General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy am I getting reported

Why am I getting reported in General Discussion

    This is the result of my previous 10 matches. My last summary had 4 reports in 2 matches, now I got a summary for 7 reports in 4 matches. How is this possible and why am I about to be punished with low priority once again? Keep in mind I have 34 commends in past 25 games.


      Look at your games from 2017. I see like 5 in a row with 25 or more deaths. Very clear intentional feeding. You’re a griefer. Sleep in the bed you made


        ? you're a retard thanks


          Yeah. Look at your games on the second page of your history. You intentionally feed. You think no one would look? Cry more and keeping buying accounts


            Can someone with down's stop talking in my thread?


              I think OP is talking about RECENT games summary so I don't think that shit matters. Anyway as far as I noticed I have been reported fairly often, but it seems like commends kind of work like a counterweight to reports so you shouldn't get a low priority.

              And you know... People might sometimes report you just for dumpstering them on middle or something.


                Looks like your kills far out way your assist , you must be kill stealing your teammates.


                  That is a screen shot from another account. It’s not clear, because we don’t have the account, if he’s a feeder like he was on this account, what his word cloud looks like, or if he’s a smurf. The history on this account explains the lpq.


                    I had 10+ reports a few times without losing a single game too on my smurf, never used chat or anything just smashed games, prob enemies or sth.


                      Yeah could be enemies. But still, multiple enemies per game is weird :|

                      Also funny how that guy still doesn't realise what's up with those games.

                      me, government hooker

                        u wont get lp from enemy reports


                          LOL wordcloud, I would report you too


                            can u give me ure behaviour score and account flag here is a goide:


                              [Developer] behavior_score: Normal


                                a year ago or so i played with you and you were easily top 3 most toxic player i have ever encountered in dota


                                  independent confirmation


                                    Confirmation of what? Monkeys circlejerking about things they don't understand and not even relevant to the topic? Please mods can you already add the ability to block sub-divines from posting in the threads? This feature was requested like 4 years ago already.

                                    Now about that time. Lmao idk why I joined that battle cup with incompetent doofuses. inx4c who barely has 50 iq and can't play beastmaster asked to play a beastmaster and he said he can play it, he's 5,5k and spammed beast to get there, after all XD. Played worse than a 3k who picked up beast and didn't know a single thing about the hero. How to play in the lane, how to position himself, what items to buy, what skills to level and anything could have been picked up apart and pointed to be 3k or lower level.

                                    You don't know what toxicity is, you are the one who's actually toxic and ignorant and can't separate criticism from flame and would rather ruin a game to feel good about himself and ask for karma points on the internet.

                                    Geez, the lowskill brigade is on fire today.

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                                      Guys why do people report me?



                                        the thing about toxic people are, they don't know they are toxic, duh

                                        SEA ranked #1 Feeder KEK

                                          Guys.. op is trolling. He intentionally doesnt show his acct and the acct he is using to post is not even the same. Waste of time.


                                            You need a divine player to tell you you're a dick? Even if I couldn't see your wordcloud, I could tell you're a toxic person from your responses on this post. Don't come here acting like a victim when you clearly are the problem.

                                            cursed by Gaben

                                              Surely ur smurfing with new account currently. Just checked your high skill level account, the chat log shows that u started blaming ur team in all chat after the game started in 5 mins. Case closed. Ur cancer


                                                Side note: I always report smurfs. It’s not that hard to tell when you look at someone’s account and they have 90% winrate in their first supposedly 100 games and they are 1 v 5ing your team.

                                                i have 5 reports to use

                                                  Just down vote this toxic individual, his word cloud says enough.

                                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                    dk about you, but 9 out of my last 14 games are red

                                                    I just got a conduct summary 2 games ago. with <3 reports and 29 commends

                                                    Lruce Bee

                                                      Holy shit. Low skill brigade. I'm actually a huge fan of this guy right now. His toxic poetry is something I aspire to.


                                                        U didn't even bother to listen i asked for ure behaviour score it's between 0-10k an acc flag 0-10 go find them and i can tell u why ure getting reported how to find them:


                                                          When someone boosted you 😂


                                                            rofl u just confirmed ur toxicity to everyone
                                                            and i didnt even remember playing bm in the same game with you, i was referring to a different game
                                                            i guess its irrelevant now, everybody knows ure just toxic and ur question was answered

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                                                              op is easily the most toxic person i have played with so far

                                                              Story Time

                                                                zus, add me, you wont regret, please, no toxic, promise good support xD


                                                                  Zus, how can you check if you’ve played with? How do you remember the toxicity?


                                                                    can someone post a link to his wordcloud


                                                                      Wake up. The community doesn't like you. We don't want you. We don't care if you solo carry games - we just want to play with reasonable people who try to win and don't make 40mins of our free-time miserable. Don't like it? Fuck off to a different game. Simples.

                                                                      Arthritic Quadragenarian

                                                                        Well said Rocket.


                                                                          Bungmangler I posted it above


                                                                            Thanks I missed that..

                                                                            yes he has a great word cloud doesn't he


                                                                              @story time you can add me if u want, ur steam is private for me xd

                                                                              @chromo cat dunno, i just remember him being mean to me and other people in stacks he got invited to


                                                                                Ayy Lmao. This zus is yet another clown who would rather ruin a game than admit his faults. Played one game recently and decided to meme him just a little bit for being the snowflake he was. Looks like it worked and it spread around the circlejerk Xd

                                                                                As I can see the majority of dotabuff is already heavily braindamaged after the sjw mods takeover. But no worries, lowbobs can be lowbobs all they want. The fact nearly none of you looked at the actual situation and decided to go on superficial information to show yourselves as toxic sheep is a joke in itself.

                                                                                If it's just a bunch of manlets virtually screaming "DAS RAYCISS" at something they don't understand is about the best you can do - stop it already as you're only embarrassing yourselves.


                                                                                  Dude, just fucking look at how you're reacting to people in this thread. Your first reaction to anything is extremely negative. This is why you get reported. It might be so ingrained in you that you don't even realize you're doing it so maybe you're forgetting it or think "OH hey this is just how normal dota players act!" no, it isn't. Im a relatively new player but even when I was bad and learning Ive NEVER had the <3 reports on my conduct summary.

                                                                                  I highly, highly recommend you start playing dota with everyone on your team and enemy team muted and without a mic connected and try your fucking hardest to not flame people if they're playing badly. I promise you that you will see an a decrease in lack of reports.

                                                                                  And for christ sake if you're going to go on a rant can you please try to use insults that aren't basically conservative buzzwords, they're incredibly played out by now. Get creative, if anything it will atleast make the people reporting you go, "well atleast it wasnt the usual insults people lob out of their disgusting gobs."

                                                                                  Seriously, you need to grow up. Don't make a thread asking people why you've been reported and when they tell you, you go completely unhinged, start shitting in your hand, and throwing it around the room and then calling everyone else the crazed monkeys. You are. You are the crazed monkey throwing shit everywhere and if you want to stop being reported in game this is the exact behavior you need to cut back on. If you don't your two options are to rot in queue with people like you or stop playing Dota.

                                                                                  "Stop it already as you're only embarrassing yourselves." Your own quote, my dude. Grow the fuck up.


                                                                                    Ah, a mentally incapable all-knowing high and mighty righteous pokemon appeared once again!

                                                                                    You're so out of context and missed the whole point by such a huge margin and had so many assumptions that were outright wrong that there's literally nothing to reply to you. Try again. Better yet, stay out of what you don't understand. There have been a few walking meatballs that have something personal with me and they tried to spin it their way. My replies to them are in no way relevant to the thread. Just as their replies were in the first place.


                                                                                      Reports are limited in dota.. If more than one person spends their precious reports on u, then that reflects something about you doesn't it?

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                                                                                        You are implying they are precious. That's not really the case though.

                                                                                        And I clearly provided the past 10 games (can't get any cleaner games than that) in which I got 3 reports on the summary. Are you missing the commends part, too?

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                                                                                          literally an untamed dog :D
                                                                                          just keeps on barking

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                                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                            wow op
                                                                                            if ure trolling then grc i guess but if ure not

                                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                              wait ure the same guy who spammed "SUPER SECERET THREADS xD" here a while ago arent you?


                                                                                                gotta wonder why he will only post screen shots from a different account. Probably trying to hide wordcloud/smurf games/ feed patterns. Anyone who feds 30 kills 5 games in a row is a toxic avenger

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                                                                                                  90% of your replies are insults. You're probably getting reported because you're a flamer.

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                                                                                                    Someone just tell him his epeen is huge so he can take a nap.