General Discussion


Friendly player

    We argued about this for so long, you still haven't even mentioned why 2k's don't have brains. You hate 2k's but at least tell us why do you hate them.

    Friendly player

      Anyways i'm done arguing with this idiot. glhf in life.


        arguing with this idiot


          You hate 2k's

          YOU STILL DON'T GET THE POINT OF THIS THREAD. Do I need to capitalize every single word of the title to make it clear to you?


            berry edgy thread that really R U S T L E S M Y A L M O N D S :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


              2k insight is the best actually.

              Cheesy Wenis


                Lruce Bee

                  I think we can all safely conclude that the one without a brain is clearly OP.


                    When talking about dota, 2k shouldn't really argue with a 5k, implying 5k isn't trolling or something. If a 5k tells x advice regarding a hero's laning, for example. Then 2k most likely has nothing legit to add to that topic. Even if tge 2k has like 2000 matches on that hero. This furthermore confirms that he's fucking terrible at the game.
                    Of course it doesn't automatically mean that what 2k says is incorrect. But if a 5k disagrees, then the advice from 2k is probably incorrect. All implying the 5k isn't trolling. Doesn't necessarily even have to be 5k, it can be anything like 4k+

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                      Well there's a reason why archons are archons and legends are legends


                        And when u say u beat players who have high ranks than u do then they must be boosted or account buyers


                          If u ask me I would only consider advice from the people who have higher mmr than I do.


                            And honestly 2k players should probably stop advising 4k players

                            Lruce Bee

                              I think it's fair that a 2k with 2000 matches might know more about the hero than a 5k with 10.


                                not really

                                they might know more about the nuances pertaining specifically to that hero, but their ability to win games with the same hero will certainly be inferior

                                depends on how you define "know more about"

                                i could pick up any hero that i have played less than 3 games with and probably play it better than the best 3k player at that hero

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                                  i could pick up any hero that i have played less than 3 games with and probably play it better than the best 3k player at that hero

                                  thats 4 heroes in your case
                                  whisp - im sure you know how to play WITH whisp, so you will know how to play it. using the nuke should still be tricky and take some training
                                  oracle - easy hero, i can agree
                                  chen - micro wont be a problem for a 5k tb player
                                  invoker - no, sir. your lack of pure muscle memory will makew you play that dude like a 1k unless you take your time to get used to it. yes, you know the combos probably, but you cant perform then fast enough in the middle of fights.


                                    i blame cookie he make 4k 2k

                                    Lruce Bee

                                      I completely disagree. Such statements are often loosely thrown around out of over confidence and overestimation of ones abilities. Proof is in the pudding.

                                      How could you possibly know the nuances of a hero you haven't played. you apply your existing knowledge and experience for a different hero and hope it carries over but that's it. Good luck if that hero has a very unique skill set.


                                        95% of the cases he will be right.
                                        even a high 3k player who chooses to play a hero he didnt play before will perform better in his first game than most 2k players who played a hundred games on that hero

                                        Justin Weaver

                                          ^^this is right.


                                            I completely disagree. Such statements are often loosely thrown around out of over confidence and overestimation of ones abilities. Proof is in the pudding.

                                            played on friends' accounts before, played on lanshop accounts before

                                            i can take a hero i have zero muscle memory with and trash everybody by virtue of pure mechanics alone

                                            lower mmr players underestimate the gap between them and higher mmr players

                                            most of this gap is in knowledge and skill that isn't really hero specific

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                                              but at the same time not everything I say is wrong. I can tell you why Viper beats Ta in a 1v1 matchup. Now maybe don't trust me if I say I know the best way to dominate a Ta as Viper but I'm not wrong that Viper beats Ta. Also if we are wrong, please give us an explenation as to why were wrong, thats not Haha your 2k im 5k. Most people are less likely to argue if they don't feel like they've been insulted.


                                                Ye i agree with you, i'm not saying that general knowledge in a lower ranked player can't be higher, and i agree that it is perfectly possible for them to be better at certain small things

                                                what i'm saying here is that if we measure ability to play a hero by how well one can win games with it, i would put money on a 6k with 0 games on a particular hero rather than a 3k with 2k games on the same hero.


                                                  End of discussion : Stop disrespecting ur betters at this game and learn a few things from them if u ever hope of reaching half of their levels.
                                                  The reality is You s* ck at this game, thats why u calibrated at 2k and 1k and in some special Cases Mr Han the retard solo is below 500MMR so Shut it and stop arguing you mong *loids


                                                    Lol if someone has like 2k matches on a hero and still be 2k that's a joke. If u think that a 2k player with 1000 games on ember would know better than a 6k player who has 0 matches with that hero then there's no reason to argue that u don't have a brain. And even a 2k player who has 1k matches on ember doesn't make him know more about that hero there's a reason he's 2k cuz his gameplay is 2k


                                                      If I had that much matches with ember I'm sure I would definitely never be 2k


                                                        just saying hansolo had how many undying games? 1.5k?


                                                          End of discussion : Stop disrespecting ur betters at this game and learn a few things from them if u ever hope of reaching half of their levels.
                                                          The reality is You s* ck at this game, thats why u calibrated at 2k and 1k and in some special Cases Mr Han the retard solo is below 500MMR so Shut it and stop arguing you mong *loids

                                                          Finally some dude with:

                                                          bless ya


                                                            Wasn't Han Solo the guy who used to build different shit on Undying? :thinking:


                                                              Nothing personal btw just saying


                                                                u realize that having a discussion isnt disrespecting, its fucking learning u m0ng0loid


                                                                  it's not called learning when the information is bullshit and written by dudes who have no clue how this game is played :-D


                                                                    idk this thread was meant to be a meme
                                                                    wasn't expecting so many replies lul

                                                                    mlvn Fruits` and Veggies`

                                                                      Lower mmrs giving advice to higher mmrs is like a bench player giving advice to Michael Jordan

                                                                      Friendly player

                                                                        Stop disrespecting ur betters at this game

                                                                        What do you mean? They didn't do anything to deserve a respect. Stop thinking you did something useful when you just played a game for thousands of hours lmao.

                                                                        Friendly player

                                                                          even a high 3k player who chooses to play a hero he didnt play before will perform better in his first game than most 2k players who played a hundred games on that hero

                                                                          That's because a 3k player knows how to win a lane. If you get fed it doesn't even matter how bad you are at the hero, you will have a big chance of winning.


                                                                            I feel ashamed that people in my skill bracket think like this. I mean, it's like saying you can race a car vs a pro and win easily just because you know every little detail about said car and you drive it on the back roads ALL the time. But the reality is that it's not just about the car.. it's the track, too. It's the weather and the attitude. It's knowing the corners and having all the maneuvers you need to perform in muscle memory and you need to be more consistent than your opponent. Is it so hard to understand that it's not just about a hero? But the overall game as well?

                                                                            I guess I used to think like this, too, that is until I actually watched pros and listened to them. I bought subscriptions to gameleap and pvgna because I wanted to improve so bad. Make fun of BSJ or RTZ or [insert pro name here] all you want but the reality is they are still better than you are!

                                                                            At the end of it all I learned that it was ME. I WAS to blame for being 1.2k mmr. After many practices and replays it slowly starts to sink in... this isn't a tower defense game.. this is not a hero brawl arena either.. this is a game of chess on crack and even with that being said I'm still only high 2k mmr! I realize that I just don't know enough. I'm not good enough with enough situations to win more games at a faster rate.

                                                                            It's not just about the hero you're playing and the lane you're in. It's about every little detail that adds up to a greater whole. It's about having quickcast on certain abilities so you can execute before your opponent. Map awareness/control. It's about being aware (not just accidently doing or sometimes thinking about it!) of being visible on the map. It's about trade-offs and risk management. It's about not letting your queen be checkmated or saving all your pawns because you want a perfect game.

                                                                            TL;DR - Medals/MMR is pretty fucking accurate. I've accepted this. I am a ~2k/3k player and right now, it is where I belong. If someone much higher rank than me gives some advice, then I use reasoning and logic to really think about it. WHY is it good? If you don't know why it's good.. keep thinking about it.. watch more replays. If that fails then move on. Don't just brush it off like yeah ok you just play more and you're bad. Stop being so disrespectful..

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                                                                              If all 2k were like this guy👆
                                                                              Learn from him all 2k scrubs

                                                                              Story Time

                                                                                naaah, it is always the team fault
                                                                                Regards Kappa


                                                                                  Nice jok

                                                                                  Justin Weaver

                                                                                    Friendly player is a God who knows better than everybody higher than him, he is the Han solo of 2k bracket lmao


                                                                                      yes the true 2k god
                                                                                      TRUE 2K GOD COMING THROUGH


                                                                                        But do u know da wae

                                                                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                                          You have to have ebola to know the way

                                                                                          Friendly player

                                                                                            I am better than you and that's a fact. You suck at the game, i don't. Friendly player > Tribo. Just a fact

                                                                                            NUB GonNA NUUB

                                                                                              pick SF, LOCK MID, BUY EUL, GO FEED, BUY BLINK, GO FEED, EZ MMR


                                                                                                Friendly player

                                                                                                  it's not called learning when the information is bullshit and written by dudes who have no clue how this game is played


                                                                                                    This thread perfectly made for 2k seatards ,daddy and rest

                                                                                                    Just please dont comment on any thread where is talking about dota or gameplay

                                                                                                    The only thread 2k can post is ,ayy lmao, and can only post memes and nudes

                                                                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                      When people start arguing to this extent over a game you know their life sucks lmao