General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are the best pos 4 that can also pos 3?

What are the best pos 4 that can also pos 3? in General Discussion
Schrödinger no Kaeru

    Just tryin' to make a pool of heroes to play as pos 4 or 3 'cause I really prefer those 2 positions over any other, thanks !

    Joseph Storm

      So by that you mean roamers that can also be played in offlane. I think clockwerk, sandking, nyx and earthshaker can be played in both positions.

      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

        Clock, earthshaker seems like the best candidate for both roles

        Omniknight and sandking also

        I would say abba but he plays more 5 than 4

        It's possible to play batrider as support, also spirit breaker as offlane, but neither I like, I prefer bat staying in the offlane and sb in 4

        I saw sone beastmaster play support also. As well as dark seer, but few and far between

        Maybe nyx also

        Este comentario fue editado
        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Uh... Windranger? More of a lane support at first though.

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Ah yes Bane and Tiny

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Lastly Night Stalker


                Good to Great:
                Elder Titan
                Night Stalker
                Nyx Assassin
                Sand King

                Average to Below Average:
                Nature's Prophet
                Queen of Pain
                Spirit Breaker

                I play both roles and most of the heroes in the first list.


                  Tusk, slardar, Shaker, Omni, clock, na, nyx

                  Schrödinger no Kaeru

                    Thanks a lot guys !


                      Well in my bracket, we have ww and jak offlane


                        Nyx is probably the only one that I always guess about, though I personally play him 4. Clock is another, I like him offlane. Es offlane I dont see much of anymore, and I always ran him 4


                          4 is not restricted to roamer. 4 is "farming support". This position is where junglers used to be, like Chen, Ench, Enigma, etc.
                          To answer your question, for this patch at least, it seems to be omni, clock, shaker.


                            I would go for tiny or slardar on this position iif you want to make sure that you will be another hero your enemies will have to deal with.


                              holy shit do none of you watch high mmr games?

                              those answers are terrible. half the answers are inefficient, other half are just insanity.

                              i mean seriously:

                              pos 4 omni, bat, bane, pangolier, phoenix, Nature's, Puck, Queen of Pain, Undying, Weaver, jak, ww ?

                              you'd have to be insane to put these into pos 4

                              Este comentario fue editado

                                Whats the usual pos of titan in pro games? 3 ? None?xD


                                  ok i'll give you that one, i just haven't seen anyone play him in like a year, last time i did it was in a dual roam support patch.

                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                    Qop and puck is really weird, and weaver and np are extremely niche, but the other I can see valid 4
                                    (well not bane, he is probably the single least dependent hero in the game, at the same level as warlock)

                                    Phoenix and ww is weird as 3, they are much better 4, but i can see them being able to lane as 3

                                    Jakiro is underrated 3 imo, he can absolutely be both

                                    I really prefer ET as 4

                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                      Ah ok, Cookie.

                                      Sorry, I didn't realise the Crusader player was asking for heroes he would be using in professional tournaments. I totally forgot. How silly of me.

                                      I'm also too stupid to realise heroes like Nature's Prophet and Puck would be used as position 4s in pubs even though they were recently done so in tournaments.

                                      Also, how fucking ironic that you would talk about jungling to climb MMR but if someone asked what good jungling heroes are there, you would ridicule them and mention how no one jungles in pro games.

                                      But fuck me, right?


                                      P.S. Btw, how's the life of a 6k MMR professional player going?

                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                        There are a few heroes that used to be pos 3 and sorta became better as pos 4. Such as slardar clockwork Phoenix


                                          Pos 3 and 3/4. U start of in the offlane. Realise u can't do anything and roam mid instead.



                                            69 god

                                              Anomalina perfectly written :)