General Discussion

General Discussionhow to be a pro support?

how to be a pro support? in General Discussion

    can u give me some tips/advises or maybe about your hotkeys, about playing a support role? because everytime i play supp role my skill would goes down to hs even tho im winning the games? is there any other factors that should i concern about? or maybe i just suck in supporting???


      *this situation happened in my older acc actually :)

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          @meka :( help me please pro, hmmm

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            Playing support is rarely about technical skill.
            If you want to be really good, you have to think about everything, communicate with your teammates (super important), buy everything (sentries!!! obs, smokes, dusts, gem, utilty items). Force staff, mekans, glimmer or pipe tend to better than expensive items like aghs or atos (few exceptions, like KOTL who can flash farm). Don't forget that you also need to maximilize your farm (ofc not on the expense of your cores, so in early game, it's better to stack for your carry), so pull and farm when you're not ganking. Your goal should be to win EVERY lane, so after you get fb on offlaner, go for mid vice versa. Never focus on one core, get everyone farmed.
            Another super important thing is map awarness. You should be checking the mini-map all the time. If your mid doesnt see enemy support on mini map, you cant blame him for that, cause he should be focusing on maximalizing his farm, it's your job to keep track of everyone.
            Last advice, be a positive and good support and you'll make a lot of friends in dota. Good luck


              @stitcher, thanks mate :) i really appretiate it, gl to you too

              casual gamer

                i watched an archon cm get run down by cw without casting any spells.. i guess she was mind flooded


                  Win all lanes with smokes. Put good wards. If u never deward in game u r playing support wrong


                    If you're not at least winning one lane with your help, you're playing support wrong.


                      Win the lane first before you fucking stack and pull