General Discussion

General DiscussionHas ranked been especially cancer for anyone else lately?

Has ranked been especially cancer for anyone else lately? in General Discussion

    Maybe it's just a coincidence, but a buddy of mine and I have been having some pretty terrible experiences with ranked lately. Some games the matchmaking is unbalanced to the point where it's a stomp. But the biggest issue has just been people thinking they're the best at their role in the world when in reality it's shitty 2k games. Like people just don't listen to what their team has to say to them and often times it throws the game. Maybe it's just a ranked thing? Because I just played an unranked game and everyone was super positive and helpful.


      Hire a cute sounding girl to speak into the mic for you and people will be more helpful


        That's actually genius I can just hire someone to play grill and all the white-knights will do whatever she says.


          meanwhile people like me will flame whoever talked like that and expect to be pardoned for whatever shit they did

          are you lost babygirl

            I volunteer, but it's been shitty for me too