General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm done! very fair matches! very fair!

I'm done! very fair matches! very fair! in General Discussion

    see this : and whom said to me, u must better than average to raise mmr, or some bullshit like that tell me what can i do when this shitty calibration placed me among stone age humans(i doubt humans can be such stupid!)? what can i do more? i raped safelane carry 2v1 lane ! i fucking did all initiations and my zeus watching me die!!!

    the funny things is always my teammate are 40% winrate shits that always play core!!! and on the other side every things going fine! lol

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        Failed smurf


          Youre herald so play carry only there,let carry real players


            Well you're gonna climb out of your bracket if you're good enough either way.

            Remember friend
            If your team is full of retards, it is very likely that the enemy team is full of retards as well.

            Stay positive bro, it doesnt matter where you are now you are gonna climb out of it if you deserve it.

            I suggest not spamming your games and take breaks in between.


              I dont see what your problem is mate, just sell that account it is worth more than a legend acc anyway


                I dont undestand what are u talking about???? ( all of u!)
                selling my account??? this is my main account and i'm not smurfing! of course i started on another guardian account but when i became better i created this new account!

                and @no!re u didn't get the topic point! i'm saying this is unfair matchmakeing!!! my team always seems retarder (every game i lose i check their winrates and they are below 40% and the other team 50% at least!)

                Lruce Bee

                  Haha stop stop being so bad bro


                    another one:
                    nicely 40% winrate team against 54%
                    so fair match
                    my pos 4,5
                    no warding
                    2v1 dr and sk against lc lost the lane in godlike state lmao
                    and i fucking play 3v1 and won the lane :/
                    so fair


                      do you realise you're a moron complaining on the forum where no one gives a fuck about what you have to say

                      Este comentario fue editado
                      SASA POPOVIC

                        You know what your problem is? You are in trash bracket and you rely on your teammates to win games.

                        Thats bullshit from multiple reasons. They have no idea what to do and whonto focus in teamclash, their awareness is 0, target choices are bad and they willl get confused and screw up.

                        So to win you have to splitpush and pressure their lanes to try to draged them out all over the map avoid clashing at all cost unless you are 100% sure you gonna win it.

                        SASA POPOVIC

                          Also avoid complaining on this forum, dota is shit game that makes evryone playing it miserable, only way for people who play it to find happiness are threads like this where they can see that other people miseravle too so they can feed on it by typing "lul n00b" "git gud xd" etc


                            I have been trying to get out of my trench and i finally started to climb. Just stay positive if ur better than those noobs u will climb

                            Lruce Bee

                              How do you even win your lane and lose the game?? You must be Super bad ! Haha