General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflane void

Offlane void in General Discussion

    I'm looking for a solid offlane void build (skill, item and talent). Something that will be appropriate for 80% of my games in 3k. I was going qeeqereqw20dmgqw+100timelockwr. Treads wand raindrop battlefury manta bkb mkb.

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      dont max bash in the offlane, that's super unsafe. void offlane is greedy in general and you definitely should not buy battlefury. you should be getting vlads and dagger probably, and then you can start going for damage/survivability items, mainly maelstrom, bkb and maybe diffusal/manta duo.

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        but i guess you play in 3k so this advice is probably not good for you, but i still think battlefury is bad.


          Aggessive Per is correct.

          Offlane void is greedy, works against the right line up. If your enemy is dumb you could maybe get an early midas if your lucky and you can go damage items like diffusal, etc.

          Most likely your playing a setup for your Pos 1-2 and the supports. so stop thinking your the carry, your the initiator .

          Ensure you communicate early that you intend to go offlane void so they can pick supports accordingly. Nothing like an offlane void and an Orge Magi instead of Offlane void and that sky wraith mage or Jakiro.

          Also make sure to ban AM. you will have a bad bad time.

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            It's good against HCs like Ursa or Jugg where going generic offlaners like Underlord or Centaur would get raped by even showing up for creeps.

            Max Timewalk. Gank at level 6 (or ask for gank). Get the damage talent at level 10.

            As for items, start with treads. Next is Mom (although Mom can be bad in some games) to help with farming. You'll need Manta if against silence (NS, Qop/Storm with Orchid). Diffusal is good with Manta.

            Bfury on offlane void is really really greedy (and Midas). Don't get it unless your team has super late potential with wyvern/ss/underlord to help HG.

            Finally, as a offlane player, I'll say that Void often is a suboptimal pick. He relies heavily on his team to do something when he chronos, and being in an offlane he won't have much farm to finish kills alone. So more often than not offlane void leads to lots of fail.

            An Underlord might get raped in the lane phase, but he'll still have a pipe or greaves and be helpful in team fights/pushing/depushing. Whereas Void might survive the laning phase, but executing him is much harder.


              There is not a single right build for an offlane Void. If you are getting a good farm in the offlane, I don't see a reason to skip BF. There is not a single item that will suddenly make Void "great". He still needs allies to kill inside chrono early on. Playing him as a pure initiator kinda sucks in a pub. I don't see a reason to skip MoM on him, it's way too good, esp. combined with BF. In 3k I would mostly get (u probably get a lot from the lane): PT, MoM, BF, then depending on the need. If you have a tough lane, max timewalk, if not u can max bash. If you have a tough lane & little space to farm u can go MoM, Diffusal, Manta. I don't think at your lvl build is that important, it's more about playstyle. For Void, you should pretty much always use chrono when it's available, and when it's not farm.


                You can go for the old Offlane Void. Midas into Diffusal and Manta. This is safe. But if you are actually owning the lane, then BF or Mael is better than Midas. Get MoM after that and everything else is situational.

                chicken spook,,,,

                  vlad/hotd/mom after treads
                  rest is situational


                    It's mostly situational just try to understand that ur not usually the main dmg dealer and ur main role is to Chrono people
                    If ur team lacks dmg then build it, just make sure u know what u need.


                      Everyone is suggesting offlane void in the damage dealer type. Is utility offlane dead? Blink, vlads, aghs? Max Q and W?
                      Genuine question, don't bash me for it.


                        U can do utility but still shudnt max dilation
                        It's worth a value point sometimes, especially in matchups like weaver or slark or smth.
                        Problem is u deal so little dmg with that build, sometimes ur team can't get the kill in Chrono. Less reliable to need teammates to deal dmg in Chrono in pubs.


                          why would you go BF? get a midas or mjöllnir to increase farm which also give you damage in chrono+ more bashes

                          BF is only good if you splitpush, if you do that as pos 3 void you are hurting your carries farm

                          and i wouldnt pick void offlane unless you are sure that allies can get damage into your chrono, ranged cores or supps like jakiro/aa/disruptor


                            You can do offlane void with elder Titan or Pheonix or the above mentioned supports or ranged carries like drow sniper clinx or maybe mids like sf who lack lockdown but have huge dmg.

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                              dont go offlane void , go for safelane its fucking good