General Discussion

General DiscussionVS meta stat

VS meta stat in General Discussion

    What's up with VS meta win rate she is second in 3k-4k in winrate.

    What's new with her to be this viable?

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Like previous Mirana, steroids. But Mirana was much stronger and obviously OP so Mirana got nerfed whereas VS remains.

      إن شاء الله

        VS mostly stay the same for me in early game except new Wave of terror which is buffed in the point that I wished it has to be.(+ -cd talent which made her become walking desolator) For me lvl.20 talent or 25 is quite little bit like pipe dream if you play conventional supp#5 VS

        Este comentario fue editado
        i have 5 reports to use

          Her swap is op if you actually use it offensively