General Discussion

General DiscussionPost your MMR graph

Post your MMR graph in General Discussion

    Tops: 4.6k
    Floor: 3.6k (kind of weird though since my lowest was around 3.2k)

    Nevertheless, my current rating is in the bottom area compared to previous years..

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    Bad Intentions

      Tops: 4.5k
      Lowest: 3.0k

      Currently a Legend, wut!


        I only joined Opendota recently so my graph doesn't have much detail in it.

        However I calibrated a few months after starting to play the game at around 1.8k MMR.

        Hit a floor of 1.4k once and am up to 2.5k right now. Haven't played ranked regularly for the past couple of years but am starting to again.

        casual gamer

          u can really see when blunt started boosting me


            top: 5.3k
            low: calibrated at 2.0k

            Este comentario fue editado

              ^ this is nice. With annotations. Just like explaining stock market charts.

              If i use tech analysis - you are actually on a very upward trend where supporting line is somewhere 3.3k mmr and resistance line @ 4.8kmmr which you broke already.

              Will annotate my chart tonight :D


                My graph probably looks like the bitcoin market right now. And I mean volatile.


                  Calibrated at 2.4k
                  Currently at 3.4k


                    From 300mmr to 2.3k
                    Started from the bottom now-...still at the bottom lewl how to get HS git gud

                    Justin Weaver

                      Well, first calibrated at 900, went as low as 180, when I got to 600 bought battle pass, recalibrated at 1070,climbed into 3.2, legend 1 now with 3.5k

                      13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                        Tops 5.1k
                        Floor 2.8k

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          I'm stuck on 1.5k forever :)))))