General Discussion

General Discussion4th and 5th Position = Initiation and Counter Initiation

4th and 5th Position = Initiation and Counter Initiation in General Discussion
Cancer Malaria

    Since 2k never really understand the term "push" and "objective gaming". And only goes for random teamfight on the enemy shrine. What are the best teamfight hero on the 4th and 5th position. Currently 5th position WW seems decent enough, her ult is great for disengaging tf and her heal is a good save against physical lineup. Earth Shaker as 4th position is hella great in the mid games, his fissure is great for saving your core and initiating fights, his ult is satisfying if you can get the enemy to focus 5man chase on your core as a bait and you blink jump in and counter Echo slam team wipe. His ult has a long cd but his fissure is always enough for all rounder. I use to spam jakiro back in 1k, that ice path is great in teamfight against 1k retards that just fights even without knowing bkb existed. Bane is somewhat okay as 5 position but his role is more of a pickoff hero and not really teamfight oriented.

    Help me out here what are the current metas teamfight 4th and 5th position that are 2k user friendly.


      Dude are you serious? Teamfight heroes in 2k would he biggest bait of your life, they demand your teammates to synergize with you and finish the job, how they can do that if they are too busy farming jungle?

      For 2k you either need some hero who will disable and completely shut down their carry or mider( zeus is very cancerous to fight agaisnt and since its farmvile and no pushing in that bracket he will always be 6 sloted nimbus spammer)

      Or you play some team kill hero fed up AM, Storm, sniper, spectre even if you survive laning phase.

      Stay away from heroes that depend on your teammates to do something bcause they will not! Jungle camps are more important than your initiation and they wont fight until they have items!

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        For pos 5 I can recommend disruptor, shaman and witch doctor. For disruptor, you have an aoe silence, and since in 2k bkb is at best a 6th item purchase on most cores, you can get a good disable on them, plus the glimpse is great to save/chase. As shaman and witch doctor, you just drop the ult in the fight, glimmer on shaman and since detection is too expensive in 2k you can turn most fights. All of those heroes are great at picking off the enemies one by one, as they tend to just keep coming one after another in 2k. Bounty hunter, pudge and Mirana are arguably the best pos4 heroes for 2k, as they offer tank potential, and for pudge and Mirana a way to save your cores(ult or hook). Just make sure you ward according to how your cores play, so they don't whine and you're good


          ^^pretty sure he asked for pos4 and 5 heroes

          SASA POPOVIC

            Yeah but in that bracket only thing thats expexted from pos 5 is to spam wards dont touch creeps, they will not follow his initiation unless they are 110% sure they can get a kill.

            For pos4 he can try SB balanar or Tuskar but that can could be dodgy if he ddoesnt snowball fast or worse if he snowballs and team doesnt use the advantage.

            Doomed if he does, doomed if he doesnt.

            His best bet is to practice micro and abuse necronimicon meta on beastmaster and lycan if he wants quick way out.

            Cancer Malaria

              @Project Tide
              Ranked in 2k play carry? I would if the other 4 players havent already pick am, specter, invoker, medusa. I will always, ALWAYS PICK last. I dont care if we are losing gold. I rather lose gold than have freaking 5 cores in a team and lose 20mins game. since i always last pick , last pick will never get core. My gameplay is even almost 50-50 spilt support - carry. I like to pick what the team needs rather than selfish 1st carry and the other 4 player continue carry picking. My winrate in ranked isnt 90% skyrocketting increase. But its decent enough to slowing grind up. Picking carry in 2k? Common. Picking support in 2k? Game breaking(if you know what you're doing).

              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                not true mate, there are people willing to support in 2k (I don't talk about myself, I met alot of support players in my game)

                Cancer Malaria

                  @Magnum Shaman is good cant argue that. But he is hella squishy. I usually go for him if the other 4 hero lack pushing and disable. Havent use disruptor or Witch Doctor. Might as well try it out. Bounty is my favourite, i got 70% winrate with that hero, but i consider him to be vision base and not really teamfight controller unlike Earthshaker, love BH anyways. Pudge and mirana out of the question hahahaha, i cant land a decent hook or arrow, imma stay away from those heroes.

                  Cancer Malaria

                    @POSITIVITY of course there are players willing to support, myself included. My most used heroes are support. But ranked, people are scared and pick what they desire. So yea, I'll pick what the team need 4th and 5th position all the way

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                    SASA POPOVIC

                      But in that case you should pick support first, last picks are for carry/midder so they dont get countered and lose the lane, later the game.

                      Yoi can play effective against counter only if you are 2 brackets higer than your opponents even then its not really a walk in the park since you are not allowed to make a single mistake.

                      Also i win 5 core games regularly in low bracket since games always last for atleast 45minutes so even slowest farmer will get sixsloted by that time

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                      Cancer Malaria

                        @Project Tide I prefer to pick last, cause i always use my last pick support to counter their cores. bane to counter am escape. BH to counter their riki or mirana. ES to counter fight.

                        SASA POPOVIC


                          We didn't havr support their support warded all map, it didnt helped, wards are only good if your team knows how to use them!

                          Cancer Malaria

                            @Project I ward for myself, I ward for my vision on the map. If im lucky sometimes my carry does use them effectively. Being support does not mean ONLY buying ward.


                              Pick pos 4 or 5 heroes that can transition to carry items and can sustain themselves in late game if necessary.We all know how games are played in 2k, a hero that fits this description is VS.

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                              federal agent

                                I picked luna to get out of 2k

                                Just farm and hit towers. 2k's can't deal with splitpush + lane pressure


                                  2ks and bottom 3ks cant deal with anything that requires team coordination to kill, because they dont have any team coordination.

                                  Source: personal experience

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    WK/CK pos 4

                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      Anything should work tbh

                                      Just avoid overly defensive heroes that doesn't give much in teamfights like BH

                                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                        honestly look at my last game
                                        it was an averaging high 1k. not even 2k

                                        I picked my hero second after gyro
                                        it wasn't focused on teamfight, we had both with gyro and sniper, which are good objective takers. and we didn't pick to counter (except disruptor who picked after morph). we actually didn't communicate in the laning phase at all

                                        it was amazing. despite not trying to synergies we complemented each otherquiet well with alot of cc
                                        and we all had tolerance to one another and understood our role. and after the laning phase everyone wanted to stick together and play coordinately, we constantly pushed the lanes, smoke ganked, and took objectives. nobody did something that wasn't aggreed upon the team (like how we coordinated with ward cooldown to when gyro could farm woods)
                                        and we are all about 1-2k remind you

                                        people aren't the cancer usually they are said to be, most of the players are just people that want to play and have fun as a team. it's like once in 3-4 games that you get someone who distance himself from everyone, but ofcourse, those are the ones who stand out

                                        just pick a good hero to fit a role, and maybe try someone who fills a need in your team, rather than comboing or countering

                                        from my personal experience, usually if you pick support first than people would be less hasty picking a selfish uncoordinated hero like junglers, because they see that there's a person in the team willing to dedicate himself for the entire team, so they would feel more obligated to do so as well

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                                        30 YEAR OLD DOTA VETERAN

                                          If you thinking of teamfight in 2k. Your brain must be 1k