General Discussion

General DiscussionSupport Dominators

Support Dominators in General Discussion
Cancer Malaria

    Other than lich, are there any similar support that when pick insta secure lane victory ?

    Potato Marshal

      I like Ogre and Jakiro too, depending on the lane. Some offlaners like Void screw over heroes like Lich because they can undo all your frost blast damage, inversely Jakiro is a good lane support against heroes like Void due to damage over time, but terrible against offlaners like LC or Abaddon who can just get soul ring and dispel all your damage.


        Treant Protector, Shadow Shaman, Sky, Winter Wyvern, Ogre etc
        Basically any hero who can zone out the offlaner alone/deal shit ton of magic/physical dmg or can tank up the offlaner's dmg

        Story Time

          ^sum sups fall off when enemy goes dual offlane... just saying...


            you know shaman has crazy base dmg and a stupid disable right?
            i've never tried maxing Q on disruptor, but that could potentially be super annoying (and game losing) but we're all about lane domination.

            Palmen aus Plastik

              skyrath clarity spam is one of the worst things in dota


                why do people hate maxing q on disruptor? imo should be at least level 3 unless you really cant kill anyone with your damage/already at mid game phase,you can use it for farm too

                unless you're fighting blink heroes like am/qop/pango i see no reason for maxing skill 2

                Yung Beethoven

                  ^ imagine a twr dive on your mid while you are lvl 5 with glimpse at lvl 3. Even if your mid dies while getting twr dived you can easily glimpse back the enemy who killed him into the twr and kill him there. Glimpse is just the best skill disruptor has.


                    ah i see,that's a good scenario
                    i was looking it on a perspective of a midlaner,sometimes so much kills missed just because not enough damage, and glimpse literally do nothing since enemy sup just tp to them anyway


                      Glimpse's range is ridiculous.


                        yeah,but i just feel really irritated when someone didnt die because left of some stupid 10-75hp and we can only do nothing on it

                        Cancer Malaria

                          Jakiro - Reduced attack backswing from 0.5 to 0.3

                          is this a buff? his spell attack animation is faster?




                              u can take 2 levels in q if u wanna harass but more points past that imo is just losing out on glimpse potential