General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is supporting other than...

What is supporting other than... in General Discussion

    1. Healing
    2. Warding
    3. Stacking camps
    4. Disabling enemies so that my carry can attack.
    What else should I do as a support?


      5. Not rushing aghanim on WD, Warlock, Kotl etc.
      6. Outzoning enemy offlaner
      7. Understanding wininng conditions - you dont want to leave your Spectre solo on lane if he can easily carry in mid-late, while you can leave your Monkey King carry alone vs solo Axe or Bristle without much worries. (Ls vs Underlord etc.)
      8. Keeping TP ready for defensive tp's. So you dont want to tp after death but walk to the lane instead.
      9. Picking the right support.

      I suck at supporting anyways. More insightful guide you will find here:


        Winning the game for your carry


          2.b warding with purpose/objective

          10. stacking before pulling
          11. do not last hitting
          12. go mid to get exp boost (when your mid rotate/jungle)
          13. regularly check enemies items
          14. invest early sentry for riki, buy dust if u initiator
          15. buy force staff/eul/glimer

          Story Time

            no one knows about supporting because it does not exist... it is a mystery like a lochness monster or that someone on internet had s*x with your mom


              you're 1k exactly because you dont know


                Prevent idiots from costing you a game basically.


                  I suck at supporting but when I play on support my main goal is to zone out enemys offlaner. I want them to be level 1 for the first minutes of the game. If they go jungle I'm going jungle with them. If my carry pushed the lane I'm pulling the next wave. Once my carry gets level 4-5 I rotate/try to stack jungle and I'm giving my carry solo exp. --> So, I always focus on my safe lane rather than rotation to offlane or mid.

                  In late game. I try to cast as many spells as possible, use dust/put sentry wards in the fight and try to stay alive as long as possible. As position 5, you don't really have to farm a lot just make sure your carry is always farming and staying alive.
                  Believe me, carry players feel so good when they have free farm.


                    killing the enemy core asap, as a support you hit your powerspike earlier than cores abuse that shit (pos 4 supporting).

                    if you wanna enjoy playing supp
                    pick some

                    earth spirit


                      Oh, I almost forgot. Here's another advice. If you play position 5 always use your mic! I noticed that I could win even unwinnable games if I coordinate my team and try to resolve salty situations. Higher you climb on your mmr more toxic core players you will encounter! Even a simple sentence like "let me stun first" can win you a game.

                      Mad Scientist

                        i don't call a pudge, sitting 4 minutes in my lane doing nothing except missing 2 hooks until he pop clarity wait it to refill his mana, miss two hooks again then proceeds to charge with rot, aggroing the creepwave, get killed by those AA and pango, tp again to my lane, a support.


                          Basically making sure your cores are having better game than enemies cores. I would say 1/3 of your job is done in first 5-10 minutes - make sure your carry can safely farm and threathen offlaner alone. That can be done in 3 minutes, if you have trilane and have few kills (and dont steal XP). And keep vision around, so he is safe from ganks as well.

                          After this initial part (making sure your core has 1k advantage and 2 lvls ahead of enemy), rotations comes (mid, offlane).

                          flourishing new leaf

                            You should do none of those as support YET do all of them!

                            Support is not some poor bastard, supports enables and makes the game easier for your team and more difficult for your opponent. A support controls the game and adapts.

                            Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

                              Besides what others said, u also must be able to create some space for ur team, be a bait in fights, be a sacrificial lamb, annoy enemy team so they use all their ults on u lol...
                              As a pos 5 main i'd suggest u to make rotations as long as ur CURRY has free farm,or if he doesn't try to make some space. It really helps.
                              Pos 5 best pos. C: