General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout storm spirit

About storm spirit in General Discussion

    Recently i started to spam storm

    am i good with ?
    what are best items after bs and orchid


      ^look at guides

      Buy Kaya before bloodstone
      After bloodstone get whatever u need, Shiva, hex, bkb, euls, aghs, linkens, orchid


        am i good with storm?


          Ur playing normal skill like us dude it dosent really signify that ur good/bad at storm.


            Hey guys i have 70% winrate with x hero am i a good x hero player? Owo


              Sample size doesnt matter !!!


                am i good with storm?

                you're shit


                  Get kaya when u are having a decent game. Preferably after bloodstone. After bs orchid is completely game dependent every time. Shiva bkb lotus bloodthorn linken aghs mjollnir ac nullifier hex eul force staff
                  Whatever you need in a specific game.

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                    i will be honest here...
                    still quite far from the best even though you are stomping but the time you get bloodstone mostly is over 20 mins and that is the first core item you build after boots.
                    actually it is not about how good you are with storm spirit but the way you play Dota in general.
                    if you want to be a better player, maybe you should improve how you farm/gank/push and try to find a balance between it.

                    you can compare your matches here


                      you play in normal skill on a smurf, win lanes and get alot of kills. i see you going 16/10 and loosing games, then i see you go 7/6 and you win.
                      slow item progress

                      you play storm like a 1k player who knows him hero to some extend. you go for kills, and you get them. same itembuild every single game. 2 defensive item pickups in 14 recent games, just bloodthorn bloodthorn bloodthorn

                      imo you know the mechanics of that hero, you know how to get kills and get out, but im sure when i watch your replays, the first thing you do after getting a kill is farming a few neutral camps and going back to safety. i assume your wr in storm is high because your enemy is scared of you and doesnt farm properly, so that your team slowly outfarms them until you finally push for victory at 90 minutes

                      < blank >



                          Only 70% in normal skill game


                            3 kda ok


                              so am doin well?


                                i'd say no


                                  so how do i improve?

                                  what build should i go?


                                    from what i can read in your stats, the main problem is general lack of knowledge about strategy. how to win a game and stuff. but thats true for almost every player in normal skill.

                                    regarding itembuild - whenever you die, you died because you got either silenced or locked down. counter what killed you. euls bkb linkens. if you still die you buy more of these

                                    kills should lead into objectives. you find an enemy out of position. you kill him. thats an advantage for your team, you are playing 5v4 for a minute or 2. during that time you need to pressure a tower or take roshan. if you dont do that, thers no reason to kill the person. 300 gold for a kill? you could just clear a bunch of neutrals instead. no risk, less effort, same result

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                                      After bs and orch -linken,agh,hex,shiva,upgrade orch quite core


                                        ur specific build isnt THAT important
                                        sure u never buy kaya which is report worthy but ur biggest problem like most people in our bracket is not being able to play dota properly


                                          I would like to talk bout my two cents when discussing bout storm's itemization

                                          Kaya is not always the most important item for storm. Certainly when the game went really well going kaya is great. Since storm got too many items to consider, before kaya.

                                          For Atk speed: you definitely need orchid and power thread
                                          For Snowballing and Mana sustain (for farming): you need bloodstone
                                          For defence: you need linken, bkb or lotus orb badly for remove silence or prevent initiation, sometime even u need it as 2nd item (after either orchid or blood). I can totally understand that more ppl opt for linken and lotus for the mana regen. And Shiva is good for heavy physical line up and int item for storm.

                                          Lruce Bee

                                            70% winrate is very impressive. Continuing on the same trajectory you could get legend in no time.


                                              ur comparing orchid and bloodstone, 4k gold items, to kaya
                                              all what u said is true, but kaya is a powerspike that comes 2 times faster
                                              u go treads into kaya
                                              u have bottle, u can ferry clarities, raindrop too, and ur lvl 10 talent
                                              if u want to remove silence u usually want euls since its cheaper and u can get it early enough to save u from shit like night stalker or skywrath or a qop rushing orchid.
                                              kaya isnt needed because it does anything incredibly unique, it just singlehandedly made him one of the more top tier mids from his previous position as mediocre and situational imo
                                              i go bottle treads kaya bloodstone after that everything is situational
                                              no i dont always go orchid immediately afterwards, because if i dont need it for solo pickoffs, and i need a linkens or euls or even bkb to fight better then ill postpone orchid.

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                do u have a kaya dildo that u sitck up ur ass everyday or what
                                                kaya isnt that good


                                                  On storm it is


                                                    On storm it is
                                                    Not always, it just delays more important items. Only get it when you're safelane or having a good game.
                                                    I have about 350 matches on this hero with about 60% winrate. This helped me get divine 5. Trust me, I know what the fuck I am talking about.

                                                    Este comentario fue editado
                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      ure fucking retarded if u get kaya every game


                                                        He is washed up he is never wrong don't call him retarded wtf?


                                                          I feel like u can do so much with 10% Mana reduction


                                                            Out of the first 4 pages of dotabuff guide all but 1 had Kaya bought, the only exception being a euls rush against silences.
                                                            Sometimes tho it was Kaya after bloodstone so I guess I shud be more flexible with the order.


                                                              No, kaya doesn't nearly do as much as bs or orchid on storm. It just increases spell amp a little and 10% extra zip range. Doesn't give any mana regen. No utility. Storm is too slow hero to buy kaya on every game


                                                                how should i improve sir?


                                                                  Watch replays and play dota. Do i also have to explain you that water is wet or what the fuck?


                                                                    I totally agree with inx4c. With bs and orchid, u regen faster then u can farm and jump again. 10% spell amp and zap 10% more distance is good tho, luxurious abit, but somehow it is not core on storm, I have a lot of games on storm on both of my accounts too. Kaya is simply, good to have, but not bad if u dont have it.

                                                                    Yeah, definitely Eul is good early defensive item along with linken, lotus and bkb. If u have the space to farm linken or bkb (u dun have AM or spec that heavily need farm on team), then take the space and go for it. I love eul for it's given mana pool and regen + ms as well. And it is a lot cheaper. Bside he can disable also.


                                                                      ah, normal skill smurfs...

                                                                      bloodstone on storm = auto report

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                                                                        Isn't the 10% manaloss reduction on kaya good after the bloodstone mana regen nerf? I usually rush kaya like how you rush a midas on invoker. Get it between 8-10 mins. Am I doing something wrong?

                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          bs mana regen was buffed


                                                                            kaya is a good item because all your dmg is magic ->10% more dmg overall.
                                                                            then usuallly ppl go bottle, arcane boots, kaya. Then split arcanes to get bloodstone. You can have those items fast, the buildup is easy as well.

                                                                            and btw kaya only reduces the initial cost of zip, not the distance you can travel, so its like only zip on one place to get overload charges


                                                                              @dreux Bloodstone's mana regen per charge was nerfed from 0.4 to 0.35
                                                                              @Junk Jet it actually says manacost/manaloss reduction so it reduces the initial mana and the manaloss which means the mana drained from traveling. Same mechanic with arcane rune.

                                                                              Este comentario fue editado
                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                learn how manaregen works