General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy low 3k is the worst bracket in this game

Why low 3k is the worst bracket in this game in General Discussion

    Ok, hello guys.
    This is going to be a bit of a rant, but with a few questions along the way, so bear with me.
    I'm going to prove my point on my today's matches.
    That means 1-5 stats overall.
    First game, QoP mid - enemy Veno disconnects, comes back a minute into the game, teleports middle, dies once, abandons.
    Second game, Axe offlane with Phoenix. Legion Commander last pick middle into Tinker, Spectre second to last pick into Timber while he knows he only gets Rubick as a support. Rages after he loses the lane against solo Timbersaw, refuses to play.
    Third game, Beastmaster offlane. Ok, here I got some connection issues during the first ten minutes which we lost, but - we had first pick Medusa (safe), second pick Anti-Mage (middle), third pick Zeus (at least he went support tho, so cheers to him) and jungle Windranger (who came to lane after I told them I have lags). We managed to defend somehow for about thirty minutes while wiping the enemy two times. Meanwhile, Anti-Mage was farming. In 50 minutes, he had Battlefury and Manta and same damage to heroes as my Beastmaster.
    Fourth game, here we go! Support Vengeful! Last pick Anti-mage into Bloodseeker (even refused to pick the range talent which should make rupture useless against him). We got afking pudge that didn't move, but we got along somehow for a long time, messing up their Spectre, but our Brewmaster played his first game on the hero and didn't know on which one he spawns, how his spells work or anything.
    In the end, my Vengeful had higher hero damage than our Brew or Anti-mage while having 3x smaller Net worth.
    Fifth game, middle QoP, finally! We get last pick Lifestealer jungle into bounty hunter, second to last was Ursa pick for safe lane even though the enemy had Chaos Knight. Our offlane was Techies, but he was pretty decent, so props to him, despite the usual flame from team to him for picking Techies. Lifestealer didn't know how to use Armlet.
    Finally, my last game today, the sixth one. Dark seer offlane against Morphling and Slardar. I somehow got along, got decent farm, stole their 4-5 stack, and suddenly... our Witch doctor died mid. The immediate buyback, tp mid, died again. Starts feeding. 0/17/2 in 12 minutes.

    This doesn't even begin to cover the horrors I have met in-game in chat, be it voice, text, pings or chat wheel. Every single one of these games was awful with toxic people on both sides.
    Now this, this is just beyond wrong. I honestly don't care about the MMR, Seasons or whatever. What I care about are my games. I want to play a normal game, with normal people. I seriously wonder whether this is just a 3k thing or it's the same everywhere.
    And if not, good lord when does it end?
    All games played on EU West, most teammates were either Russian or Turkish though, very few other Slavic nationalities as well, but most of the others at least spoke english.


      That's sad(laughs with my uncalibrated account) maybe its not your day and you sucked all the bad luck for the remainder of your dota days and its gonna go well from now on?

      chicken spook,,,,

        Because it has whiners like you


          I am low 3k and i can say high 2k is a hole lot better with support and teamwork. Honestly mid or feed is the trend here.


            To be honest, my biggest issue is that I couldn't report a single person because for some magical reason, I don't have any reports. I have had one or two decent games lately, but the lack of any reporting system confuses me a lot.

            I played a few games on a friends PC (and account), he was 1k at the time and it was so much better (in regards to toxicity, role fights and all that).
            And it's not about supports either, not entirely - I play them every now and then, I don't really mind, but even as a support I receive insane amounts of hate and flame for every minor mistake (whether real or not is up to debate).

            I understand that it seems like a whining and maybe it is, but I want to enjoy the game I put so much time (and money) and this has been very tiring and exhausting for me, making me lose motivation to even load the game anymore.


              worst thing is, even if you let them play core and tryhard support them, they still ruin your game by being incapable of carrying and throwing all advantage you create away by overextending into enemy fountain instead of make megacreeps.




                  worst thing is, even if you let them play core and tryhard support them, they still ruin your game by being incapable of carrying and throwing all advantage you create away by overextending into enemy fountain instead of make megacreeps.

                  ^ this right here is the reason i have 92% core on my profile, because I know I cannot trust anyone else to play carry.