General Discussion

General DiscussionSF vs Huskar mid

SF vs Huskar mid in General Discussion

    Huskar should win right?

    It'll be hard for SF to get souls with Huskar zoning him with fire. Around level 5 Huskar will have raindrop and should be able to kill SF.

    The only time I see SF surviving the lane is if he has a roamer screwing with the huskar at level 1 so he can get a few souls.


      it really depends on the 1st wave
      if sf gets like 5-6 souls he'll rekt huskar with his high base damage + combo
      otherwise huskar should get him out of the lane


        Lvl 1 huskar is weak and can't contest sf cuz his low base dmg
        Lvl 3 is where huskar becomes strong, but by then sf has a lot of souls and huskars magic resist isn't too high and neither is his hp, to survive triple raze plus auto attacks. If huskar wants to kill sf, he can to away. And by lvl 5 an sf doesn't even have to show in lane, just raze the wave and jungle.


          no way huskar can win on mid vs sf lol


            I am pretty sure that huskar rekts SF 1v1 if the former plays properly from level 1.


              On equal skill of both players, assuming equal creep block led to normal equilibrium meeting point in mid, no supports... SF should be fine, might even have the upper hand. Used to be heavily favoring Huskar until lvl 5, but w the raze stack and Huskar's nerfed magic resist, SF can hold his own and trade well now.



                Riguma Borusu

                  Lvl 1 huskar is weak and can't contest sf cuz his low base dmg

                  As opposed to SF's grandiose base damage, right.


                    ^the point is that if u can't prevent sf from getting souls lvl 1, he will eventually snowball with souls dmg.

                    Lruce Bee

                      level 1 just zone with burning spear with boots and 10000 regen

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                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        huskar is not very good against ranged heroes in general because he has shit armor, shit movespeed, shit hp (for a str hero), shit base damage and shit movespeed. all of these combined just make him kinda shit generally, especially against more than 1 person in a lane.


                          the matchup should heavily favor sf i guess


                            U shud almost always play huskar in the safelane since he destroys melee heroes, and I'm pretty sure if he has a support covering his slight lvl 1-2 weaknesses he can dominate most offlaners in lane past that, I guess prophet is an exception. Just go smth like 8 tangos salve windlace, into boots into helm of iron will. The problems with midlane are usually u face ranged foes with much higher attack range, and they kite him. He is slow level one but u can start windlace to cover it. I'd compare him to mirana in a way, at least in his low base dmg and squishy nature. I just think huskar is a super dominant laner past the early stages. There r very few mids who can walk into lane against a lvl 6 huskar and live without help.
                            Huskar underrated but rlly shitty lvl 1.


                              3 raze at lvl 3 will kill huskar already. Only time huskar can fight is when he gets lvl 6.

                              Lruce Bee

                                huskar can zone sf lvl 1

                                Potato Marshal

                                  Huskar is shit in general except against tanky heroes like Spec, and Alch. SF outranges Huskar too, even if he manually casts burning spears. Huskar isn't the worse hero against SF, but Huskar is just terrible at last hitting and denying, won't be too hard for SF to build up souls in lane.

                                  Синячий патруль

                                    If huskar blocks his first wave better than sf does, then husk wins cuz he can zone sf on even lvl 1. But dont go too far and outblock


                                      sf wins but you need to block properly


                                        Huskar is a shit mid lane hero. He losses the lane to many ranged heroes & SF should just dumpster him. How is gonna Huskar contest with his shit MS, shit range, shit base dmg, shit armor? This match up shouldn't be even close one. SF should just totally owned him. Some of u write about good creep block etc. Even if Huskar gets a better block, he might win a little early on, but he has no way to stop SF from getting farm & when SF gets his lvl 3 & like 10 souls, Huskar can't contest the lane at all & has a huge threat of dying.

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                                        Fee Too Pee

                                          my suggestion for huskar mid:

                                          You do have shit stats, like shit in everything

                                          THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE IS : the journey to your lvl 3.
                                          Try to get many regen and try to harras SF straight from lvl 1, fuck CS. if you can get earlier lvl 3. congrats, you can just stand on his side of creeps and harras SF with orb walking

                                          ganking supports is important here, like how you deal with SF anyway


                                            sf magic resistance is so low for a 510 dmg lvl 1 sf and his right clicks no way he win vs sf anytrime


                                              Huskars magic resist is weak for awhile so SF should win if both players are good. I think the lower skill the more likely that huskar would win


                                                Shit shit shit shit shit shit


                                                  depends on creep block in the 1st wave

                                                  JaPaNiS Monster

                                                    You deserve to die when you got hit by his zxc


                                                      in my opinion huskar will win it , because what ? that fucking burning spear will zone out sf from early assume that both player skill are equal


                                                        Lvl 1 burning spears isn't strong and even with windlace huskar isn't that fast, lvl 1 huskar has garbage attack speed so he can't even stack those spears well and sf without any items is fast enough to keep away. Windlace huskar is smth like 320 Ms lvl 1, and ur starting items r almost always 2 tango salve windlace on a huskar, so he is 10 Ms faster than sf I think lvl 1. But sfs attack range compensates. It rlly RLLY depends on the first wave.
                                                        Lvl 2 burning spears is actually good harass, but by then sf hits his lvl 3 power spike as well.
                                                        How many of u actually play huskar. Go ask bsj abt this or smth, I'm sure sf wud never lose at the very least because huskar has no wave clear and sf can raze the wave and go jungle. The other thing with sf trading with huskar is if sf doesn't know how to manipulate agro well he is gonna take creep harass and huskar wont.


                                                          In a real high level game the supports would keep the mid match up in mind.

                                                          Anytime I am in a match vs SF I always wait behind him as support and as soon as he walks down the hill I go and trade hits with him when hes lvl 1-2 so he uses a bunch of regen...

                                                          At that point the huskar can take the lane over..

                                                          There's too many factors.. Only in low skill games do you really get a true 1v1.. Any good player knows you need to pressure the mid if he is a farming hero like SF who is easy to deal with at low levels


                                                            Huskar is Uber ez to gank too
                                                            As soon as sf hits 2 u can gank a huskar
                                                            Considering lane matchups u must always assume a pure 1v1 since rotations bring in way more variables and can make a hero who usually loses the matchup win the matchup.
                                                            Not worth considering in too much detail.

                                                            ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                              Not sure if it's been mentioned yet, but doesnt SF outrange huskar? If so, i'd think that gives sf some advantage especially when trading hits 1 v 1 + the upslope / downslope factor.

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                                                                It was mentioned u shud read then ud know