General Discussion

General Discussionhow to successfull report someone smurfing?

how to successfull report someone smurfing? in General Discussion

    Is there a way to report someone besides the reporting system for smurfing? I am kinda sick of playing at a disparity level so high that you are literally playing against a disparity of skill so high that you end up playing against 3 safe lanes and the report number is limited too.
    It is funn that Valve just finished bragging about how good they are at detecting smurfs like one or 2 months ago and you still have no way of reporting those account besides the report system that is complete garbage.

    I mean when someone is so obviously smurfing as this guy demonstrates, then I seriously want valve to shove their braggine directly in their butthole.

    Mode Idiot

      All your team report him. Make same coment. SMURFING.

      Mode Idiot

        Btw, is this real? 23 games and already play rank with legend 5??

        me, government hooker

          too bad smurfing is not prohibited and nothing will happen so report all u want

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            you cant do shit to boosters.. im 2k and every 5th game im against booster.. i have played with booster in my team just 2 or 3 games and the game was easy af.. i was running around the map like a retard and the booster won me the game by himself.. but..... i often play VS the booster and i end up losing :D russia is fucked country.. they have boosting services so high mmr players are joining and they are getting money out of it.. sitting home boosting 1k accounts to 4k or 5k and getting payed.. ez


              i can link you 10 boosters that i have met in last 30 days.. they all have dotabuff so you will see 40 win streaks with broodmother or meepo.. they can even stomp you with io mid.. its crazy

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                Can't report someone for smurfing, it's not 'illegal' or whatever, IF it was illegal, Arteezy woulda been perma IP banned by now.
                Smurfs are an opportunity for you to learn something, Download the game, and look how HE solo wins the game, learn from that, and get better.


                  Yeah you see, not everybody is trying to see what the best player in the game is playing like, otherwise we would have a few million people who are doing nothing but sitting in their houses and playing a computer game all the time. The reason there is a ranked system is that the player of simillar levels are being matched against each other, yet you have all the time players who aren't willing to compete against players of their own level and when someone brings up this fact that they are avoiding their own level to fit players who in no way have a chance against them, you are suddenly seen as a noob and should suck it up, just because valve doesn't want to lose their retarded posterboys as the mentioned rtz.

                  I am not trying to get to a higher level of playing, I am trying to win a game against someone who is similar to my level of playing and I see nothing wrong with it, because there is a difference of at least 2k or even more mmr between these smurfs and their counterparts.

                  Now lets try to explain it one more time because I see a lot of confusion on this topic:
                  lets say you have a football match of pretty even players who are winning the game at a similar rate if we look at the distribution. They might end up even winning like 5-0 on each side but the main picture says that they are pretty even.

                  Now lets substitute just one player of each team with one player who is far beyond the levels of game understanding and game play overall.
                  What will happen is that the team with the standard lineup will get destroyed every single time but this player alone.
                  The winning team will not improve bacause they are basically doing less then they usually do and the losing team will think that they are underperforming for some reason because the matchmaking system told them and everything is the same as before.

                  And what is the reason for all of this? The personal enjoyment of one single individual who has nothing better to do with his life than to create more accounts in a game that he mastered and is being matched with players who didn't master the game.

                  Literally everybody in this scenario is in a losing situation yet there are still guys defending this behaviour because it is fun to insult people online.

                  Let me guess, I should suck it up because the problem is obviously in me, right?


                    Lol, smurfing is fun, wrecking noobs is very fun lol

                    no tilt

                      smurfing is just wrong. why would anyone do it?


                        Its fun but its wrong, doesnt the fact that its morally wrong and yet very fun to do turns you on??


                          you cant learn from boosters.. thats like saying go watch kobey how he plays and learn.. lul.. u cant learn.. you wont know why is he making that moves.. boosters needs to stay on their main accs and stop going into 1k-4k games


                            Well the problem isn't with the boosters themself, they are doing what turns them on and they see no reason why they shouldn't because we don't have any rules for that behaviour.
                            It is on valve to regulate this but they obviously don't care about their player base because the player number count in the last month number doesn't go down since there are new accounts being created.

                            Solo Leveling

                              Bad players dont like being reminded they are bad



                                ^you are so dumb actually


                                  Who cares. You don't run into it all the time. When you get good at a game you will understand. Sometimes You just want to practice. Heck my Little blue guy has a 70% win-rate


                                    good luck hah


                                      u get completely victimized by him and then report him and you both move on

                                      then his conduct summary reads 1/18/0 and he is affected none by ur hurt feelings

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                                        oh, the hurt feelings argument
                                        let me guess, in your story I am a liberal arts student?

                                        having a bad game experience and wanting to improve the game overall makes my feelings hurt
                                        if only my god damn feelings weren't so fawking hawt gu gu ga ga

                                        I have a better idea: remove the mmr relative that determines what players are matched with each other and match only really good players against really bad players, like devine against herald, no matter what game mode

                                        the heralds will watche the good players play all the time and will either improve or leave the game and when we finish with this we will get the perfect utopia of dota 2 with only the stongest left

                                        all this time I thought it was about balancing the game to make it enjoyable for everybody but now I realize it is instead to please some lifeless jerks who have nothing better to do with their life than to create a horde of accounts to play against players who don't have countless time at their hands


                                        please, next thing solve world hunger with your overwhelming intelligence

                                        Solo Leveling

                                          You can always try to get GUD


                                            hilarious original joke

                                            bill burr in the making

                                            I like how you are not even able to get a 2 word with 6 signs meme right, that is some next level shit right there, yet you are trying to write someone git gud

                                            seems like there will be nothing constructive over here so if some admin sees this please just lock the thread

                                            low impact palyer

                                              You can always try to get GUD

                                              You're not really in a position to tell people to git gud if you intentionally play with an unfair advantage.

                                              Smurfing is an inevitability, but everyone knows people do it because it's funny to ruin bad players' games. No point in lying about it.


                                                So I did a little research on the whole banning and reporting thing nad it led me to the site.

                                                I read a few things here and there and I stumbled upon this thread:

                                                The guy:

                                                His wordcloud:

                                                There literally seems to be no hope in even reporting someone there since the guys reporting it are the worst kind of toxic I can imagine.
                                                And I thought dotabuff was toxic...

                                                lone dog

                                                  People who smurf smh


                                                    theyre all retards right

                                                    Solo Leveling

                                                      Wow i never realized triggering plebs was so easy. Can i tryout to be the next HanYolo


                                                        life goals


                                                          Non-Smurfs: I want balanced games.
                                                          Smurfs: I don't care about ruining matches for nine other people so I can have fun seal clubbing.

                                                          boni top fan

                                                            ^ u only ruin the games of the enemy team tbh as a smurf


                                                              Seriously though, people can learn from what smurfs are doing by watching their game, about how the smurf stomped their team or how he carried his team. I cant see how smurfing destroys this game.

                                                              Semeone just killed you fool

                                                                That smurfer is SW scripter too lols


                                                                  Give an example, what exactly can they learn when the positioning, game sense in general and choices that his opponents make are just terrible.
                                                                  This would be the first time I heard someone say "Hey, look here is a smurf destroying a random pub game about 2k mmr bellow his, learn from it"

                                                                  the only thing they would learn is how to destroy 3k pub games and not learn anything about the game itself. A big part in learning is how and why to adapt in certain situations that can't be learned by watching a smurf.

                                                                  Well, the heck, tell me what exactly you think could be learned.

                                                                  me, government hooker

                                                                    u actually dont learn anything from watching replays. u gonna watch it and not understand anything and the things u do understand are obvious points where ure gonna tell urself “yea i shouldnt have done this” and do it next game anyways

                                                                    instead if u wanna get better watch pros and copy what they do

                                                                    Lruce Bee

                                                                      Well what happens when you suddenly become so damn good you are better than everyone and stomp noobs every game. Is there a law that says thou shalt not stomp noobs?


                                                                        ^says the 2k mmr who stomps in 1k mmr xD

                                                                        low impact palyer

                                                                          Calling it a learning experience is disingenuous, most smurf games are just boring, even if you win.

                                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                                            i mean, you cant report him for that, its not forbidden - therefore there is no such report option.


                                                                              We should just disallow people with anime profile pictures make posts or comment on posts. Can we just stop that? Please?


                                                                                Yeah fk all weebs get them out of this forum


                                                                                  eddie THICCC


                                                                                    can i tryout to be the next HanYolo

                                                                                    Yeah gl with that, nobody is beating Jacked in trolling and triggering, ever

                                                                                    dont be thrilled by this ...

                                                                                      how under 30 games and playing ranked as legend 5????


                                                                                        HanYolo actually made a good point in determining if someone is smurfing/boosting, you can't be sure that it made a click during his learning process or the guys just changed the account to play on.
                                                                                        I am, however, pretty sure that this guy is smurfing/boosting because of a period of account inactivity followed by complete stomping of every game he is in.
                                                                                        As I see he is still in the process of doing it and there is nothing to do about those games being destroyed right now.

                                                                                        I am still impressed tho that you are focusing your anger at me talking about the topic instead of the guy who is deliberately destroying other peoples games with his actions. I mean what is the purpose of regulating behaviour like feeding curiers then? It is the same think when you think about it: one person making the game unplayable for everybody on a side.
                                                                                        I would point out that a game destroyer is destroying the game for 4 people while the smurf/booster is destroying it for 5 people.

                                                                                        Lets just stop regulating games altogether and make dota the chaos it is supposed to be to please shitposting trolls on dotabuff.


                                                                                          Trust me its possible to win against boosters/smurfers, i have met a lot of boosters/smurfers and we still won against them. You just need to play as a team(make sure that your draft is good)


                                                                                            I don't want to be that guy but how far up your own ass do you have to be to start selfadvertising after almost 50 posts in this topic that has zero to do with winning the game against a smurf but how to improve the matchmaking system to prevent smurfs from taking away other peoples game experience.

                                                                                            I get it that the world is increasingly selfcentered and egoistic but seriously.

                                                                                            Fuck it, posting questions and suggestions over here is like asking a butcher to sing an anti-animal abuse petition.

                                                                                            The problem is obviously in me since I come to a toilet and act suprised when the only thing I see is shit. The only purpose of this forum is obviously to meme and to shitpost.
                                                                                            Definitely lock this, mods.


                                                                                              only dogshits smurf, those player are so bad that they can't climbe in their own barket so they start to boost thier ego by "defeating noobs",oh if you say "I play smurf cause i want practice blah blahh blah" No you play smurf cause you are dogshit in your skill barket there is normal mode for practicing heroes .

                                                                                              boni top fan


                                                                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                  Yo bro, I understand how u feel .look my last match as pango , the condition goes to such that ur own team players abuse u for losing a lane against booster and hence playing as team becomes hard.

                                                                                                  Well, think a report system for smurfs and many idiots will use that to report someone for every match he lost.
                                                                                                  At the end , a game is a software which is ultimately a collection of programs. It's not easy to make a system against smurfs. AI is an idiot and can't distinguish between a skilled player and a Smurf. And there is no one to manually check for Smurf.
                                                                                                  Pub games are local evening time football match... No one gives a damn about it.Whereas pro matches like TI are no less than a world cup being hosted every year.

                                                                                                  The irony is we yet love playing dota.


                                                                                                    only dogshits smurf, those player are so bad that they can't climbe in their own barket so they start to boost thier ego by "defeating noobs",oh if you say "I play smurf cause i want practice blah blahh blah" No you play smurf cause you are dogshit in your skill barket there is normal mode for practicing heroes .

                                                                                                    Lmao Scrubs don't know the pain of 20 min queue times. Im ancient 5 and I have to wait 10 min for a game. You know how long I wait for a game on my smurf? 2 minutes. Play 3 games that's saving me 25 minutes of my life. and I enjoy Seal clubbing on a hero I am dogshit with. Then I may actually want to practice the hero. Learn to play.


                                                                                                      ^^A shameless white dogshit with ascaris worms

                                                                                                      Only a idiot like u stares at the monitor during match finding
                                                                                                      Go clean ur butthole and eat veggies to keep good diet.. u ll save a lot of time and bonus - some of ur fucking health and life.

                                                                                                      And I admire ur guts to say that last sentence without thinking for urself

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