General Discussion

General DiscussionI have 1028 LP games

I have 1028 LP games in General Discussion
morbid man



      Just on this account? You have 73 abandons, and if you were to get 5 LP games every abandon (which you shouldn't) then you would have 365 LP games. So where did the other 663 come from? Do you actually get like 20 reports on your conduct summary? Or is your LP win-rate actually like 10%

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      morbid man

        826 single draft games + 202 all random games, LP used to be all random game mode


          Those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump those numbers up!

          Wish I could ping my cold...

            What did you mostly get them for ?
            How would you compare people there and in ranked/normals ?

            morbid man

              I rage and tilt a lot, if I get really triggered I ruin games. In my experience Ranked is the real low priority. I actually get better teams in LP, proven by my 54.6% win rate compared to 50.9% in ranked.

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                How many items,humans around you have damaged while playing?

                casual gamer


                    the fuck

                    I have like 400 and I have 7k games played


                      i didnt even manage to get lp myself once. i fucking love single draft tho!

                      ur parents r siblings


                        Justin Weaver

                          Well I have half the matches played than you and 900+ lp games lol

                          Lruce Bee

                            That is very impressive. You must be an expert in that game mode by now.