after “calibration” is exactly the same as before

          Story Time

            ofc calibration changes - + 25 why would not it? They nerfed mmr of top players though, but it is just a rescaling


              8 wins, 2 losses = +150 MMR
              This system is just so people judge each other over a medal instead of a number. Also it gives the illusion that you can perform super well and get an insane jump in tier. The only people who are really sad are 8k+.

              kunst 2

                Hmm, ok. Pretty bad that they didn't put any parameters like in old system to deal with smurfs. This "calibration" every 6 months now just make no sense (except for refreshing leaderboards, also not sure about that change).

                >but it is just a rescaling

                No, not really. 6k players not affected by this as hard as 10k players, so unless they grind their mmr back they will be same rating as current 6-7k's after next calibration.

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                Story Time

                  ^who said it was a linear re-scaling?


                    I was 3.2k solo and 3.1k party.
                    I calibrated my party, got 5 wins 5 loss.
                    Medal is Archon 4 but it's not appearing on either dotabuff or on my games yet. Don't know why


                      actually i did perform super well in my calibration for multiple matches in a row, and did get a huge jump in mmr , like was 2 win 2 loss but i got into VHS bracket due to my astoundingly good performance despite losing the games, but i abanoned that game and i got lke -500 mmr (technical difficulites). despite performing well after that, i got mmr lower by 200 from my starting point.

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                      kunst 2

                        >who said it was a linear re-scaling?

                        Maybe not you but most of people are like "well miracle is still on top even with 7k, so whats the problem"

                        >archon 4

                        It's starts from 3080 according to dota wiki, so you also proofed it. Wait a bit, it should appears soon. I still have no medal on dotabuff, but got it in profile.

                        @M u r d e r

                        I don't think you could possibly get -500 for abandoing. VHS is just 300 mmr above you so you may accidentally hit it sometimes.

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