General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is your own definition of "SPACE CREATED"?

What is your own definition of "SPACE CREATED"? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Based on your doto adventures and experience. Kindly share your thoughts?


      Theres only one definition of "space created", when you are playing hard carry and you have free farm. But you don't have free farm because the enemy is too dumb to contest, you have free farm cuz your supports are repeling the enemy. Although there are evil supports out there that go "I always get dumb carries" then proceed to kill some useless support over and over again on the enemy team a mile away from you and call it "space". Don't fall for it.

      69 god

        Consider an example where you're a hard carry anti mage or phantom lancer and aren't able to farm. Suppose two of your teammates, suppose a support kunka and offlane timbersaw go to push the enemy safelane tower. With respect to defending it, enemies use one or two ultimates. Maybe they used doom or lc used a duel. So in that case you should take advantage and farm faster in that phase because you are comparatively safer.

        Also just pushing lanes till tier 2 and forcing support rotations maybe considered as space creation. A necrophos, for example may sometimes even require 4 people to gank him. These things, according to me count as space creation. Not necessary that you die while creating space though.


          Forcing the enemy to attend to certain parts of the map means space was created on the other side.


            when you are feeding the enemy , 5 man gank to you and they let ur carry free farm :D


              As Long as you force rotations and get them out of hiding and get them to waste time chasing u. That's space creation for whoever can take objective or farm dangerously because of what You have provided


                When playing np and 5 enemy reacting to my rotation XD


                  When you are solo killed by the enemy position 6. >Space Created

                  100% WINRATE MASTER

                    when u play Void and use Chronosphere. SPACE CREATED.


                      When you play KotL and you cast Blinding Light on 5 enemies inside your Void's chronoshere.
                      >Space created.


                        Buy enigma immortal set and ult
                        S P A C E C R E A T E D


                          I just pick Chen and run at peoples' faces forcing them to hide in the jungle and def hg later on.

                          Justin Weaver

                            Making them chase you wasting their valuable time hitting the creeps or using valuable resources whatsoever


                              It depends on your role. If your Mid I want you to be able to stroll into a lane like a badass and the enemy either Leaves 1v0 or they want to rotate and go 1v4+ If your support. any Movement on the map that makes enemies use TP's regen/consumables etc.. or screws up an enemy gank. If your Hard carry anything you do that involves 1v5 rotations pushing Lanes and towers to pressure the enemy or roshan. As a carry you should also have th same presence as mid. They shoud be wanting you dead. if their busy hunting your supports your not doing your job. It means they think your doing such a poor job they just walk all over the rest of your team.(assuming your team is not Just feeding- Feeding means dying without purpose or for an objective. not just High Deaths.) As an offlaner you need to be counter ganking protecting heroes all over map or organizing Team objectives. Examples- Pushing Towers W/Cores, Roshing, Smoke ganks W/supports, Basically filling in the gaps. Hell my favorite thing to do to make space as less item dependent offlaners like Pheonix, Tide, Clock- I like to buy out the wards and go on a warding entourage placing highly aggressive wards near locations I am trying to organize a Push. It normally also secures a win in the team fight since we can see all the shit your doing before you get to us. I feel like the offlaner has it easy in terms of "making space" they make space simply by being active on the map and forcing enemy heroes to do something about it. As a jungler you need to be using your power spikes appropriately and doing your best to shove lanes and or ganking like crazy on easy targets. A lot of junglers screw up by trying to gank the Strongest enemy. If it fails they snowball out of control while you hit a brick wall.

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                              -Vrz •剣神流 ♥ Gal Farion

                                Just buy a courier and make the enemies catch it

                                S P A C E C R E A T E D


                                  Generally, if you force enemies react to you and they cant go for objectives they want to and you allow your team going for objectives you want. I would say it doesn't have to be just about space, but as well about time.

                                  For example, slow enemy push, while your cores are farming/split pushing, you already created space by giving them time.
                                  In early game it can be pressuring important heroes (trilane/aggresive offlane/mid), ganking, pushing and forcing TPs.
                                  In late game it can be even taking rosh, which forces an enemy to be more defensive and allow you a bit more map control.
                                  It can be cutting waves behind enemy 5man push, so they cant continue the push and have to withdrew and try to catch you.
                                  It can be a simple split push even by support (SK taking 3 waves and let your own taking enemy tower).


                                    Run in the enemys and feed: Space created!

                                    Your team will be thankful, so enemies drop more gold+xp. Trust me, it works

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      it's only "space created" if someone is actually taking advantage of the "space". if 4 of your teammates are sitting inside the base and you die trying to splitpush, that's not "space created", it is "dying like a retard and having to buyback". if you fight 4v5 while AM is farming and pressuring a lane and you keep the enemy busy long enough and don't lose the fight too badly (like 4 for 0), then that is "space created".


                                        Just spam it whenever you die. Space created.


                                          Space is to place as eternity is to time.


                                            Feed offlane


                                              Space is created by an active team... When you show up on lanes and push the lanes so that the enemy has to respond by showing up for a tower defense... Basically forcing the enemy team to respond to your actions and not waiting for the enemy team to gank your safelane carry.

                                              Playing Active instead of Reactive... If all your heroes are in the jungle farming neutral creeps, you will lose space and lose the game. In order for the slot 1 carry to have space, the rest of the team needs to be active on the map or the slot 1 will be ganked, if he is the only one showing on the map... And this is why having a good aggressive offlane is so important. They can harass the enemy safelaner out of the lane and push the tower forcing more enemy heroes to react to it. So midlaner can focus on taking down the mid tier 1 tower as soon as possible and for the safelane to get as much CS and gold as possible.

                                              Of course, when you do stupid stuff and die, it is always "space created" too... You just have to read between the lines to find out the truth.

                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                what sam said


                                                  UR THREADS ARE DISGUSTING AND U SHOULD FEEL BAD ABOUT IT


                                                    When I'm 0-4 in 5 mins playing offlane, keeping 3 heroes occupied on me.

                                                    Hella space.

                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                      ^actually not that bad of an outcome since your carry and mid can breathe


                                                        getting quadlaned mid -> offlaner and carry free farm


                                                          when i lure 5 enemy heroes to chase me for 1-2 mins and still survives.

                                                          dont be thrilled by this ...

                                                            in my bracket, people die and say space created! i guess it means they created space for enemy to push and win


                                                              Whenever I have a trilane mid & am shut down, i have thought "they let my carry & offlane farm", then I wake up at the end of the game & see that my offlane still did shit & carry is retarded. That's the moment you realize that you need proper teammates to use space & should never rely on others.


                                                                Making space is getting as much as respons from enemy team with minimal loss like i played ursa a few game ago and i kept fighting them under their tower while my mid and offlane was losing they had to bring 4 heroes to kill me and my other cores had time to recover we won at the end..


                                                                  First we must understand what space is before we can create it .

                                                                  Space is A continuous area or expanse that is free, available, or unoccupied.

                                                                  Now armed with this knowledge how would you create it ?

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                                                                    Space created is having a trilane vs trilane mid and having ur am freefarm with 700 gpm
                                                                    Invoker io Omni vs void slardar wyvern
                                                                    Fucking dank ass non stop fighting trilane roflmao

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