General Discussion

General DiscussionTips for a 1k SEA player?

Tips for a 1k SEA player? in General Discussion

    Title says it all

    I'm 1k or Guardian 3 and I'm very new to dota 2 and really want to improve and win games

    I usually spam windranger because she can be very versatile but since I have a 1k brain, I usually counterpick or play core and hope for the best

    I can't support either becuase I'm usually out of money to buy wards and Don't smoke because SEA has no communication so i usually pick IO for its heal and ganks

    I don't know how to play pos 4 either

    I usually die alot in games, I don't know how to improve on that, I'm very pathetic It seems but how can I improve?

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    Bad Intentions

      We need to discuss logistics first.

      Specs of your computer and router brand
      What is your internet service provider
      Your location
      Time you usually play
      In a relationship or no
      Mental and Physical state


        watch pro games, listen to the casters
        if you only copy 1% of the pro players behaviour you will be 2k in no time

        imo first step to success is to learn about roles and their job in a game. in 1k it doesnt matter at all what hero you play and what items you build, basic understanding of the game will enable you to solo carry any


          I run my dota on the lowest and fastest graphics I usually have 89 ping or 100+ when I play 12 am to 6 am I'm pignoy so I live here. I'm lonely but I am mentally stable

          Thanks for the advice on watching pro games. I really didn't thought about it because I'm focused to just improve my overral dota skill (like not dying much)



            Just focus on getting better, don’t touch chat if you’re just going to flame. Don’t play for MMR, play for fun and to get better. Learn support also, maybe don’t touch IO yet because he requires communication and teamplay, maybe lion, shaman or CM. Also only do it once in a while because it’s no use supporting if your cores are incompetent, which is the case for most guardian games. Know how strong your hero is and how to position yourself, when to fight, when to be aggressive. Watch pro games, know how to lane any hero you pick up. I used to be low 1k and now I can hold my own in my rank, and I mostly play support. P.S, don’t use a derogatory term or statement to generalise our people, there’s enough hate going around in this forum.

            Sipag lang, pero wag masyado malulong sa dota haha


              Hmm in my recent games as IO I do really felt the lacking of communication, there was once I said we gank but my core didn't react

              So yeah, maybe I'll play some more support to maybe improve my game

              Edited the derogotary term

              Lruce Bee

                What would you like to know OP? Any specific questions for WR? For now all I can advise is to be smart in 1k, and think for yourself. Do not fall into the trap of becoming a slave to convention without knowing the reasons behind the build. Be Creative because you can probably get away with unconventional builds. Do not make the same mistake of being too specialised while you're in 1k.

                Bad Intentions

                  Dominate is the name of the game.

                  Just dominate.


                    I really like to know how to learn to utilize windranger properly as pos 2,3,4 because she's very versatile

                    I always think about my builds like when I am an offlaner and there is too much magic damage in the enemy's team so I build pipe


                      In low tiers buy your own wards and build greedy. There’s so much unutilized farm around the map.


                        Get good

                        Lruce Bee

                          Your decision to get better at a versatile hero is the right one. However I don't think wr is the hero. She's not that versatile she's very skill-based and single target


                            you can spam chaos knight and push it on mid when you have armlet and manta, but just pick last because counter pickers counters you

                            it has big damage for only you and its phantasm illusions

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                            Justin Weaver

                              Be positive with your teammates dude, do watch a lot of videos and try to learn the secrets of last hitting you will climb pretty fast


                                Have u tried destroying the enemy ancient?


                                  U can only improve urself tbh, ppl giving u advice can only get u so far. especially when that advice could be from a noob

                                  just know that if u focus on who is “doing their job” or who is to blame for a loss u will never reach ur potential, and dont be afraid to mute people because theres a lot of aggressively dumb people at ur mmr

                                  Manhattan Cafe

                                    Dude, hope this helps.

                                    this thing really helps me a lot xD
                                    I calibrated at 300+ or herald 2/3 i suppose
                                    Now i'm approximately 2.1k / Crusader 4

                                    btw most of SEA players tends to get tilted when they are losing and start to flame or blame wtever (fail mid, bobo, putang ina, bobo ka mid eh, and others pinoy words)

                                    AND WITHOUT REALIZING THEIR OWN DAMN FAULT!!!

                                    Also, listen to music while playing, it helps somehow.


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