General Discussion

General Discussionweekend dota is cancer

weekend dota is cancer in General Discussion

    literally unplayable games 90% of the time due to retards joining on their days of i guess

    it is like russian roulette at who will get more retards to destroy their games

    I am really considering working less during the week and working the whole weekend throught just because of this nonsense, just insane


      Best dota I guess are my games when I play really early, like 4 or 5 am.


        weekend dota is bad

        Pale Mannie

          any other news other than that water is wet?

          Potato Marshal

            This weekend was pretty good for me actually.


              Weekend = do party all day with friends! Unless u have nO frIends'

              No friends means NO PoOTIS


                Play unranked :) People don't care as much which leads to lest tryhard and less tilt.

                chicken spook,,,,

                  dota is cancer*


                    dota is cancer*


                      I used to wake up at 3am, get a game or 2 of dota, then go back to sleep, wake up 6:30 for school. Lol. That was at the height of my addiction to this game


                        tell me about it. lane got stolen twice AFTER i picked my hero.

                        Szczeniarz Brzeczyszcyski

                          I found myself having a much better experience playing dota really early, about 5-7 am.


                            first game in the non weekend period and its a win of course

                            fuck you weekend I like mondays more now


                              Just every time when 10 years old kids play Dota si bad time.


                                Water isn’t wet


                                  It trully is..