General Discussion

General DiscussionKunkka

Kunkka in General Discussion

    Support or core?


      would you believe that any hero can be either support or core depending on what's good in that game.

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        cant cleave for shit after they changed the mechanics, core kunkkas for 200 iq math major keeds only

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          Mid lane Oracle
          Support Slark
          Roaming CK

          Guess what? I've seen 'em all
          (I want it nowwww)


            meka is almost 6k with roaming CK

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            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              someone didnt watch dreamleague i assume. midone shat on some kids with his kunkka. also, that cleave mechanic doesnt really affect kunkka, tidebringer has a set range and aoe anyway. its only a big deal for bfury and maybe sven too.


                Ye that match was OP(shots fired) but still I believe kunkka is better played as pos 4


                  RodjER's kunkka was ultra OP


                    Whats the difference between the old tidebringer and the new one?


                      I like kunkka core but I’m a core player , I think he’s good at both .

                      Chao Vritra

                        right now support I think. Getting caught in X is really scary. Getting caught in any of his spells is really scary. A core kunkka can disable you too but a support kunkka can make that his entire game

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          are u serious cleave change was 10 times more important for kunkka than sven or bf users
                          (if u want to say that tidebringer wasnt a part of the whole cleave rework from circle to cone AOE ure wrong)

                          the only one more affected by this is probably ember(and even then there was also the sof change)
                          i dont know maybe im not wishing to adapt or mb im just bad but its really hard to cleave somebody properly now and ive played 400 games on the hero with the old cleave

                          like even in lane u can easily dodge the tidebringer in by strafing him(used to not be the case, u needed to be almost full 180 degrees from his attack line) and u can be very liberal with who u want to cleave in lane unlike in teamfights

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            tbh i dont play kunkka so i dont know too well but i dont see how tidebringer was a circle to begin with, wasnt it always conic/rectangular?


                              Not good carry and supp. Trash Tier hero

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                yes it was a circle, all cleave was circular aoe. u draw the line of <2x*cleave AOE> perpendicular to ur hero and then from the center of that line u draw a circle with a radius of <cleave AOE> and u get ur cleave area. it used to be like that for all cleaves and as a result u could hit people as far as 2x the aoe of cleave. for people that use bf to hit creeps it means literally nothing, for sven it was a slight nerf i guess, but for kunkka it was massive, there is so much less stuff u can cleave at medium distances(400-800) compared to old cleave, and its the main range u have been cleaving in

                                honestly just fuck off icefrog i kinda understand people who were pissed after morphling changes now

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                                  kunkka core is so fukin strong for so long stop whining lol

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    fuck off ywn

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      man that doesnt even really make sense though. so the cleave was not even centered around the unit you were actually hitting but just a certain distance behind it? im not surprised it was change because it doesnt even make sense.


                                        ^if it was centered around the unit u hit u cud cleave people behind u what

                                        Core kunkka just feels weird, cuz u need like 2 daedalus to actually deal that kinda huge dmg, and then if u miss one cleave ur contribution drops massively. But idk, the build just feels clunky to me. It is SUPER fun tho.