General Discussion

General Discussion-Crimson Guard & Buckler

-Crimson Guard & Buckler in General Discussion

    -I just dont seem to usually buy crimson guard ( unless i am underlord ), so i have question when to and when not to but this item.
    -What about casual buckler, what is it good for and when to or when not to buy it.
    Thanks in forward.

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      I've seen Chinese players buying a casual buckler on omni, it's a great team fight hero since it provides armour for the whole team plus it gives you that early game armour that you lack so you can front line.
      Crimson is a great item versus huge physical dmg dealers usually built by the offlaners who're tanky and front-lining. Buying that on a roamer is situational tho.

      Story Time

        Tribo giving a consistent answer instead of a joke... what happened?


          ^Plebs are plebs, people who're not memeing are something else
          or am I wrong? :thinking:

          Lruce Bee

            Crimson on your usual "tanks" against ranged right clicker types


              You always have to think about what does the item do. For crimson guard the important thing is
              "100% chance to block 60 damage from each incoming attack."
              "Each incoming attack" already hints towards the times you should buy it. So always when smth is hitting you fast, or a lot is hitting you. I usually prefer to buy it in the following situations:
              Rhasta (super important, basically negates the Wards)
              WD ( negates a lot of the dmg)
              WR ( not that important because of the magic dmg she gets)

              You can basically buy it for every fast hitting hero (troll, slark, etc.) but keep in mind if the extra money might not be better invested into smth else.

              i usually buy it only for Rhasta :D


                Good against PL or brood too