General Discussion

General DiscussionFarming advice for a low MMR scrub.

Farming advice for a low MMR scrub. in General Discussion

    Just pick undying mark safelane don't buy any starting items rush a casual perseverance into aghs without boots


      U need to also know am's powerspike which comes when he gets manta and reaches lvl 18 don't fight before this. And as for getting better at last hitting 'practice makes u perfect' try last hitting workshops they do help a lot and make taking cs muscle memory so u can focus on other things.


        The only thing you need to know about HanSolo is that he built a battlefury and a glimmer cape on a drow


          Han solo getting out of the 1k trench is so easy if you are a decent player
          You can go mid with literally any hero and just stomp lol


            bf glimmer NO BOOTS drow best strategy ever. share those drugs please

            im planning on making a smurf, calibrating low by feeding few games and spammin rightclick axe with s&y and shadowblade, getting the 40as talend and helix procs on attack ofc
            this might be the god of splitpush boys

            "creativity" ffs
            pretty sure i could also win herald games with only brown boots blink dagger on any hero tho


              But supports don't need boots.



                Spend more time hitting creeps
                If you are always roaming or dying you wont get gold.

                Prioritize lane creeps

                If lane creeps too risky farm jungle
                Farm ancients if you can

                For the horde

                  I think am is awesome in 1k but you need to first pick carry almost every game or someone already first picked hard carry safelane so i think am is bad idea if u want to raise mmr, you should go offlane its the least contested lane in 1k. However personaly i like to take 8 tangoes and ring of protection and from there depending on enemy offlane either bassilius first if the lane is really hard or ring of health if it is not so hard or both idk, from there power treads and with pt, bassilius and ring of health you are pretty much strong now, skills max first and lvl 1 blink and lvl 1 or 2 spell shield. It should be easy to last hit with am and you can use aggro for last hots every time creep is on low hp. Am has very low attack animation time, you should just practise last hits more, do you use quick attack? I wasnt using it for a long time.. Also play few normal matches first pick am just to get used to a hero and enemy 1k counters..