General Discussion

General DiscussionPatch 7.08 AFK checker and new LP rules

Patch 7.08 AFK checker and new LP rules in General Discussion
Gorlock The Destroyer

    Valve recently released this new patch as we all know but with it, there comes a new 'AFK checker for the devs'. Can anyone shed some light on how this is going to work and how it will differ from the '5 min no exp = afk' system already in place.

    Also, I've been getting alot of abandons lately due to power outages and bad internet. I've got a behaviour score of 'C' now and have a few questions regarding LP.

    I see people leaving lp games but not getting an abandon or an abandon timer. Do you also not get an abandon if you stay afk in fountain for the whole duration of the game?

    If you spend the required 25 games in LP, do they count towards the conduct summary in LP as well or do they count after I've won my 5 LP games?

    Does this mean you can't get an abandon in LP if you don't press the abandon button?

    < blank >

      Afk checker imo relates to the button you have near chat in main menu, in order to check if party members are ready to search for a match.

      Afkers do get abandon but you have to play till the end, you cant leave. Thats why it doesnt show abandon. But the person who abandons LP game or is afk will get more LP games to play what directly lead to being in LP forever.

      Staying afk counts as abandon thats for sure. I see where you are going. You seem to be just lazy to get out of LP.

      I doubt that playing good in LP will increase your behaviour score in any way(but it may affect it negatively), if thats what you mean by conduct summary. Being in LP itself lowers your behaviour score already. Also rampages done in LP dont count.

      You wont get a typical abandon if you are afk or in main menu, you will be punished with more LP games to win to get out of LP.

      I had behaviour score "C" once. When you get out of LP, play normals (support recommended) only untill your score is normal. You will most likely in ranked games get super toxic people in your games, dual mids, dual carries etc.


        its not like that
        if u are in base and ur just cutting trees and chatting u get abandon
        and as for lp only the 1st person who abandons the lp game gets lp while others can leave after that though it dosnt show safe to leave but u can actually leave

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          You can leave, but if you stay and win - it counts.


            I think the AFK checker you're talking about might be for custom games? Before there wasn't any tool custom game devs could use to check for AFK players in their custom games but Valve recently added several tools for them to prevent negative behaviour in their games.

            Also you can get abandons in LP (and it will increase your number of LP games) but it doesn't notify the other players in the same way as a regular game because as far as i know LP games are never safe to leave (even if someone else already abandoned)