General Discussion

General Discussionearth spirit

earth spirit in General Discussion

    can i first pick earth spirit in today's meta?
    what is his current state? he seems to be quite popular pick in 5k+


      I think first pick earth spirit is bad


        you can fp him.he is pos 4 doesnt matter,people fp pos 1 anyways.


          Yes you can, I always first pick him and dumpsters people

          зачем я начал поиск

            He's in place, where you rush force staff, roll down under enemy towers, force your self deeper in and feed, then buyback and perpetually feed again and again.


              here's the thing with earthspirit (ES).

              he's good when kuroky plays him.

              but when an average joe plays him, he's useless.

              pick idiot-proof roamers like sb.

              casual gamer

                u can do whatever the fuck u want

                if u win is up to u

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  kuroky is not even an earth spirit player. tbh its not that hard to have high impact with the hero. you dont need 3 man stuns every time, just hit one guy and if the rest of the enemy team has to reposition to not get hit by it, thats great already. then just use magnetize and dump all your stones, its a lot of damage.


                    Great hero, but also depends on your bracket. You can't solo carry games with him in low tiers. He can't flash farm, so your primary source of income is kills, and I don't really like the sound of buying Midas in the hero. Usually, there will be cores farming the jungle despite good kill potential or push times, during which you will lose your peak power and find that the enemy is 5 manning. Mid to late game damage potential really falls off and your only hope is that your team listens to your advice to go Rosh and push high ground.