General Discussion

General Discussionthe interaction of Mortal Strike and Cleave

the interaction of Mortal Strike and Cleave in General Discussion

    the scenario:

    wk, buffed with empower or with a bf in his inventory. dont question it, just deal with it.
    i crit a creep. lets say a big centaur to keep it somple. 1100hp, 4 armor, equals 1337 ehp.

    how is the cleave damage calculated, do we know that? because when i mortal strike a creep i dont see dmg values.

    a) does it just take the dmg you would deal regulary and cleave that. if so -
    a.1) does it just deal that damage to creeps in cleave range
    a.2) does the cleave forward teh instakill to creeps in range

    b) does it deal the damage it takes to kill the creep you hit and cleave that damage value? (1337 in that case)

    c) does it just deal a stupid amount of damage that will instakill any neutral in any case

    the main point is - lets say a hero stands in your cleave range when you mortal strike a creep. i'd like to know how much damage that hero takes. cant test it rn, no access to doto :(


      the cleave won't instakill all the creeps


        I think it behave like wk lifesteal aura brother

        Wk lifesteal mechanism always calculating of percentage of total creep hp for comparison, just like his critical to deal his target remaining hp +1 as total damage, despite axe culling blade which deal 1million damage when it reach it hp thresehold


          thats one vote for a.1) and one for b)


            Just someone go into a lobby and test it


              it's b i think,same like vampric aura thingo


                The actual percentage of crit number in the hud is dealt as cleave. It doesn't matter if you insta kill or not..