General Discussion

General DiscussionShould i commit sudoku?

Should i commit sudoku? in General Discussion

    Been playing dota for quite awhile now (mostly support role). Knows what item does and more or less know the majority of when should i make them. And today i've just realized that dust actually slows enemy by 20%.

    Am i disabled?
    Should i get some prosthethics?


      only if theyre invis


        Still tho, i should've realized it a long time ago.

        Este comentario fue editado
        Mlada i Luda

          just commit sudoku like an honorable warrior


            yes BUT only after hanging urself first

            Este comentario fue editado
            Banskiie II

              This is awkward. Bro, sudoku is a newspaper game. I think you meant seppuku.

              Lruce Bee

                i knew that long ago dude.

                did you know you can use smoke to dodge shit?


                  @HanYolo yea dude.


                    @don'tgiveup thats part of the joke.

                    Lruce Bee

                      did u know smoke gives u movespeefd?


                        Did you know that picking invoker gives your team a huge disadvantage?


                          Dust slows enemy wtf have i been doing for 650 gamed maybe i belong in 2k.😣


                            Did you know that Aegis gives you Wraith King Ultimate?

                            And did you know that you cant commit sudoku if you have Aegis?


                              did u know that what invoker do is losing midlane early game then proceed to jungle all day and KS with sunstrike

                              주 롄양

                                did u know aegis pronounced as ayy-jis?


                                  ^ did you know some guys in icefrog are really paid for that tooltip


                                    i used to think dust slowed regardless so i bought it and used it on heroes just for the slow even if they didnt have invis