General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker early game mana problem solution

Invoker early game mana problem solution in General Discussion
Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I recently played a Invoker (1st time playing him since the talent introduction) and I did well. An 18-3-21 (last 2 deaths are from the last 2mins of the game: A dieback). We loss only because of our troll mentality: Wow, we teamwipe them. Time to pu---, wait is that a huge creep wave from the top? Ill tp and farm first. No objective gaming wtf. The game went 1hr and we cant fight highground coz all of their buyback and CK became a monster. I mean, 1hr game and troll only got 1.3k bldg dmg. *face palm*

    Anyway, back to the topic. Mana problem early game is a big issue for invoker. His mana pool is low. One sunstrike early game depletes your mana to almost a half already. Raindrops help but still not sufficient to land those 3 spell combo (w/o aghs).

    So whats the best option? Pro player buy a lot of clarity. Do you think going Euls is always better than skipping it for aghs? Or just buy void stone early on?

    casual gamer

      Clarity is the solution man


        clarity, wand, raindrop
        that shud be enough
        the build is null then second null wand boots midas, then aghs then BoT
        after that u go blink or linkens
        euls is imo rlly situational
        also im assuming qe invoker, if ur qw its pretty different
        as qe u only rlly need mana for alacrity or forges, whichever ur using, and its only abt 50 mana
        sunstrike takes a lot, as does cold snap and meteor shud u use those, but ur not using them too frequently, and ur 2nd null and int growth makes up for it after a couple levels
        you shouldnt be fighting so much as to be in desperate need of mana besides what clarities offer
        also, there is no excuse for an invoker not to take rax after a teamwipe, regardless of whether troll left, cuz u have alacrity and forges, u can easily take buildings
        obv not a smart play from troll, but u can still do it
        also u shud still make ck's life rlly fucking annoying in the lategame, plus u have whirling axes, u actually do stand a shot against that

        chicken spook,,,,

          Clarity best item, can confirm

          chicken spook,,,,

            Oh, and

            also, there is no excuse for an invoker not to take rax after a teamwipe, regardless of whether troll left, cuz u have alacrity and forges, u can easily take buildings