General Discussion

General DiscussionShadow Friend laning question

Shadow Friend laning question in General Discussion
Emperor Xu Mail

    If i have kill potential on the enemy midlaner, do I still push the lane and clear jungle camps in a repetitive cycle or do I stay in lane hoping to get a kill every time he wants a last hit? What exactly is lane domination in that case?

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      If u can make the mid go 0-7 then do it
      No reason to AFK farm when u can make the enemies mid tilt


        It really is a tradeoff you need to weight in your mind of accelerating your own farm vs. starving theirs. If I am in any Laning situation I need to balance this concept and understand which is more important. If you scenario we could consider it as such:

        Push Lane and get 1 camp every other wave: +10-20% for you own farm.


        Keeping lane equilibrium, zoning opposing mid, contesting last bits and denying, potential kills: limiting opposing laner's exp and gold by 25-75% depending on ability and matchup.

        I feel that the biggest impact on the game in this case is working on starving the opposing mid to create the biggest discrepancy of power rather than being focused on getting maximum farm for yourself.

        But also take into account the risk if opposing team has aggressive bankers as pushing lanes could be safer.

        All in all I usually find it most important to starve an opponent rather than get extra fat myself. Although this also hinges on that the person I am starving has a similar or higher role in the game than I. For example, in a Position 1 safelane vs. offline I would prioritize farm over starving offlaner as that is my role, to carry.

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        Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

          I think it depends on wheter or not that enemy mid'll be a threat to you and your team later on.

          Usually you should be able to easily kill anyone out of position with SF in a matter of seconds and switch to your casual farming pathern anyawys. imo.


            never discount the value of tilting the other team by repeatedly feeding on one of their heroes.

            no tilt

              ^ the goal is to make the enemy team spam EZ MID REPORT 10 minutes into the game


                nuke wave :45, run instant to camp - stack it :54, go back to lane and dominate lane - once timer hits :45 again rinse and repeat. you snowball so hard on sf, its a tradeoff if you stay in lane all the time and just deny/try to raze him


                  Deny every creep, then force the enemy to jungle, u should be lvl 8 by the time he hits lvl 4


                    I was taught when I'm having an advantage I can either:

                    1 - use that advantage to further my farm exponentially or
                    2 - use that advantage to stop the opponent from getting farms

                    Starving resources from opponents seemed to be better off in this meta, although kills are definitely relevant throughout the game. Haven't been playing for a while but sacrificing all your regen to get that 1 or 2 kills early on isn't worth it imo as you might potentially destroy creep equilibrium and give that 1 or 2 waves away, thus swinging the advantage away from you. If the kill doesn't demand you to do some shenanigans by all means take it, but more often than not its far more efficient zoning opponents and trading hits and starving farm, which in a way fulfills your objective in the lane.