General Discussion

General DiscussionSpamming

Spamming in General Discussion

    How do you do it? I just don't really have the commitment or interest to play that one favourite hero over and over.

    Oh and this isnt a thread of "i want to learn" its more the fact i wanna know why people can keep it up and enjoy it


      1-pick the hero u are going to spam
      2-pick it again
      3-pick it again and again
      4- = 1
      5- = 2
      6- = 3
      good luck have fun!

      the better spidey

        Once you realize that you can play over 100 games on a hero and STILL learn something new / be better /try out new playstyles it makes much more sense.

        Not counting the changes brought by updates.


          Favorite hero zeus
          1. First pick it so that no one else picks it
          2. Watch enemy pick viper invoker and storm
          3. Die miserably mid and blame on other teamates


            the thing about spamming is never pick it first, most preferably last but watch for your drafting

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              The more you spam, the better you play with the hero.
              Playing what you're good at feels good.

              RIP STUN GUN MORPH

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                My reason for spamming(its not like anyone care)
                - interesting mechanic : invoker(10 spell on 1hero!)
                - satisfying combo : kunkka(xmark hit creep double kill or ghost ship torrent without x mark)
                - surprise factor : riki (its interesting to sneaky sneaky and predicting where and when the dust or ward is)

                Story Time

                  Spamming is disgusting, but the only right way to play a ROLE GAME.The word ROLE is a key word here. Everytime you play a hero, you pretend to be a hero and all his abilities are your abilities. It is more exhausting to change your amplua every time, therefore spamming is easier that not spamming

                  Potato PC

                    Play/spam my favorite hero is the only reason i still play Dota.


                      Rubick is fun. Rubick is life. Every game is thrilling;

                      From every Enigma trying to include you with their blackhole. I imagine them spamming "Beware Rubick Black Hole" whenever I have it and provoke intentionally in front of a ward. Enigma, the ultimate loser of Rubick Montages.

                      The mind games you play with every Pudge as both figure out how to keep/off Rubick's hand on Meat Hook.

                      From every premature combo you can pull off against an invoker opponent, pulling off random 175% sunstrikes on long games and 175% melting meteors.

                      From every Magnus whose every skill is useful af, a bonus to pull of a Reverse Polarity out of surprise.

                      Every game with different flavors. Who say spamming is dull? Played Rubick since Dota 1 and every game still a new experience.

                      I did not pick Rubick. Rubick picked me.


                        Idk. It's different for everyone. The are a lot of heroes with different mechanics.

                        The reason I spam heroes is that my micro is awful. Thus, by playing same hero again and again I compensate for it. i don't need to think about how/when to ult or to use my abilities. I just focus on gameplay alone. So, I'm trying to improve my macro by doing this. All timings are in my head and I don't worry about it.

                        Kinda doesn't really matter what hero to spam and on what lane but choosing a right hero which you can first pick because it's strong AF is totally a benefit.

                        Also I think if you start spamming a hero you start to win more and your MMR increases. This kinda motivates people too tbh. When you win you enjoy it right?


                          if you like a hero overall and you're good with it and its fun to play you naturally tend to pick that hero.

                          and then theres the players that "counterpick" because they think they are smart, pick storm against tinker than loose laning stage hard and get a 32 min orchid because they cant really play the hero


                            I love to play Ogre Magi, even if I play it 20x in a row I will not get bored! The thing is that I don't have better chance winning as a support than play Core in my bracket even though I'm good at supportiny XD

                            KOTL ftw

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                            Leafclubb🍃 ♫

                              Some people just think a certain hero is fun, pretty much.

                              Lruce Bee

                                it's really for those more learned among us. there's so many things to practice for one hero. if you truly appreciate mastery, why would you do anything other than spamming? unless you play for fun, then you are just a filthy casual.

                                I LAG, THIS IS NOT A JOKE

                                  I like to play games where the skill of the players are at a (relatively) high level but don't have the commitment, time, patience, energy, motivation and resources to being able to rise up the mmr ladder to do so with any semblance of a decent hero pool.

                                  TLDR want to play good games whilst being a filthy casual.


                                    another Treant spammer detected.
                                    wow 1000 games on treant. dude you are my hero tbh.


                                      I never really could understand spammers either until after 2 and a half years I discovered visage 6 weeks ago. Now I just can't help it. I also queue random draft and captains with all pick just to make sure I get a little variety still. He is so fun so many buttons so much damage super tanky and mobile with his q.

                                      flourishing new leaf

                                        Play fun heroes, simple


                                          Also i play spirit breaker when i play after i have been to the gym. dont have to think that hard and not many buttons to press


                                            Or spam becouse you find yourself on hero you play (personality pick post) when i play io,even i carry team i know its all about helping each other,saving,healing making a fucking plays and be the one who never go rude to teammates,always stay behind them thats my role thats why i spam io there is no other hero like io,not even close


                                              I like to find a girl who plays IO and marry her


                                                i spam my favorite heroes Clinkz/Lycan that even my enemy has lots of counters to me i know how to handle. it gradually improved my itemsation and decision making. I was herald 30 days ago, now archon[1]... im targetting to reach ancient by month... My lycan streak is 16, Clinkz is 11.

                                                Anonymous mode- No chat

                                                  Dude. The thing with spamming is exactly about personality. Partly attachment, mostly the way the hero plays that makes them feel fun- like that’s how dota should be for them.

                                                  I mean, it’s like soccer. some people have fun playing goalkeeper their whole life. Who’s to judge?


                                                    There is merit to spamming a hero as you basically learn all the weakness and strengths of the hero and how to push them and play around them. For example someone can tell you x hero is bad or good against x hero but if you havent experienced why, it doesnt mean anything. Thats why you see low MMR players pick Earth Shaker against PL and do well. Yet when you see a high MMR player in the same match up the PL will often out perform the ES because they understand how to use their illusions to harass the enemy ES So they never have mana or blink up to use their combo effectively. The high MMR player has played more PL and therefore understands the match up better. You cant boil it down to "my ulti hurts when theres a lot of things so therefore i counter pl" theres more to a hero than just that. Spamming a hero is pretty much all about learning those things and really fun when you're understanding it.

                                                    100% WINRATE MASTER

                                                      mckjohan, u will experience the change when u reach higher skill level games. dont be too obsessed with ur current heroes win rate or kda.but anyway gd luck to ancient

                                                      ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                        I did not pick Rubick. Rubick picked me.

                                                        That's beautiful mate.

                                                        CARRY OR FEED

                                                          Spam a hero that you like. I spammed Morphling because he is fun despite his winrate 41% LUL. Still hitting 64-65% winrate. hitting to target 70% soon!


                                                            u need to know why did u spamm at first place... ussually if u spamm for climbing mmr u wouldnt get bored coz u know its for ur mmr but if its for learn well u need strong will to do it


                                                              Im a spammer and i do sometimes get bored but thats why i play fun heros. the more you spam it the better you get and theres where the fun begins


                                                                @EASY GAME THANK YOU

                                                                yeah i know, somebody i will meet better player, more aggressive counter, and by that time, I hope i also learn something new how to handle it using my favorite hero....

                                                                Just like what @Dread says learn all the weakness and strengths of the hero....


                                                                  spamming is the only way


                                                                    The people who spam heroes don't enjoy it. They think that :

                                                                    Step 1 : Spam Hero
                                                                    Step 2: Achieve higher mmr
                                                                    Step 3: ???
                                                                    Step 4 : Pro gamer