General Discussion

General Discussionhow to increase my mmr

how to increase my mmr in General Discussion

    stuck in legend


      Learn how to use visage and spam it


        mid with visage? or offlane?


          Mid much better


            is legend normal skill? til


              Destroys Ancientus


                get better at playing dota

                Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                  win more games


                    Low 3k might even be 2.9k on a smurf... Half decent players would get the max calibration (3.5k) Your only hope is probably to get boosted or something

                    Este comentario fue editado
                    Erdal Kömürcü

                      Do not play pudge to increase your mmr if you want to get higher with roaming then learn some other heroes like earth spirit


                        Had been my issue as well for the past half year but i'd just accept the fate that i belong to this bracket


                          Im literally gonna copy paste my answer i just wrote on this other topic:

                          Ok i can totally answer this

                          Have u heard of einstein quote:
                          "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result"

                          I wanna ask u how many times have u changed ur strategy? How much have u learned in the last month? Season? Year? What are ur sources of learning dota? How much time do u have to spend getting good at dota? Do u wanna play competitively or casually?
                          How many times have u asked urself what did i do wrong then go to youtube and search about getting better at dota. How many coaching sessions availabe on utube have u watched. How many concepts have u learned? Do u know what lane equilibrium is? What dead lane is? What good farm and bad farm is? The deep concept of macro? Have u spammed a hero to know all sorts of matchups and how u should play vs each hero?

                          If the answer to majority of these is a negative or "not that much" answer, there u go. Now u have somewhere to start getting good at