General Discussion

General DiscussionMy recalibration fate...(75% were true)

My recalibration fate...(75% were true) in General Discussion

    Cursed as always
    Either maintain or decrease
    Wont let me get high mmr
    Will always give me dumb allies
    But gives smart enemies

    My hero counterpicked while-
    Enemy doesnt get any counterpicks
    I may counterpick
    But that puts me into uncomfortable zone
    To lose the game...

    Currently 3-2
    What will happen to me
    Dumb teammates
    Throwers and griefers
    Dcs and other issues

    Oh help me
    For this is my chance to escape
    I proved myself worthy
    To be in higher bracket

    Spamming and boosting
    Seems ineffective
    Play carry when u got dumb supp
    Play supp when u got dumb carry

    Spectre and clinkz
    Doesnt seem to work
    Zeus and visage
    But they took mid..
    Always adjust, always adjust
    Just made the situation worse

    Oh help me
    Oh help me
    Lift me up
    By breaking this curse

    Not a noob here
    Commends flooding me
    Friends in high mmr
    Wants to play with me

    I rly dont know why I did this but this is my life in dota. This is obviously a curse. Now I am here crying for I may fail this calibration once again :(

    EDIT: oh I just finished recalibrating and most of these were actually true. score of 5-5 and gained 1 mmr.

    Este tema ha sido editado

      spitting dem :fire: verses


        Hello, they fixed calibration so you cant fail it anymore, you dont get retarded amount of MMR anymore its literally like playing 10 ranked games so chill.

        Este comentario fue editado

          curse weakens?
          I may have a chance!
          but too small means
          low value

          my mind goes insane
          I cried
          Now I am depressed
          what should I do, what should I do
          For I need something to do!

          Thanks, but fixing it means lowering the mmr increase? Back to grind once again!

          still 3-2 and I'm too scared to play.

          Lruce Bee

            the trench never ends
            when you support your carry can't last hit,
            but all you do is ward and don't get no commends
            buying no regen and trying to trade hits,
            1 12 on a rubick with no good steals,
            sitting far back and calling 'end'.

            next game calling mid and first picking
            two tangoes one ward but they ain't got no respect
            two enemy supports in my lane so fucking
            stupid, dive me but what can i do i'm just a spec
            don't need no counter rotations im a legend in the making.

            can't decide on a strat, can't adapt
            maybe i'm just a cuck and i'm just bad
            my teammates are trash no doubt,
            but you fail to punish the enemy junglers, which is just sad.


              Insert my ass is flying in havanananananana lyrix


                Roses are red
                Violets are blue
                Gaben so harsh
                Uninstall dota 2


                  The lyrics seems lit. What song should i play to sing the lyrics?

                  chicken spook,,,,


