General Discussion

General Discussionevery game winnable my ass

every game winnable my ass in General Discussion
dont be thrilled by this ...

    heres when you lose :

    2 dumbs mark pos 1 and pos 2
    the alchemist is safe carry who is totally unskilled, dies at least 2 times to neutrals, builds a late(18 min) radi and the fucking radi is always turned off, i told him 3-4 time and he doesnt care
    in picking phase the retard marked mid as sniper, enemy has alrdy picked pudge and antimage, im telling him with reason that sniper is total fail pick but he still takes it ....
    we have a bara which charges like assholes into 3-4-5 enemies and caries no dust vs shadowblades and ghostwalk

    last scene: our supp aa dcs and after 5 min the game is safe to leave, bara and alche leave immediately, im left with a dumpster sniper vs 5 fat enemies. now win my dick


      Stop playing when u start to tilt like constantly flaming, call it a day. Only play when you are in a peak condition, in a sense, every game is winnable depending on how your teammates decide on stuff.

      Remember: everyone plays a part to win the game

      dont be thrilled by this ...

        man we all knew sniper is a lost pick when theres alrdy butcher and am in game ... and it was a fail mid eventhou i ganked mid invo several times as an offlaner
        how is an alche with a switched off radi in pocket for at least 10 mins plays a part? (it was his only big item)
        pos1&2 cost you the game, a disconnected supp cant win you a game


          probably couldn't have won the game but pretty sure some of the loss is on you seeing as AM got a 10min no boots battlefury whilst you were playing offlane. find it hard to believe you and bara couldn't have done something about that.


            U tried ur best, but ur teammates made a lot of mistakes, accept the lose and move on are the only 2 things that you can do


              Play for fun not to get stressed. Play on your peak condition where your mind and spirit has positivism and calmness to win. Get a life.


                listen to abyss watcher ++


                  That's one fucking game, and even if it's not winnable what about last 2000 games you've lost? Each of them was unwinable?

                  Get over it.


                    still 2k after 3500 games xD



                      I have no issue being 2k/3k/4k or whatever after (insert the amount of games) if people don't complain about it.

                      However if you're complaining that everyone's bad and that's why you're 2k/3k/4k then you're fucking stupid and delusional.

                      To be honest, everyone goes through the phase simular to what I mentioned above but regardless of that, eventually you should be able to actually realise it's about you and not about anyone else.


                        ^I was talking abt the author not u xD

                        Story Time

                          i like how people say "play when yuo are in a peak condition" but hey, I go to work when i am in a pick condition and late night i just wanna have some fun. I do not use my peak condition for a shitty online game

                          dont be thrilled by this ...

                            Abyss Watcher : i got you bro

                            DĀRTH: man no matter how hard i try theres so much similar matches with same condition ... people in my bracket mark mid and only know to play 2 heroes(pa and sniper) you dont know how many matches ive lost in picking phase, seems i gonna be 2k forever

                            fake plastic trees: theres so much more games with same condition when my cores even lose in draft phase ... and they insist on bein a core (mid/carry specially)

                            its a loop ... you win some games, you get matched with some low stats players and you lose some games ... and its how you stay at same range of mmr


                              There is a thread for this, I don't need extra whine threads ty


                                @ Darth

                                I know man, I was just talking in general. Being 2k or 3k or even 4k doesn't actually change the fact that after 5000 games you're still pretty trash. Investing huge amount of time even casually at this game and being just 3k/4k is awful to begin with - but if you're fine with it (i'm honestly not, but i'm not too motivated to change something, so, lazy) then you're okay


                                  @ thin aint fun anymore

                                  Any bracket below 5k is actually easily escapable by any decent player. I hate to burst your buble mate, but sadly we're just bad for one reason or another.

                                  Drafting phase, bad teammates, etc, etc...

                                  Eventually it all doesn't matter, because in a long run, let's say 100 matches, 5k/6k player would win 90/80/70% of the games in the 2k/3k/4k or even more...

                                  I'll give you a few cents about community - yes, it sucks and it's toxic and probably one of the worst communities out there if not the worst - but to be fair, I doubt the average Dota 2 player is above 19-20 years old if not below that age, so if you actually think about it - it's completely normal to have such a toxic community.

                                  Most of the people in early 20s or a bit below are still pretty much young teneegers and they still need to learn a lot about their personal development...

                                  Yeah in general, exepctions may be found but are probably just a few, on average, your typical Dota 2 guy is toxic and delusinal for x reasons..

                                  jeremy meeks' personality

                                    wow sniper still got tango in inventory