General Discussion

General Discussionhow to deal with am?

how to deal with am? in General Discussion

    I will ban/pick am as players in my braacket just panic when theres am picked on enemy team. they tried to "end fast" while what they do was just 1 man solo shadow blade run arroung and get killed, forggwpce fight when i was doing smth else and get wiped. ggwp, II will just pick am


      take his towers, shove his lanes, dont let him cut your waves by threatening other towers
      beat his ass in lane
      just completely deathball on him


        idk i just pick pa, buy desolator first and begin to snowball on his team. you need to understand, if you have outdrafted teh AM, he cant even show his face in fights before he has like 3-4 items, so the game is yours for teh taking pretty much until then.


          the best heroes against am are pa (am can't fight against a 12 min deso at all), meepo (chain net, way way faster deathball), and shit he cant manfight like troll, od (not as good since he cant push towers as well), ta
          legion and axe are good but am can play around it better


            For support I like to go with riki cause you can't manta out of cloud and am players hate to get bkb.


              Pick meepo, basic


                am doesnt give af abt riki

                зачем я начал поиск

                  What the fuck did I just read.


                    I just pick Sven ftw



                      Fee Too Pee

                        "AM doesnt give af abt riki"

                        My eyes bleed reading this

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          4v5 25 minutes game
                          Play solid play stable
                          Communicate for teamwork


                            The best ass reaming of an AM I ever participated in was as a ashadow demon/axe offlane. The idiot skilling mana burn for his first skill point was just the icing on the cake.

                            If you need to play carry though then yeah PA deals with him pretty good.


                              Pick terrorblade and go in same lane as am and skill ur reflection and make him lose all his mana and kill himself and win the start pushing at 15-20minutes to destroy all t2 and with rosh go t3 win game while am has no farm and looks at u desperately scared af


                                There are really someone struggle with am...
                                If u know basic offlaner am is like free gold and XP except they go trilane and some shit(just gank mid and they babysitter gone)

                                Fuck Dota 2's Devs

                                  pick strong early game heroes
                                  end game before 30 min
                                  gank like ever min

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                                    Heroes that can snowball and take map control early. like pa.

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                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      Physical damage
                                      Map control
                                      Most invis hero
                                      Disables (duh) preferably with quick cast time
                                      Mana burn
                                      Lane shredders
                                      X marks and glimpse

                                      Este comentario fue editado
                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                        Meepo is basically AM's worst nightmare


                                          terrorblade is pretty good against AM


                                            I always go support slardar vs AM. Works really good for me. you can apply early aggression to the lanes. And as soon as you get blink he is rather easy kill with any physical damge core.

                                            It's also really important to have good ward vision to keep track of him and also stop him from jungling. Try to take map control as early as possible with your team.


                                              There r heroes like that who do well against am but r not his hardest counters, am can play around a lot of this.


                                                Literally any hero.


                                                  pressure his lane (tide lich, ss ursa, axe + support)

                                                  but then again, i remember a game where we made AM get a 20 min bfury, and he still got 6 slotted by 40 mins because we lost some team fights.

                                                  no room for making mistakes because am snowballs pretty hard.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Pick a fuck ton of disables and just kill him, make sure you have pushers in case he splits.

                                                    Like tide + silencer combo can kill AM every team fight. I know AM dispels silence with manta, but if you open with global then he manta's out and then you ravage him and his illusions. Add in some carries with disables, dk, sven, etc and he's toast. Carries with bashers are good, SB is good.

                                                    The problem is when people pick a bunch of supports like dazzle and disruptor and omni. Disruptor has to blow his ult on am to catch him which usually isn't ideal and dazzle of course has no disable and omni can't do anything. Or you pick no push to go with your team fight so am can just avoid you and take towers just as fast solo.

                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                      Any offlaner with a reliable disable /damage+a support with damage output/reliable disable after u fuck him in lane stop running after him u can't beat him at his own game
                                                      What u can do however is abuse the fact that his team has 4 players and push towers
                                                      Take his safelane tower first then mid then offlane in the exact same order ...ward the spot near his teir 2 smoke and go kill him then take tier 2 mid then safelane tower ward his shrine now since he can only tp there now kill him again go rosh push highground 30 mins you won gratz

                                                      Chao Vritra

                                                        Push the safelane. Gank mid and force the supports to do something on the map. Usually when I lose to an AM early game it is because he has 2 supports with him.

                                                        People will either ignore him and try to end fast or try to gank him which usually fails. But even if you do gank him once or twice people usually just ignore him.


                                                          Check out this game.


                                                          Feeding teammates who do nothing to shut down AM. More hero damage than all 3 of our other pos 3-4s put together. My mate on Invoker and I carrying the game basically by ourselves both with more kills each than total kills and assists of any of the other three players on our team.

                                                          Offlane monkey king and nyx do nothing to stop AMs farm - he gets 52 cs at ten minutes while I have to contest cs against a bloodseeker with no lane support and just a roaming Pudge (so I only get 32 by ten).

                                                          The dogs hit offlane monkey king actually had only 9 cs by minute 6 and got zero (0) cs between minute 6 and minute 10. While AM was at 27 cs and got 52 by minute ten. Despite the easiest lane of his life and the monkey king doing nothing to stop him I’m actually so good at PA I and my friend on invoker were able to win the game.

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            careful not to pat yourself on the back too hard


                                                              MU🅱ANJI STRIKES AGAIN

                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                I eat Anti Mages for breakfast.

                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                  I eat "antimage counter pickers" for breakfast too

                                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                                    ^but pls, kindly elaborate on your username


                                                                      don't pick bs, don't pick LC, pick Axe for offlane, Terrorblade for his skill 1, in case with terrorblade u destroy all tower when u have done ur treads dragon lance and manta. try it It works for me always +100gpm than farmed AM


                                                                        Bloodseeker, LC and Axe are all good for basic hero counters to AM. Bonus if you actually know the heroes and can play them well.

                                                                        BTW, Bad Intentions, Nice job on getting Legend (from Archon). Feels guuud, doesn't it? :D

                                                                        Also, from what I understand, Alch dumps all over AM. He comes online tons faster and can push quite hard when he wants.

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                                                                          Murranji why didn't u just pick spectre and zeus


                                                                            Bad intentions. Understandable. Tb spammer lul

                                                                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                              YOU CAN'T

                                                                              But you can atleast contain him. If he have threads and fury in 15mins, your in deep shit

                                                                              There are some natural counter to AM, like:
                                                                              Disruptor, LC, Bloodseeker, etc. But a smart AM can escape that threat. BKB, Aghs, Linken, now hes unstoppable.

                                                                              Like everyone saying on this forum, your only hope is to harass him and cut out his farm as good as posible.


                                                                                If the alch is smart and walks up to ur buildings and hits them then yeah
                                                                                If ur alch just afk farms forever ur not gonna like it


                                                                                  did anyone say sniper yet


                                                                                    Void,Meepo hardest counters.

                                                                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                                                                      Counters himself by being a bad hero.
                                                                                      I honestly don't understand the problem.

                                                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                        its too hard to explain to my team about map control thing... i give up...


                                                                                          Pick silences, stuns etc. to take blink out and he just dies. Also Physical Damage is needed. Magic just doesn't work. Orchid, Basher etc. Are all fine items against AM and a Halberd can work too.


                                                                                            No u dont. Finish the game early. If it going to late, u really fcked up


                                                                                            Look at that ridiculous team advantage difference, but still my team win because am are really scary at late.Not to mention they have 2 anti-rat heroes, and my team doesnt have any disabler

                                                                                            chicken spook,,,,


                                                                                              hardest counters.


                                                                                                And no one says about Barathrum?


                                                                                                  You pick brewmaster, cast drunken haze, and pause every time he misses a cs while spamming the circus taunt.

                                                                                                  Then he rage bbs, sells his items, then u win.


                                                                                                    The dog knows

                                                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                      brewmaster is so fucking bad against am