General Discussion

General Discussionneed tips to play better

need tips to play better in General Discussion

    To people with higher badges than mine :-

    Can u all plz take a minute to go thru my dbuff account n suggest roles/heroes/lanes/playstyles for me to stIck with to get better?

    P.S. : Any help greatly appreciated... ty

    < blank >

      You are 2k

      You need to improve on every aspect of your game starting on farming effectively. Try youtube guides for farming, carry basics.

      After that play some heros that require good map awareness like Natures Prophet, AA or Invoker to improve this aspect. People on 2k usually have tunnel vision so people are usually very slow to react when you split push.

      Same goes for invi heros. Mix invi hero + split pushing on your bracket and you are immortal - people rarely buy dusts. Ofc I talk about Clinkz or NP with shadow blade.

      People on your bracket also forget to use active items. More than 2 active items + spells is usually too much for many people unfortunately.

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      chicken spook,,,,

        Spam hero to learn the basics
        Use your brain
        Don't play on autopilot
        Grind more dota


          get good at 2-3 heros per position and spam them, dont think about counterpicking yet

          for climbing 2-3k i always tell ppl to learn to offlane.

          theres no real support rotations in your bracket. pick a strong laner, dont die when you face 2 or 3 heroes alone, whenever the supports leave the carry alone you dont let him farm at all. run at him and slap his face. (dont do that vs ursa lul) learn to abuse creep aggro.
          enemy carry getting less farm than your carry usually equals you winning the game
          sth like legion (please dont buy shadowblade first), axe, underlord, enigma, veno...

          for carry - pick a flash farming heroes like luna sven, always check your lasthits. try to have 10 lasthits per minute. learn farming patterns. in easy games you will be 6slotted at 30/35minutes, just run at your teammates, ask them to follow and walk down all lanes. kill rosh if you fail and try again. if you fail again figure out why you die and buy an item to counter it.

          you die alot when you play support. be less agressive, stand behind your carry and dont get initiated on.
          dont especially go somewhere to ward. ward offensively when your team pushes towers or looks for kills, ward defensively if they just jungle. use smokes.
          you play alot of warlock. this hero wants quick levels. get 2 levels in chains, use it on enemy hero to harass, then instantly pull creeps. pull them to the easy camp first, to the hard camp after. make sure they die to neutrals and dont run back to lane. stop rushing aghanims. buy forcestaff and glimmer cape, actual support items that help you survive

          Palmen aus Plastik

            I'll suggest you learn offlane Doom. Melt is right, get a strong offlaner with potential to farm. You'll easily climb. I'm just 3k now so i have done the climb. I chose Invoker as my hero to spam, but honestly looking back offlaning is a faster climb in 2k. With Doom, you will learn to man up, learn about jungle creeps, learn about correct itemisation and finally recognize power spikes.

            chicken spook,,,,

              actual support items that help anyone in your team survive*


                So basically, offlane is the best role to climb in 2k?


                  well "climbing" shouldnt be understood as actually winning.
                  climbing means getting better at dota, leading into winning alot at your current skill bracked, leading into higher mmr.

                  playing offlane will teach you alot of basics really quick. roaming might have a similar effect but you need an actual team while alot of offlaners can get solo kills midgame


                    try spamming jugg like what Jacked do


                      i'd rather pick a hero that has >52%winrate in 2k right now


                        ty people... also i like ck a lot... any suggestions for ck..? and i m thinking of tryin oflane veno/slrdr/doom... lets see how it goes...


                          slardar is vulnerable in lane, hes more a pos4 now.

                          ck cant farm well, you need to get a midas and find early kills. if you succeed you will snowball and be unkillable, if you dont you wont recover. imo not a good hero for 2/3k. flash farming carries can stomp much more consistently
                          also he gets hard countered by alot of semi popular heroes. lion, shaker, medusa, od, legion...


                            ya... i noticed this with ck... i checkd doom... y do pros go bkb on doom.? isnt he like a pos 3/4 ? n how to use bkb on doom...? i mean no physical burst like pa or sven...


                              doom on bkb is situational tho it depends on how many disable they have. if u can fast enough to catch them before they do then no need bkb but u have to smart enough coz u are like a frontline soldier whose ready to die everytime there is a war

                              Palmen aus Plastik

                                Yes. Skip BKB. Go tranquils, Midas, Blink then some item to tank up (Crimson Guard, Shiva's etc.). Doom farms so fast it doesn't matter. Just don't go Radiance as an offlaner. Too many people in my games build that and he is just a useless jungling machine. Only retreat to the jungle if the offlane is unsafe or you are completely zoned out. Unless you are against Ursa or a trilane (rare) you shouldn't lose any lane. Focus early on Scorched Earth and not Devour. Low level devour is more of a hindrance than help. Infernal Blade and Scorched Earth makes you a beast early game.

                                Forget me not

                                  Try pangolier offlane , I'm just starting to play this heroband its easily have high impact with minimal amount of item. Even when played pos 4 you can easily kill enemy core with just javelin and a few level.


                                    @ no 1 : how to play pango..? items build..?


                                      mana boots then 2 builds:

                                      2-3 javelin, basher vanguard mkb abyssal OR

                                      vanguard+blink -> same items or radiance

                                      ult is most important. u need to practice the ult a lot because its so good. bad hero against ranged dpser like drow sf who bkb and kill u in ult

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                                        Be efficient with the lanes. If you are going to play core as a farmer, always prefer the lane over jungle. Try to farm the lane as much as you can if you feel safe about it ( if you got wards, etc). And don't forgot to look at the time you might be able to get some runes and stack a camp.

                                        And in the laning stage never ever (if you are a core) trade the creeps with a bounty rune.

                                        And considering it is a 2k game (toxic at times) you might want to buy a few wards yourself if you have to (even as a core) try to think of it as an investment for the amount of exp and gold you are going to get because of it.

                                        And overall mechanics like stacking, last hit, deny (i'm not too good myself)

                                        Oh and furthermore don't just follow the guide blindly. You have to know why the guide would suggest a certain item to a certain hero. Try to experiment with item and skill builds and try to adapt within your games.

                                        Good luck sir.
                                        (Sorry for long post)

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                                        Forget me not

                                          Just check some video on YouTube see iceiceice offlane pango, you reck havoc from lvl 5, lvl 7 , lvl 9,and lvl 15, hat's your power spike with high damage burst , enemy usually dont saw you can kill them at taht level, and a stun + a damage block from skills 2 is good at early teamfight. If you are playing offlane just try to farm and harras enemy carry with your skills .
                                          As for item build 1 javelin is core I think. And if your enemy has a linken in themba diffusal is pretty good to break enemy linken. Usually boots > javelin/ aquila/ mana boots> diffu/ another aquila> basher/ bm/ lotus/linken/blink dagger.

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                                          Forget me not

                                            Mana boots is not really necessary for pango with his lvl 10 talent I think. I just buy mana boots is I'm planning to buy a lotus orb vs enemy with many solo spells, or my team didnt have a support that afford to buy it.

                                            Forget me not

                                              @check my profile why you let them buy bkb when you can deck them rwallybhard with skill that can position yourself near them and use skill 2 for damage block. Blade mailbis good to with vanguard if your team didn't have a good frontlaner to hold enemy if your team have squishy support and core.


                                                ty again... n i dont mind long posts... tried 1 pango... sad i had a feeder kunkka... lost... strong hero but hard ult...

                                                Chao Vritra

                                                  start thinking in terms of pushing and destroying the enemy throne and not on killing the entire enemy team. As a pudge main this is very hard to remember sometimes. Sometimes maybe you can get 4 kills but maybe it is better to be pushing when everyone is fighting? It depends.

                                                  You could spam one hero but it is easy to forget to learn dota as you are learning every little thing about your main


                                                    You maxed devour on Doom.

                                                    Scorthed Earth and Blade are two really strong early game spells. And you maxed Devour.

                                                    Yea don't do that shit again.

                                                    Palmen aus Plastik

                                                      haha. brother it makes me happy that you tried doom but you didnt take my skillbuild advise nor itemisation advice. I wrote all that so you don't make the same mistake every 2k doom ever makes. Shadow Blade, Radiance and early game devour. The point was to make you skip all those mistakes.

                                                      (Shadow Blade is a good substitute for blink, but blink is better and you're skipping midas for that urn upgrade which is completely unnecessary.)

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                                                      Super Speed Snail

                                                        You might want to spam nature prophet. Learn on how pro use the hero in youtube and spam them.

                                                        Im also in 2K mmr. People in this place simply cant handle split push.

                                                        The hero will train you farming, map awareness, and strategic decision making in clash.

                                                        Or you can pick spectre to spam like me. She is a good hero i use to train my farming, split pushing, and my decision making in clash.

                                                        Unlike NP, spec is much thicker, but isnt as deadly as NP in 2K bracket because she needs good support and good line up of team mates.

                                                        You can solo win some match with ratting NP. And im often feels like in my team mercy when use spec.


                                                          Play more support. Seriously this is how I climbed I legit learned a lot


                                                            Yea U can spam jug like jacked does. But can u play him like I do, with psychological warfare


                                                              ^how does psychological warfare work?

                                                              Cobrex :c

                                                                if u really wanna learn dota and climb to 4k, the best way is to spam offlane. i used to play in 2k-3k mid and i was actually good, aswell as carry pos 1. but once i said fuck it lets learn offlane and thats when i really started to understand hero spikes, farming when u cant even stay on lane, positioning, abusing supp rotations, getting in xp range, contesting .... plus u either own and fuck up their carry or just try hard to get lvl 6-7 and rotate to an early fight/gank ... goodluck


                                                                  jumping back to doom:

                                                                  that guy needs armor. he has everything else, just zero armor and almost zero agi gain on top.
                                                                  hard lane - solar crest
                                                                  easy lane - casual platemail, youre building shavas or ac later anyway

                                                                  one mobility item to get your ultimate off
                                                                  dont unteresteminate the dmg of infernam blade. that shit hurts!

                                                                  in fight you activate W, infernal blade somebody, wait for cd, repeat
                                                                  there will be 1-2 heroes you wanna doom. dont use it for solo ganks in the midgame

                                                                  at some point, around level 7-12, doom no matter how much he is behind, can just run at a level 15ish well famred carry, doom him under his tier 2 and chase him to death with W actice

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                                                                    Skill to Tilt the enemy


                                                                      thats a nice one, too.
                                                                      when i see jungling enemy i walk their jungle typing all chat "hello, this is jungle police" after i killed him


                                                                        Learn game sense and mechanics. Ez mmr any role any hero.

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                                                                          Let me just tell you all something. If you have bad behavior score you can play like a fucking Miracle you wont move from 2k.

                                                                          Things you are all saying have sense in a ideal world. In 2k trash games that mean shit. Ill explain why.
                                                                          If you have low beh. score, matchmaking system will give you most fucking toxic trash in history of dota. I personally had many games when im doing great as pos1 or 2 and other lanes are feeding. Toxic trash out of jealousy will feed heroes/cours/troll/call for roshan than take your aegis/reporting you out of spite/go afk farming ultil game is lost even though team is doing good, and all other stuff that people from upper brackets cant believe are real.
                                                                          Also you will encounter many many fucing smurfers and if you get one on mid in the opposite team just know that the game is rigged. Matchmaking fucked you cause it matched you with solid people and mid smurfer and you can just watch that game turns to shit in 10 mins.

                                                                          Also no one buys dust and shit are not true.
                                                                          Yesterday i had such a shit game beyond belief. TB carry, normally no supp so i play vs offlane Sniper who cant do anything to me and I free farm. Rest of trash is feeding allover and force me to engage because if i dont i get reporteeeeeed. Meanwhile noob sniper buy aganim, sb, rapier 2x. And just sits back and clicks ulti. I buy blade mail but im just one player in team of idiots... Ofc ez game is lost.

                                                                          So in general your advice's are fine but someone who has never been stuck in 2k has no idea how it is. I played with many solid players that are stuck with total trash in same bracket.

                                                                          So, first of all get your behavior score to normal. Try to talk as less as you can, trash people hate anyone with brain and they will report you even if you are the best player in team. When you get normal beh. score pe patient and work on your skill. Than you will move up and matchmaking will give you people to play with not animals.

                                                                          Good luck

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                                                                            ty again people... m dumg.. shud have thought of solar for doom... will try... also m afraid to use blink as it gets deactivated... but m thnkn armor+blink.. will try... lets c... n my beh score shows ok... green.. no reports n all... n m findin ck really good.... midas helps... n i guess 2k cant countr illu... doom n ck i play for few days... o n pango... keep posting if u dont mind people.. it does help...


                                                                              @Super Speed Snail : NP nt my type man.. squishy, ranged, multiple units... nt my cuppa tea... also if u r 2k want me to add u..? may be we can try boosting 2gethr...

                                                                              Justin Weaver

                                                                                I spammed pos 4 pudge in 2k bracket was really effective, I had something like 49 percentage win rate on the hero and have now around 65, so I suggest u as some of them have said spam a roamer or other positions than one and 2

                                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                                  So pick a handful of heroes you're comfortable with and play them.


                                                                                    Learn to play Huskar and snowball every game ez win in 2k .


                                                                                      "n i guess 2k cant countr illu.."

                                                                                      This is the game i talked about. Not all 2k players are stupid. If it was so easy to get out everybody would get out of 2k.



                                                                                        @Flavia : Hard luck mate... that game is really unwinnable.. but see my point... ur ck 14-5 stomping..


                                                                                          Can anyone give me tips?


                                                                                            no sorry thats not gonna happen
                                                                                            can we stop digging those old topics


                                                                                              Why not?