General Discussion

General DiscussionOmni support?

Omni support? in General Discussion
One Fourth of a Concubine

    Yeah I know its dead but will there be a comeback or is he gonna stay as an core/offlaner permanently


      carry Omni with rush radiance iz best omni


        Support omni with shit heal range... Is shit..


          Omni support is legit ..

          Just remember that you need to do well your laning phase..

          This involves pulling creeps CORRECTLY to deny the offlaner or the enemy safe laner creep wave EXP.

          If the lane is dangerous for your carry because the enemy has a strong dual lane, then obviously you need to use your judgement .. Protect / Harrass / Pull to deny enemy exp..

          Omni works good with in lane with strong laners like Jugg / Ursa / and many ranged carries.

          What ever you do , don't just fuckin' sit there and wait to use your spells.

          Este comentario fue editado

            Omni without farm is USELESS, before 7.00 jungle was the best lane for omni (much like other old 4 pos heroes like enigma), now he's only good in offlane or in duo offlane as farming hero (having pudge/slardar/tusk as teammate)

            Yung Beethoven

              ^jungle omni?? even before 7.00 i would report that right away

              omni supports sucks cuz he is meele --> no real pressure on enemy offlaner + scales with lvl + needs farm to be really effective.


                spammed jungle omni, reached 4000->5000 with 70% win rate, plain minded people who raged at me still belong in ancient trashtier

                Yung Beethoven

                  ^if that is true then jesus your enemy teams must have sucked to no punish that within in the first 15min. crazy. but nvm, good for you lol!