General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you counter lycan

How do you counter lycan in General Discussion

    Tell me your ways scrub

    Lhinda's Hangover

      honestly the best way is probably Bloodseeker, pop the ulti (make sure to break his linkens, which if he isn't retarded, will get) and you can surround him with allies and frankly just click him to death. Another way I could imagine is Lich, because of frost armour on towers and ulti bouncing through his creeps, and Tinker, because its a solid hero rn, can split push safer and faster, and handle fights better (I think?) outside of pick stage, Rod of Atos, Sheepstick, Orchid are your safe item choices, combine that with reacting quickly to the dogman and strong 5 man pushes, and you can shut him down. Make sure to have vision behind and around your lanes, like the tier 1 tower/cliff after it falls, you can easily go from behind and gank him with 2 teammates. Remember its better to silence slightly early and waste some time just so he doesn't get ulti, than to be caught offguard and watch him run away like Speedy Gonzales.


        Go learn how to click button 1st


          dont let him run away


            Any hero who has a long lock-down stun/disable is good versus Lycan(like Cent). You just need to kite him when he pops ult and everything gonna be alright

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Spirit breaker, clockwerk and just ruining his lane are good options

              Justin Weaver

                Pick brood offlane maybe, just saying lul


                  Lich not that good beacaue his wolves invi and his ms much faster than his necrominions


                    Hes a pretty good laner. I cant seem to think an offlaner who can outlane him



                      Player 153433446

                        Buy a metoer will ruin him


                          probably lockdown and multiunit heroes or illusions
                          not sure if aoe works, i think i can deal with a lycan on lc tho. spam Q to clear wolves, more E procs when he summons. i would purchase aghs early to negate his summons dmg in duel

                          ck should be able to deal with him pretty well imo
                          enchantress will win a 1v1 lane easy and can steal his summons. lycan rips her apart once he has bkb tho.
                          doom can eat his HotD creep and prevent shapeshift, sounds good in theory

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                          Palmen aus Plastik

                            batrider! you will end his lane before it begins. No way lycan does anything with 4 napalm stacks on him. Plus force staff to break his midgame linkens, and then lasso. Batrider is just too strong for this hero. I'd advise a ghost sceptre though, to kite him further.


                              what about timber? sounds good in theory, might struggle before level 5 because of lycans huge base dmg


                                Batrider eats lycans ass in lane


                                  remove his armor

                                  right? right?

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    its doesnt have to be a 1v1 lane. he is really good in 1v1s against most heroes, but against a duallane he cant really do much.


                                      I bet ursa can 1v1 him, but ursa isnt really an offlaner right? lul

                                      Just give him another mofo to deal with it he’s gonna that be much of a problem later on. And avoid slows as he just laughs them off, go for stuns and early silences.


                                        brood will rekt lycan 1 v 1. it just happened in my game


                                          Ive been spamming lycan ths past couple of days i only lost when enemy have lc,and when i have retarded team


                                            Fyi necro 3 have purge


                                              I dont want laning against brood tho


                                                Axe troll
                                                Clinkz, lycans almost always rush domi into necro 3 these days. This means u can just delete them in 2 sec
                                                Carry void is decent as well

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